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  • 2月1日至2月,美国东北部遭遇暴风雪侵袭,部分地区降雪近3英尺(0.91[52]
  • 2月1日,
    • 演员伊雯·瑞秋·伍德自爆年少时被歌手瑪麗蓮·曼森诱拐,多年来一直被对方侵犯。随后又有四名女性指控曼森对她们实施性侵犯、心理虐待、胁迫、暴力和恐吓[53]。受此影响,玛丽莲·曼森被唱片公司Loma Vista Recordings解聘,其参演的两部电视剧《美国众神》和《鬼作秀》删除了他的戏份[54][55]
    • 俄勒冈州第110号选民提案生效,俄勒冈州成为全美首个持有少量非法药品无罪的州分[56]
    • 截至当天,228名参与国会大厦冲击事件的人士遭起诉[57]
  • 2月2日,
    • 佛罗里达州森赖斯爆发警匪枪战,联邦调查局探员前往一名嫌犯的家中搜查时,与嫌犯交火,造成2名探员死亡,3人受伤。随后嫌犯将自己锁在家中,最终吞枪自杀[58]。事件是联邦调查局自1986年迈阿密枪战以来,死伤最严重的事件[59]
    • 参议院以50比49的比数通过预算决议,民主党无需共和党支持,便可以批准总统拜登发放19万亿美元的救济金[60]
    • 杰弗里·贝索斯辞任亚马逊公司CEO,由安迪·賈西接任[61]
  • 2月4日,
  • 2月5日,乔治亚州共和党籍众议院路易·戈莫特、德克萨斯州众议院路易·戈莫特因拒绝在进入众议院议事厅前接受金属探测器检查,被罚款5000美元[64]
  • 2月7日,
  • 2月8日,原定于去年7月1日生效、将休闲大麻合法化的南达科他州宪法修正案A被大法官克里斯蒂娜·克林格裁定违宪[67]
  • 2月9日,第二次特朗普弹劾案开始审理[68]。最终,参议院的投票出现57票支持、43票反对的结果,距离总票数二分之三的定罪门槛还差10票,故特朗普获得赦免[69]
  • 2月11日,
  • 2月12日,参议院投票一致同意向在1月份国会冲击事件中保护参议院议事厅的国会警察尤金·古德曼颁发国会金质奖章[72]
  • 2月15日,
  • 2月17日,
  • 2月18日,
  • 2月19日,美国时隔107天重新加入巴黎协定[78]
  • 2月22日,
    • 新泽西州州长菲尔·墨菲正式签署2020年新泽西州1号公投案所推动的法律修正案,新泽西州正式成为美国第14个将休闲用大麻合法化的州份[79]
    • 最高法院最终否决前总统特朗普隐藏财务纪录的申请,要求其会计师向纽约检察官递交其个人税务等纪录[80]
    • 主权投票系统以诽谤罪起诉迈克·林德尔,索偿13亿美元补偿金,理由是他在2020年大选期间散播该公司的谣言[81]
    • 全美2019冠状病毒病死亡人数超50万,总统拜登下令全国降半旗致哀五天[82][83]
  • 2月23日,高尔夫冠军老虎伍兹因车祸严重负伤,在海港–加州大學洛杉磯分校醫學中心紧急接受手术治疗[84]
  • 2月24日,强生公司2019冠状病毒病疫苗Ad26.COV2.S获食品药品监督管理局批出的紧急使用授权。该疫苗单剂有效率达66%,可在一般条件下储存,无需特制冰箱[85]
  • 2月25日,美国政府掌握5000多万支新冠疫苗[86]
  • 2月26日,华盛顿州最高法院裁定该州的持有毒品重罪法律违反宪法,该州成为继俄勒冈州后第二个将持有毒品除罪的州分[87]
  • 2月27日,
    • 众议院通过拜登总统提出的1.9万亿美元新冠病毒救济计划《美国救援方案》,法案其后将交由参议院表决[88]
    • 弗吉尼亚州成为美国第14个将成人使用大麻除罪化的州分,相关法律将于2024年生效[89]


  • 3月2日,
    • 加州因皮里尔县发生连环车祸,13死,13伤[90]
    • 德克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特不顾疾控中心的警告,解除该州的口罩强制令,允许所有企业于3月10日全面恢复营业[91]
  • 3月6日,参议院通过《2021年美国救援方案法》[92]
  • 3月8日,
  • 3月10日,
    • 美国众议院以220票支持,211票反对的比分,通过19亿美元的经济刺激法案《2021年美國救援方案法》。法案于翌日交由总统拜登签署[95]
    • 原计划于7月1日将药用大麻除罪化的2020年南达科他州宪法修正案A遭下级法院法官阻截后,为该法案辩护的律师向南达科他州最高法院递交理据[96]
    • 由于南达科他州参众两院就药用大麻除罪化的法律产生意见分歧,该法律生效日期从2021年7月推迟到2022年1月[97]
  • 3月12日,
