Dat artikel es geschreevn in 't Noordelik West-Vlams.

Verênigd Keunienkryk Staffordshire Iengeland

Liggienge van Staffordshire in Iengeland
Regio West Midlands
Stoatus Non-metropolitan en
Hoofdplekke Stafford
Coördinoatn {{{latitudeGraden}}}°{{{latitudeMinuten}}}NB {{{longitudeGraden}}}°{{{longitudeMinuten}}}WL
Ippervlak 2.620 km²
Inweuners 875.219

Staffordshire is e groafschap in de West Midlands in Iengeland. D' hoofdplekke is Stafford.

Staffordshire grenst in 't noordwestn an Cheshire, in 't oostn an Derbyshire en Leicestershire, in 't zuudoostn an Warwickshire, in 't zuudn an West Midlands en Worcestershire en in 't westn an Shropshire.


Districtn Detailkoarte
  1. Tamworth
  2. Lichfield
  3. Cannock Chase
  4. South Staffordshire
  5. Stafford
  6. Newcastle-under-Lyme
  7. Staffordshire Moorlands
  8. East Staffordshire
  9. Stoke-on-Trent (unitary authority)

Belangrykste plekkn

  • Stoke-on-Trent
  • Lichfield
  • Burton-upon-Trent
  • Newcastle-under-Lyme
  • Tamworth
  • Stafford


  • Ancient High House in Stafford
  • Cannock Chase, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
  • Izaak Walton's Cottage in Chebsey, 17e eeuwe
  • Kathedroale van Lichfield, middeleeuwsche, gotische, anglicoansche kathedroale
  • Romeynsche Site in Wall
  • Shugborough Hall, Iengels landhuus by Great Haywood
  • Stafford Castle
  • Tamworth Castle
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