- 身體調教聖經(The 4-Hour Body)[4]
- 5:2輕斷食(英語:)[5]
- 鹼性飲食(英語:)[6]
- 嬰兒食品飲食(Baby Food Diet)[7]
- 血型飲食(Blood type diet)[8]
- 甘藍湯飲食(Cabbage soup diet)[5][9]
- 排毒飲食(Detox diet)[10]
- 杜康纖食法(Dukan Diet)[10]
- 果食主義(Fruitarianism)[11]
- 無麩質飲食(Gluten free diet), 這可能對有乳糜瀉或麩質過敏者有預防價值,但對一般人而言其實是食物盲從。[12][13][14]
- 葡萄柚飲食法(Grapefruit diet)[9][15]
- 以色列軍隊飲食法(Israeli Army diet)[16]
- 果汁禁食法(Juice fasting)[17]
- 管灌節食法(KE diet)
- 廣生飲食法(Macrobiotics)[8]
- Master Cleanse檸檬糖水斷食排毒法[18][19]
- 香蕉減肥法(Morning banana diet)[20]
- 舊石器時代飲食(Paleolithic diet)[21][22]
- 普里特金飲食(Pritikin Diet)[23]
- 司嘎岱爾節食法(Scarsdale medical diet)[24][25][26][27][28]
- 南灘減肥法/邁阿密飲食(South Beach Diet)[15][29][30]
- 低碳水化合物飲食(Low-carbohydrate diet)[9][31]
- Whole30 飲食計劃[34]
- 歐尼舒飲食(Dr. Dean Ornish: Eat More, Weigh Less)[8]
- 劍橋飲食(Cambridge Diet)[8]
- 新陳代謝飲食法(Fast Metabolism Diet)
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Some population groups seem to be especially wed to the gluten-free diet, with nearly 50% of 910 athletes (including world class and Olympic medalists) adhering to a gluten-free diet, mainly because of the perceived health and energy benefits.
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People buy gluten-free food "because they think it will help them lose weight, because they seem to feel better or because they mistakenly believe they are sensitive to gluten."
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'a fad diet by any other name would still be a fad diet.' And the names are legion: the Atkins Diet, the Cheater's Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet. Year after year, 'new and improved' diets appear ...
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James Hill wants Americans to shed pounds. But instead of promoting any one fad diet, he embraces most--Atkins, South Beach, grapefruit-only--as relatively effective ways to lose weight.
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