  • 3月14日至15日,科罗拉多州遭遇暴风雪侵袭,录得24.1英寸(61的大雪,打破1982年23.8英寸(60的纪录,是丹佛有史以来第四强的雪暴,也是该市自2003年(31.8英寸(81)以来最强的一次。数千户居民面临停电,部分人士在道路封闭后在车上过夜[100]。怀俄明州夏延拉勒米山脉分别录得31英寸(7952.5英寸(133的纪录[101]
  • 3月15日,佛州彭布羅克派恩斯有小型客机坠毁,3人死亡,1人受伤[102]
  • 3月16日,亚特兰大都会区三家水疗会爆发连环纵欲枪击案,8人死亡,1人受伤。嫌犯当天晚些时候于亚特兰大南部150公里处被捕,面临八项谋杀罪和一项重罪[103][104]
  • 3月17日,美国国家税务局宣布纳税日的截至日期推迟到5月17日[105]
  • 3月20日,路易斯安那州举行国会第5选区补选卢克·莱特洛遗孀朱莉娅·莱特洛击败民主党对手坎迪·克里斯托弗(Candy Christophe)[106]
  • 3月22日,科罗拉多州波德市一家金苏柏超级超市爆发枪击案,造成10人死亡,是该州史上伤亡人数第三惨重的枪击案,仅次于13死24伤的1999年科倫拜校園事件,以及12死70伤的2012年奥罗拉枪击事件。21岁枪手艾哈迈德·艾萨(Ahmad Al Issa)被警方开枪击中腿部后,遭到场逮捕。
  • 3月25日,
    • 亚拉巴马州爆发龙卷风,5人死亡,多间民居受损,数千户停电[107]
    • 北达科他州参议院以10票支持、37票反对的结果,否决将休闲用大麻合法化的法案[108]
  • 3月26日,新泽西州修改酒精大麻法律,允许警方将未成年人首次违法吸食大麻的行为告知家长或监护人。该州上个月将大麻合法化,却禁止实行未成年人首犯通知措施,引起强烈反对[109]
  • 3月29日,
    • 被指跪死46岁黑人男子乔治·弗洛伊德的前警察德里克·肖万在明尼苏达州出庭受审[110]
    • 经过为期三天的初步聆讯,法官要求三名被控密谋绑架密歇根州州长格雷琴·惠特默的男子出庭受审。其中两名被告的恐怖主义威胁控罪被撤销[111]
  • 3月30日,
    • 纽约州议会一致通过休闲用大麻合法化的法案,该法案于次日由州长安德鲁·库默签署,纽约州成为全美第15个休闲用大麻合法化的州份[112]
  • 3月31日,


  • 4月2日,
  • 4月6日,阿肯色州成为全美首个禁止为跨性别青年进行整形、激素及青春期阻滞剂手术的州份[119]
  • 4月7日,南卡罗来纳州石山发生枪击案,犯案的前NFL球员菲利普·亞當斯随后自杀[120]
  • 4月9日,
    • 拜登总统请求国会于2022年批准一项1.5万亿美元的联邦支出计划,其中公共卫生及科研经费的大量增加[121]
    • 众议院道德委员会宣布调查佛罗里达州共和党籍众议院馬特·蓋茨性行为不端和联邦人口贩运的行动[122]
  • 4月11日,明尼阿波利斯布鲁克林中心男子丹特·莱特遭警方截停击毙,引起当地出现暴动,40人被捕[123][124]。示威活动扩散到邻近地区及其他城市,远至俄勒冈州波特兰[125]
  • 4月12日,微软斥资200亿美元收购人工智能公司Nuance Communications,是继2016年收购领英后的第二大收购[126]
  • 4月15日,美國前參議員克里斯多夫·杜德率領的跨黨派代表團在台北受到蔡英文總統接見,這是拜登出任美國總統後首次訪台的美國高層代表團。此次代表團訪台是應拜登總統請求進行,亦是拜登對台灣及其民主承諾的信號。[127]陶德表示拜登政府支持台灣積極投入自我防衛,也會尋求進一步深化美台之間的經濟聯繫。[128][129]
  • 4月16日,美国共和党籍众议员马乔丽·泰勒·格林保羅·戈薩拉正在成立“美国优先党团”(America First Caucus)[132][133],被其他共和党党员批评[134]
  • 4月20日,前明尼阿波利斯警察局警察德里克·肖万被裁定谋杀黑人男子乔治·弗洛伊德罪名成立,刑期将在八个星期内公布。[135]
  • 4月22日,拜登总统宣布到2030年将减少温室气体排放量减少到2005年水平的一半[136]
  • 4月24日,2021年路易斯安那州国会第二选区补选举行,民主党籍的特洛伊·卡特大比分胜出,填补众议院塞德里克·里士满辞职担任拜登总统顾问兼公共联络处主任所遗留的空缺[137]
  • 4月28日,拜登总统在上任第100天前夕于国会发表联席会议演讲[138]










  1. Montana law to take effect; residents can grow, possess pot 页面存档备份,存于 Great Falls Tribune, December 30, 2020
