Yn Cholombey Ghoaldagh
British Columbia (Baarle)
Colombie-Britannique (Frangish)


Jarroo-raa: Splendor sine occasu
("Aalid gyn leodys")
Soiaghey ny Colombey Goaldagh
Co-ordnaidyn: 54°N 125°W / 54°N 125°W / 54; -125
Çheer Y Chanadey
 - 20 J. Souree 1871 Cochiangley
Preeu-valley Victoria
Çhengaghyn oikoil Baarle
 - Colught Çhionnal Slattyssagh ny Colombey Goaldagh
 - Lhiass-Chiannoort Judith Guichon
 - Toshiagh David Eby (NDP)
 - Yn clane 944,735 km² (364,764.2 mi ker)
 - Thalloo 925,186 km² (357,216.3 mi ker)
 - Ushtey 19,549 km² (7,547.9 mi ker)
Earroo yn phobble (2011)
 - Yn clane 4,400,057
 - Glooaght y phobble 4.76/km² (12.3/mi ker)
Meer roie phostagh V
Coad ISO 3166 CA-BC
Blaa oikoil
Billey oikoil
Ushag oikoil
Cornus nuttallii
Thuja plicata
Screeaghag cheylley Steller
Ynnyd-eggey www.gov.bc.ca

She queiggey 'sy Chanadey ee yn Cholombey Ghoaldagh (Baarle: British Columbia, Frangish: Colombie-Britannique). T'ee soit ayns sheear ny çheerey er slyst y Cheayn Sheealtagh as ta enney share urree er son yn aalid dooie ayn, myr t'ayns y jarroo-raa Ladjynagh eck, Splendor sine occasu ("Aalid gyn Leodys"). V'ee ny sheyoo queiggey ayns Cochiangley yn Chanadey.

She Victoria yn preeu-valley, agh she Vancouver y balley smoo ayn, as ee ny treeoo balley smoo 'sy çheer.

She bun ta'n art shoh. Cur rish, son foays y yannoo da Wikipedia.
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