世界圖繪 | |
![]() 1658年初版中的簡介,標題是「邀請」 | |
原名 | Orbis Pictus或Orbis Sensualium Pictus |
作者 | 約翰·阿摩司·康米紐斯 |
类型 | 童書、教科書 |
语言 | 拉丁文、德文 |
發行 | |
出版時間 | 1658年 |
出版地點 | 德意志民族神聖羅馬帝國 |
媒介 | 紙質書 |
- 1685年的四語言版中關於「花」的章節。
- 紀念《世界圖繪》在萊沃恰出版的牌匾
- 1.避免「學非所用」。
- 2.用內容吸引學童。
- 3.將注意力集中在事物身上。
- 4.方便學習拉丁文和本土語言。
- 5.邁向知性學府的前導。
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维基共享资源上的相关多媒体资源:世界圖繪 |
- Online selections from Orbis Pictus in Latin
- Comenius, Johann Amos. Bardeen, Charles William , 编. . Syracuse, New York: School Bulletin Publications. 1887 [2021-05-30]. OCLC 166163. (原始内容存档于2020-12-27) (英语).
- At Internet Archive, the first American from the twelfth London edition, 1810.
- Comenius, Johann Amos; Charles Hoole. . London: S. Leacroft. 1777 [2021-05-30]. OCLC 166163. (原始内容存档于2021-06-02) (英语).
User Review - I was interested in this book after reading about Comenius on Wikipedia and being referred to Google Book Search as a source of this as an early children's textbook. A discouraging flaw in this book is that pages 8-15 are scanned out of order, and there are two copies of page 12 and no copy of page 8 in the resulting images. It would be good to have a direct way to report such trouble without having to go searching around the help pages.
- translation by Charles Hoole, at Google Book Search - Orbis sensualium pictus trilinguis. Latin, German and Hungarian, 1708 (页面存档备份,存于)
- Orbis sensualium pictus trilinguis (页面存档备份,存于). Leutschoviae : Typis Samuelis Brewer, Anno Salutis 1685. 484 s. - - available at ULB's Digital Library
- Orbis Pictus, in hungaricum et germanicum translatus (页面存档备份,存于). Po'sonban: Weber, 19. stor. 172 s. - available at ULB's Digital Library
- Orbis pictus von Amos Comenius (页面存档备份,存于). [Nürnberg]: [s.n.], 1770. 263 s. - available at ULB's Digital Library
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