  2. U.S. surpasses 20 million cases of coronavirus on first day of 2021 页面存档备份,存于 CBS News, January 1, 2021
  3. . BBC News. 2021-01-01 [2021-01-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-24).
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  6. . The Washington Post. 2021-01-03 [2021-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-09).
  7. . Microsoft News. 2021-01-04 [2021-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-10).
  8. . NBC News. [2021-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  9. . BBC. 2021-01-05 [2021-01-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  10. . Reuters. 2021-01-05 [2021-01-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  11. DC updates: 4 dead, 52 arrested, 14 police officers injured after pro-Trump rioters breach US Capitol; FBI opens investigation 页面存档备份,存于 USA Today, January 6, 2021
  12. Biden victory confirmed after deadly attack on Capitol 页面存档备份,存于 BBC, January 7, 2021
  13. Trump blocked by Twitter and Facebook 页面存档备份,存于 BBC, January 7, 2021
  14. . 2021-01-06 [2021-01-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
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  16. 页面存档备份,存于 CNBC, January 7, 2021
  17. Elon Musk becomes world's richest person as wealth tops $185bn 页面存档备份,存于 BBC News, January 7, 2021
  18. Elon Musk Is Now the Richest Person in the World, Passing Jeff Bezos 页面存档备份,存于 NBC Boston, January 7, 2021
  19. Meckler, Laura; Douglas-Gabriel, Danielle. . Washington Post. 2021-01-08 [2021-01-10]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于2021-01-10).
  20. Google pulls Parler from Play Store for fostering calls to violence 页面存档备份,存于 The Verge, January 8, 2021
  21. Apple removes Parler from the App Store 页面存档备份,存于 The Verge, January 9, 2021
  22. Amazon Is Booting Parler Off Of Its Web Hosting Service 页面存档备份,存于 BuzzFeed News, January 9, 2021
  23. . BBC. 2021-01-09 [2021-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  24. . The Guardian. 2021-01-11 [2021-01-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-25).
