
硬化年代学(Sclerochronology)主要研究无脊椎动物和珊瑚红藻增生硬组织的物理和化学变化以及所形成的时间背景,在海洋古气候学的研究中特别有用。该术语是1974年 [1]克努特森(Knutson)和巴德梅尔(Buddemeier)在核试验环礁进行的开创性研究基础上提出的[2],由三个希腊语单词“硬”(skleros)、“时间”(chronos)和“科学”(logos)所构成,合在一起是指代利用生物体的坚硬部分来排序事件时间,因此,它隶属于地层学的一个分支。硬化年代学主要关注反映年、月、双周、潮汐、天和昼夜(日节律)内等时间中的生长模式。






  • 古海洋学


  1. Buddemeier, R. W., Maragos, J. E., and Knutson, D. W. 1974. Radiographic studies of reef coral exoskeletons: Rates and patterns of coral growth. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 14, 179-199.
  2. Knutson, D. W., Buddemeier, R. W., and Smith, S. V. 1972. Coral Chronometers: Seasonal Growth Bands in Reef Corals. Science 177, 270-272.
  3. Schöne, B.R., Oschmann, W., Kröncke, I., Dreyer, W., Janssen, R., Rumohr, H., Houk, S.D., Freyre Castro, A.D., Dunca, E. and Rössler, J. (2003). North Atlantic Oscillation dynamics recorded in shells of a long-lived bivalve mollusk. Geology 31, 1237–1240.
  4. Wanamaker, A.D. Jr., Kreutz, K.J., Schöne, B.R., Pettigrew, N., Borns, H.W., Introne, D.S., Belknap, D., Maasch, K.A. and Feindel, S. 2008. Coupled North Atlantic slopewater forcing on Gulf of Maine temperatures over the past millennium. Climate Dynamics 31, 183-194.
  5. Corrège, T., Gagan, M.K., Beck, J.W., Burr, G.S., Cabioch, G & Le Cornec, F. 2004. Interdecadal variation in the extent of South Pacific tropical waters during the Younger Dryas event. Nature 428, 927-929.
  6. Halfar, J., Steneck, R.S., Joachimski, M, Kronz, A. & Wanamaker A.D. Jr. 2008. Coralline red algae as high-resolution climate recorders. Geology, 36, 463-466.
  7. Black, B.A., Copenheaver, C.A., Frank, D.C., Stuckey, M.J. and Kormanyos, R.E. 2009. Multi-proxy reconstructions of northeastern Pacific sea surface temperature data from trees and Pacific geoduck. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 278, 40–47.
  8. Gröcke D. R. and D. P. Gillikin, (2008). Advances in mollusc sclerochronology and sclerochemistry: tools for understanding climate and environment. Geo-Marine Letters 28: 265-268.
  9. Gill, I. P., Dickson, J. A. D., and Hubbard, D. K. 2006. Daily banding in corals: Implications for paleoclimatic reconstruction and skeletonization. Journal of Sedimentary Research 76, 683-688.


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