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约翰·汤姆 | 1799–1838年 | 一個自稱是耶穌基督轉世的康沃爾人。1838年5月31日他在肯特郡為英國士兵所殺。 | |
安商洪 | 1918年1月13日–1985年2月25日 | 於1964年成立了上帝的教會世界福音宣教協會,教會相信基督安商洪和母親上帝张吉子為上帝。[1] | |
吉姆·瓊斯 | 1931年5月13日 – 1978年11月18日 | 人民聖殿教教主。自稱是耶穌、阿肯納頓、釋迦牟尼佛、列寧及戴維恩神父的轉世。 在圭亞那的喬治敦組織一個大型的集體自殺,造成913人死亡。 | |
马歇尔·阿普尔怀特 | 1931年5月17日–-1997年3月26日 | 天堂之門教主。阿普爾懷特張貼了一則著名的新聞網訊息,宣稱:「我,耶穌—上帝之子—在1995年9月25、26日正式確認:…」 兩年之後,他和天堂之門為了要到達藏在海爾-博普彗星後面的外星太空船而集體自殺,造成39人死亡。 | |
又吉光雄 | ![]() |
1944年2月5日–2018年7月20日 | 日本政治人物,琉球人,自稱「唯一神基督耶穌又吉光雄」,1997年以耶穌的名義成立了世界經濟同體黨,並且成為該黨黨魁。 |
麻原彰晃 | 1955年3月2日–2018年7月6日 | 日本邪教組織「奧姆真理教」教主,恐怖組織「真理國」領導人。自稱是婆羅門教的濕婆神、佛教的摩訶迦羅,基督教的耶穌、埃及的印和闐、中國的明太祖轉世,是釋迦牟尼佛的真傳弟子,是最後一位救世主,真正的彌賽亞,要對世界萬民作「最後的審判」,殺死所有的敵基督與不信者。 |
- ^ From My Best Fiend. the documentary detailing his life.
- ^ Galanter, Marc. . Oxford University Press; 2nd edition. 1999. ISBN 0-19-512370-0.(meta-citation (页面存档备份,存于))
- ^ "After the Upper House Election, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi should hand the seat of the Prime Minister to Jesus Matayoshi, the one true God."Cgunson
- ^ I, Jesus—Son of God—acknowledge on this date of September 25/26, 1995: 1. I am about to return to my Father's Kingdom. 1A. This "return" requires that I prepare to lay down my borrowed human body in order to take up, or reenter, my body (biological) belonging to the Kingdom of God (as I did appx. 2000 years ago when I laid down the body that was about 33 years old in order to reenter my body belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven). Marshall Applewhite (1995). UNDERCOVER JESUS SURFACES (页面存档备份,存于). alt.consciousness.mysticism. Retrieved August 15, 2005.
- ^ Link to a BBC article (页面存档备份,存于) on his statements and claims.
- ^ For the past three weeks the face of "the master", as her followers call her, has smiled out from laminated posters tied to traffic lights and road signs advertising the event and bearing the message: "See the living god". Mullins, Andrew. . The Independent (London). June 20, 1999 [2022-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-09).
- ^ Followers of Suma Ching Hai claim she is the living reincarnation of Buddha and Jesus Christ, and go so far as to drink her bathwater and buy up her used personal items, marketed as "Celestial Clothing." One disciple bought her sweat socks for $ 1,100 because "when the Master leaves the physical world, at least I will have her socks." Phillips, Andrew. . Maclean Hunter Limited. January 13, 1997 [2009-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-12).
- ^ In an article from The Guardian (页面存档备份,存于) he states: "It's all very complicated," he starts quietly. "But to keep things simple, yes, I am Jesus Christ. That which was promised must come to pass. And it was promised in Israel 2,000 years ago that I would return, that I would come back to finish what was started. I am not God (My emphasis). And it is a mistake to see Jesus as God. But I am the living word of God the Father. Everything that God wants to say, he says through me".
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