  25. . UPI. 2021-01-12 [2021-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  26. . Associated Press. 2021-01-13 [2021-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  27. . BBC News. 2021-01-13 [2021-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
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  30. . Texas Tribune. 2021-01-14 [2021-01-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-24).
  31. NRA Files For Bankruptcy, Vows to Reincorporate in Texas 页面存档备份,存于 Newsweek, January 15, 2021
  32. . BBC News. 2021-01-16 [2021-01-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  33. . MSN. 2021-01-16 [2021-01-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  34. . The Philadelphia Inquirer. 2021-01-18 [2021-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  35. Harris resigns Senate seat ahead of swearing in as VP 页面存档备份,存于 The Hill, January 18, 2021
  36. Brockell, Gillian. . Washington Post. 2020-01-19 [2021-01-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-20).
  37. COVID-19 death toll tops 400,000 as incoming CDC director expects "dark weeks ahead" 页面存档备份,存于 CBS News, January 19, 2021
  38. Trump to issue more than 100 pardons before Biden sworn in 页面存档备份,存于 The Guardian, January 18, 2021
  39. Dienst, Jonathan; Santia, Marc; Valiquette, Joe. . NBC New York. 2021-01-19 [2021-01-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-23).
  40. California secretary of state Alex Padilla to fill Kamala Harris's Senate seat 页面存档备份,存于 The Guardian, December 22, 2020
  41. Biden sets to work on reversing Trump policies with executive orders 页面存档备份,存于 BBC, January 20, 2021
  42. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 31-26 Green Bay Packers: Tom Brady to bid for seventh Super Bowl win 页面存档备份,存于 BBC, January 24, 2021
  43. . The New York Times. 2021-01-25 [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-26).
  44. . AP News. 2021-01-25 [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-29).
  45. Minnesota confirms first known U.S. case of more contagious Covid variant originally found in Brazil 页面存档备份,存于 CNBC, January 25, 2021
  46. DOJ has identified 400 suspects, charged 135 in Capitol riot ABC News, January 26, 2021
  47. Biden administration orders additional 200 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine 页面存档备份,存于 NBC News, January 26, 2021
  48. . BBC News. 2021-01-27 [2021-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-30).
  49. Agar, John. . MLive Media Group. 2021-01-27 [2021-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-27).
  50. 页面存档备份,存于 The New York Times, January 27, 2021
  51. . The Los Angeles Times. 2021-01-28 [2021-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-07).
  52. Winter storm heads into New England; New Yorkers dig out; biggest snowfall total 33 inches in Pa. 页面存档备份,存于 USA Today, February 2, 2021
  53. . Vanity Fair. 2021-02-01 [2021-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-01).
  54. . BBC News. 2021-02-02 [2021-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-13).
  55. . The Guardian. 2021-02-02 [2021-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-26).
  56. . [2021-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-01).
  57. 228 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all. 页面存档备份,存于 Business Insider, February 1, 2021
  58. Neal, David J.; Marchante, Michelle; Weaver, Jay; Ovalle, David. . Miami Hearld. 2021-02-02 [2021-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-06).
  59. Perkins, Chris. . Sun-Sentinel. 2021-02-02 [2021-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-13).
  60. Senate Democrats take the first step to pass Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus package on their own as the administration stands by it 页面存档备份,存于 Business Insider, February 2, 2021
  61. Jeff Bezos to step down as Amazon CEO, Andy Jassy to take over in Q3 页面存档备份,存于 CNBC, February 2, 2021
  62. . BBC News. 2021-02-05 [2021-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-01).
  63. Fox News Is Sued by Election Technology Company for Over $2.7 Billion 页面存档备份,存于 The New York Times, February 4, 2021
  64. . [2021-02-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-13).
