Atik sa a prezante fimografi konplè sou Ameriken an D. W. Griffith (kòm reyalizatè, senaris ak aktè) ki gen karyè te kòmanse an 1908.
Avèk prèske 500 fim, li te etabli nan okazyon an nan retwospektiv konsakre li pa Patrick Brion soti nan 1e desanm 1982 a 1e fevriye 1983 nan Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou.
Tankou reyalizatè
- Les Aventures de Dollie (The Adventures of Dollie)
- The Fight for Freedom
- The Tavern Keeper's Daughter
- La Vipère noire (The Black Viper)
- L'Enfant et le Peau-rouge (The Redman and the Child)
- Deceived Slumming Party
- The Bandit's Waterloo
- A Calamitous Elopement
- The Greaser's Gauntlet
- The Man and the Woman
- The Fatal Hour
- For Love of Gold
- Balked at the Altar
- For a Wife's Honor
- Betrayed by a Handprint
- Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court
- La Brute (The Girl and the Outlaw)
- La Vocation théâtrale (Behind the Scenes)
- La Jeune Fille indienne (The Red Girl)
- Le Cœur de O'Yama (The Heart of O'Yama)
- Where the Breakers Roar
- A Smoked Husband
- Les Bijoux volés (The Stolen Jewels)
- The Devil
- Cœur de Zoulou (The Zulu's Heart)
- Father Gets in the Game
- Ingomar (The Barbarian Ingomar)
- Le Vœu du vaquero (The Vaquero's Vow)
- La Femme du planteur (The Planter's Wife)
- Le Roman d'une juive (Romance of a Jewess)
- L'Appel de la forêt (The Call of the Wild)
- Cacher un voleur (Concealing a Burglar)
- Enoch Arden (After Many Years)
- L'Or du pirate (The Pirate's Gold)
- La Mégère apprivoisée (The Taming of the Shrew)
- The Guerrilla
- La Chanson de la chemise (The Song of the Shirt)
- L'Ingrate (The Ingrate)
- Le Chemin d'une femme (A Woman's Way)
- The Clubman and the Tramp
- Money Mad
- The Valet's Wife
- Mrs. Jones Entertains
- The Feud and the Turkey
- The Reckoning
- The Test of Friendship
- An Awful Moment
- The Christmas Burglars
- Mr. Jones at the Ball
- The Helping Hand
- The Hessian Renegades
- One Touch of Nature
- The Maniac Cook
- The Honor of Thieves
- Love Finds a Way
- The Sacrifice
- A Rural Elopement
- The Criminal Hypnotist
- Those Boys!
- Mr. Jones Has a Card Party
- L'Extravagante Mme Francis (The Fascinating Mrs. Francis)
- The Welcome Burglar
- Son nouveau chapeau (Those Awful Hats)
- The Cord of Life
- The Girls and Daddy
- The Brahma Diamond
- A Wreath in Time
- Edgar Allan Poe
- Tragic Love
- The Curtain Pole
- His Ward's Love
- The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals
- The Hindoo Dagger
- The Politician's Love Story
- La Pièce d'or (The Golden Louis)
- At the Altar
- His Wife's Mother
- L'Espion (The Prussian Spy)
- A Fool's Revenge
- The Roue's Heart
- The Wooden Leg
- The Salvation Army Lass
- The Lure of the Gown
- I Did It, Mama
- L'Âme du violon (The Voice of the Violin)
- The Deception
- And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
- A Burglar's Mistake
- The Heart of an Outlaw
- Bill Sharkey's Last Game
- The Medicine Bottle
- Jones and His New Neighbors
- Les Remords de l'alcoolique (A Drunkard's Reformation)
- Trying to Get Arrested
- Le Chemin du cœur (The Road to the Heart)
- La Croisade contre le bruit (Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade)
- A Rude Hostess
- The Winning Coat
- Un dormeur encombrant (A Sound Sleeper)
- Confidence
- A Troublesome Satchel
- Lady Helen's Escapade
- The Drive for a Life
- Frères jumeaux (Twin Brothers)
- Lucky Jim
- 'Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good
- The Suicide Club
- The Eavesdropper
- One Busy Hour
- The Note in the Shoe
- Jones and the Lady Book Agent
- The French Duel
- A Baby's Shoe
- The Jilt
- Resurrection
- Two Memories
- Eloping with Auntie
- Le Grillon du foyer (The Cricket on the Hearth)
- His Duty
- Eradicating Aunty
- What Drink Did
- Le Luthier de Crémone (The Violin Maker of Cremona)
- A New Trick
- La Villa solitaire (The Lonely Villa)
- The Son's Return
- Her First Biscuits
- The Faded Lilies
- Was Justice Served?
- The Peachbasket Hat
- The Mexican Sweethearts
- The Way of Man
- Le Collier de perles (The Necklace)
- Le Message (The Message)
- The Country Doctor
- The Cardinal's Conspiracy
- Tender Hearts
- The Friend of the Family
- The Renunciation
- Sweet and Twenty
- Jealousy and the Man
- A Convict's Sacrifice
- A Strange Meeting
- The Mended Lute
- They Would Elope
- Mr. Jones' Burglar
- fr=The Better Way
- With Her Card
- Mrs. Jones' Lover or I Want My Hat
- His Wife's Visitor
- Le Roman d'un coureur indien (The Indian Runner's Romance)
- The Seventh Day
- Oh, Uncle!
- Pranks
- The Mills of the Gods
- The Sealed Room
- The Little Darling
- Les Renégats de 1776 (The Hessian Renegades)
- Comata, the Sioux
- Getting Even}
- The Children's Friend
- The Broken Locket
- In Old Kentucky
- A Fair Exchange
- Leather Stocking
- Wanted, a Child
- The Awakening
- Pippa Passes; or, The Song of Conscience
- Fools of Fate
- Mabel institutrice
- A Change of Heart
- His Lost Love
- The Expiation
- In the Watches of the Night
- Lines of White on a Sullen Sea
- What's Your Hurry?
- The Gibson Goddess
- Nursing a Viper
- The Restoration
- The Light That Came
- Two Women and a Man
- A Sweet Revenge
- A Midnight Adventure
- The Open Gate
- The Mountaineer's Honor
- The Trick That Failed
- In the Window Recess
- The Death Disc: A Story of the Cromwellian Period
- À travers les brisants (Through the Breakers)
- The Red Man's View
- Le Spéculateur en grains (A Corner in Wheat)
- The Test
- In a Hempen Bag
- A Trap for Santa Claus
- In Little Italy
- To Save Her Soul
- The Day After, reyalize pa Frank Powell
- Choosing a Husband
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Tankou aktè
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