  Caayr fo-wheiggagh  
[[File:China edcp location map.svg|250px|{{#if:||{{#if:Wuhan|Wuhan|Wuhan er caslys-çheerey]]
Soiaghey Wuhan 'sy Çheen
Co-ordnaidyn: 30°35′N 114°17′E / 30.583°N 114.283°E / 30.583; 114.283
Çheer Deynphobblaght ny Sheen
Queiggey Hubei
 - 1500 RC Cummaltit
 - PCS Wuhan Ruan Chengfa (阮成发)
 - Meoir Tang Liangzhi (唐良智)
 - Yn clane 8,494.4 km² (3,279.7 mi ker)
Earroo yn phobble (2011)
 - Yn clane 10,020,000
 - Glooaght y phobble 1,200/km² (3,108/mi ker)
Cryss hraa Traa Chadjinit ny Sheen (UTC+8)
Coad postagh 430000 - 430400
Coad(yn) çhellvane +86/27
Recortyssey carbyd 鄂A
鄂O (Meoiryn Shee as y Lught Reill)
Ynnyd-eggey www.wuhan.gov.cn

She Wuhan (Sheenish aashagh: 武汉; Sheenish hradishoonagh: 武漢; pinyin: Wǔhàn) preeu-valley Hubei, nane jeh ny queiggaghyn Sheenagh. Ta'n balley ny valley smoo 'sy Çheen veanagh. T'eh ny lhie ayns çheu hiar jeh Thalloo Rea Jianghan, as çheet ry-cheilley roshtynyn ny h-awinyn Yangtze as Han. Ta'n balley ny chree ry hoi arraghey, lesh shiartanse dy raaidyn yiarn, raaidyn, as bayryn gleashtanagh goll trooid y valley. Ta mygeayrt 9,100,000 cummaltee 'syn ard moirvaljagh 'sy vlein 2006, as 6,100,000 cummaltee 'syn ard baljagh.

She bun ta'n art shoh. Cur rish, son foays y yannoo da Wikipedia.
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