  65. Super Bowl 2021: Tom Brady wins seventh title as Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat Kansas City Chiefs 页面存档备份,存于 BBC, February 7, 2021
  66. Grisales, Claudia. . NPR. 2021-02-08 [2021-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-02).
  67. South Dakota judge rejects amendment legalizing marijuana.
  68. Senate Declares That Trump's Impeachment Trial Is Constitutional 页面存档备份,存于 NPR, February 9, 2021
  69. Gregorian, Dareh. . NBC News. 2021-02-13 [2021-02-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-13) (英语).
  70. . USA Today. 2021-02-11 [2021-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-14).
  71. At least 9 dead in crashes across Dallas-Fort Worth area due to winter storms 页面存档备份,存于 CNN, February 11, 2021
  72. Senate votes to award Officer Eugene Goodman the Congressional Gold Medal 页面存档备份,存于 The Washington Post, February 12, 2021
  73. Neuman, Scott. . 全國公共廣播電台. 2021-02-18 [2021-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-07).
  74. Pelosi says independent commission will examine Capitol riot 页面存档备份,存于 Associated Press, February 15, 2021
  75. North Dakota confirms first cases of United Kingdom COVID-19 variant 页面存档备份,存于 Grand Folks Herald, February 17, 2021
  76. Former Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City demolished 页面存档备份,存于 NBC News, February 17, 2021
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  81. Dominion Voting Systems sues 'MyPillow Guy' for $1.3 billion 页面存档备份,存于 Associated Press via WEYI-TV, February 22, 2021
  82. US reaches 500,000 coronavirus deaths in under a year, a once-unthinkable milestone: Latest COVID-19 updates 页面存档备份,存于 USA Today, February 22, 2021
  83. Biden orders flags to fly at half-mast to mark deaths of 500,000 Americans from Covid-19 页面存档备份,存于 The Independent, February 22, 2021
  84. . BBC News. 2021-02-24 [2021-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-13).
  85. Christensen, Jen; Howard, Jacqueline. . CNN. 2021-02-24 [2021-02-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-25).
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  88. House passes Joe Biden's COVID relief bill with $1,400 stimulus checks, legislation heads to Senate 页面存档备份,存于 USA Today, February 27, 2021
  89. Zhang, Mona. . POLITICO. 2021-02-27 [2021-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-08).
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  95. Biden signs $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan into law 页面存档备份,存于 CBS News, March 12, 2021
  96. . AP News. 2021-03-11 [2021-03-21]. 原始内容存档于2021-03-11.
  97. . Grand Forks Herald. 2021-03-11 [2021-03-21]. 原始内容存档于2021-03-11.
  98. Minneapolis to pay record $27 million to settle lawsuit with George Floyd's family 页面存档备份,存于 Minneapolis Star-Tribune, March 12, 2021
  99. U.S. tops 100 million Covid vaccine doses administered, 13% of adults now fully vaccinated 页面存档备份,存于 CNBC, March 12, 2021
  100. Colorado blizzard is now Denver’s 4th largest storm on record 页面存档备份,存于 Denver Post, March 14, 2021
  101. Winter Storm Xylia concludes Sunday Night in Wyoming, but it’s affects will impact the week ahead 页面存档备份,存于 Wyoming News Now, March 15, 2021
  102. 3 dead, including young boy, after small plane crashes into a car on a Florida road 页面存档备份,存于 KGO-TV, March 16, 2021
  103. 8 dead in shootings at three spas in metro Atlanta 页面存档备份,存于 CNN, March 16, 2021
  104. What to know about Atlanta-area spa shootings: Suspect charged with murder; killings inextricably tied to race, experts say 页面存档备份,存于 USA Today, March 18, 2021
  105. Carmen Reinicke. . CNBC. 2021-03-17 [2021-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-03).
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  107. Alabama tornadoes kill five as homes are destroyed and thousands lose power 页面存档备份,存于 The Guardian, March 25, 2021
  108. Jaeger, Kyle. . 2021-03-25 [2021-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-25).
  109. Catalini, Mike. . WNBC4. 2021-03-27 [2021-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-27).
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  112. Villeneuve, Marina; Peltz, Jennifer. . Associated Press. 2021-03-31 [2021-03-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-31).
  113. 4 killed, including child, in mass shooting at Orange office complex 页面存档备份,存于 Los Angeles Times, March 31, 2021
  114. . The White House. 2021-03-31 [2021-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-07).
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  116. Mastrangelo, Dominick. . The Hill. 2021-04-01 [2021-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-13).
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  118. Over 100 million people in the US have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine 页面存档备份,存于 Business Insider, April 2, 2021
  119. Guardian staff and agency. . The Guardian. 2021-04-06 [2021-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-26).
  120. Kinnard, Meg. . AP. 2021-04-08 [2021-04-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-09).
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  123. Brooklyn Center police fatally shoot man, 20, inflaming tensions during the Derek Chauvin trial 页面存档备份,存于 Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 11, 2021
  124. Daunte Wright shooting: 40 arrests made after protesters clashed with police in Brooklyn Center; Harris calls for 'justice and healing' 页面存档备份,存于 USA Today, April 12, 2021
  125. PPB declares riot as crowd protests police killing of Daunte Wright 页面存档备份,存于 The Oregonian, April 13, 2021
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  132. Trump loyalists start 'America First Caucus' to promote U.S. as 'uniquely Anglo-Saxon' 页面存档备份,存于 The Washington Post, April 16, 2021
  133. Homan, Timothy R. . TheHill. 2021-04-16 [2021-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-13).
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  138. Mascaro, Lisa; Miller, Zeke. . Associated Press News. 2021-04-14 [2021-04-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-16).
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  150. Balsamo, Michael; Schneider, Mike. . Associated Press. 2021-05-17 [2021-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-18).
  151. US Supreme Court agrees to consider major rollback of abortion rights 页面存档备份,存于 The Guardian, May 17, 2021
  152. US citizens warned not to travel to Japan as Tokyo Olympics near 页面存档备份,存于 CNN, May 24, 2021
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  160. Firefighter killed in 'tragic' shooting at LA County Fire Station 81; investigation linked to house fire 页面存档备份,存于 Fox Los Angeles, June 1, 2021
  161. . Roll Call. 2021-03-17 [2021-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-05).
  162. . POLITICO. [2021-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-03).
  163. FBI investigating Postmaster General Louis DeJoy over campaign fundraising 页面存档备份,存于 CBS News, June 4, 2021
  164. Facebook Says Trump’s Ban Will Last at Least 2 Years 页面存档备份,存于 The New York Times, June 4, 2021
  165. Facebook set to scrap immunity for politicians posting fake news 页面存档备份,存于 The Telegraph, June 4, 2021
  166. . CNN. 2021-06-05 [2021-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-07).
  167. . The Verge. 2021-06-04 [2021-06-06]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-07).
  168. 150 days after Capitol attack, more than 465 arrested as FBI seeks tips on hundreds more: DOJ 页面存档备份,存于 ABC News, June 5, 2021
  169. Eric Swalwell finally serves lawsuit on Mo Brooks 页面存档备份,存于 Axios, June 6, 2021
  170. Gan, Nectar; Westcott, Ben. . CNN. 2021-06-07 [2021-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-07).
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  175. Biden Aims to Bolster U.S. Alliances in Europe, but Challenges Loom 页面存档备份,存于 The New York Times, June 9, 2021
  176. 页面存档备份,存于 The Washington Post, June 14, 2021
  177. Miller, Kevin. . Portland Press Herald. 2021-06-11 [2021-06-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-14).
  178. YouTube suspends GOP Sen. Ron Johnson's account, says he violated Covid-19 policy 页面存档备份,存于 NBC News, June 11, 2021
  179. Gun violence in 6 states this weekend brings US mass shootings to 272 so far this year 页面存档备份,存于 CNN, June 14, 2021
  180. NSA leaker Reality Winner released from prison, attorney says 页面存档备份,存于 Atlanta Journal-Constitution, June 14, 2021
  181. . Los Angeles Times. 2021-05-21 [2021-05-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-25).
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  184. . NPR. 2021-06-17 [2021-06-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-10).
  185. Biden signs into law bill establishing Juneteenth as federal holiday 页面存档备份,存于 NBC News, June 17, 2021
  186. . USA Today. 2021-06-20 [2021-06-24]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-10).
  187. About A Dozen Homes Damaged, 6 People Injured When Suspected Tornado Hits Neighborhood In Naperville 页面存档备份,存于 WBBM-TV, June 21, 2021
  188. Montanaro, Domenico. . NPR. 2021-06-22 [2021-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-24).
  189. Mahoney, Bill. . Politico. 2021-06-22 [2021-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-23).
  190. Number Of People Missing Rises To 159 In Surfside Condo Building Collapse 页面存档备份,存于 NPR, June 25, 2021
  191. Swanson, Ian. . TheHill. 2021-06-24 [2021-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-21).
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  203. Bromwich, Jonah E.; Bromwich, Protess; Rothfeld, Michael. . The New York Times. 2021-06-30 [2021-06-30]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-03).
  204. Salahieh, Nouran; Mester, Mark; Herrera, Carlos; Cheng, Kimberly; Kang, Gene; McGraw, Jennifer. . KTLA. 2021-07-01 [2021-07-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-11).
  205. Nearly 500K residents have signed up for Michigan’s vaccine lottery 页面存档备份,存于 MLive.com, July 2, 2021
  206. Tidy, Joe. . BBC News. 2021-07-03 [2021-07-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-15).
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  211. Biden signs new order cracking down on Big Tech 页面存档备份,存于 BBC, July 9, 2021
  212. Illinois becomes first state to require teaching of Asian American history in public schools 页面存档备份,存于 Chicago Tribune, July 9, 2021
  213. Wong, Wilson. . www.nbcnews.com. [2021-07-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-23).
  214. Bekiempis, Victoria. . The Guardian. 2020-07-14 [2020-07-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-03).
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  217. Jeff Bezos, Mark Bezos, Wally Funk and Oliver Daemen reach space, return safely on Blue Origin’s New Shepard rocket 页面存档备份,存于 The Washington Post',, July 20, 2021
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  219. Zillgitt, Jeff. . USA Today. 2021-07-20 [2021-07-21]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-11).
  220. Activision Blizzard employees sign petition denouncing company's 'abhorrent' response to lawsuit 页面存档备份,存于 CNN, July 26, 2021
  221. Allison, Natalie. . The Tennessean.
  222. Erickson, Kurt. . STLtoday.com. [2021-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-30).
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  228. Vermont Is the First State to Vaccinate 70% of Eligible Kids Against COVID-19 页面存档备份,存于 NECN, July 29, 2021
  229. News, A. B. C. . ABC News. [2021-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-10-27).
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  231. Caeleb Dressel breaks 100-meter butterfly world record; Katie Ledecky cruises in 800 free 页面存档备份,存于 ESPN, July 30, 2021
  232. Company, Tampa Publishing. . Tampa Bay Times. [2021-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-01).
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  240. Senate approves bipartisan, $1 trillion infrastructure bill, bringing major Biden goal one step closer 页面存档备份,存于 Washington Post, August 11, 2021
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  243. DeMarche, Edmund. . Fox Business. 2021-08-11 [2021-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-03).
  244. Colorado’s Ken Salazar confirmed as U.S. ambassador to Mexico 页面存档备份,存于 The Denver Post, August 11, 2021
  245. Ax, Joseph. . Reuters. 2021-08-12 [2021-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-04).
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  258. Burns, Robert; Superville, Darlene; Lee, Matthew. . Associated Press. 2021-08-26 [2021-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-30).
  259. Hurricane Ida, Now a Category 3 Storm, Batters Louisiana 页面存档备份,存于 The New York Times, August 29, 2021
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