She lettyr bun-chooish y duillag shoh. My ta sym ayd ayns keeall elley yn 'ockle shoh, lhaih wooishlagh.
Wooishlagh - Romanagh
Shennaghys as aase
Proto-Semetagh Proto-Semetagh
Feaneeckagh Feaneeckagh
Greagagh Greagagh
Etruscagh Etruscagh
Shenn Vaarle RomanaghRomanagh

Rhank 'syn abbyrlhit: 23

Kemmig: Tungsten (W)
Çhengoaylleeaght: 'syn ASE, corockle /w/ ny [w]                                    

She treeoo lettyr as feed abbyrlhit ny Gaelgey ee wooishlagh (W, w), rere'n abbyrlhit Romanagh jeianagh.


T'ad gra dy daink wooishlagh jeh screeu caslys 'syn abbyrlhit Proto-Sinaitagh. T'ad cur vâv er y lettyr shoh, as er lhieu dy row eh cowraghey croagane ny bad. Haink y cowrey shoh trooid coryssyn screeu Feaneeckagh, Greagagh, Etruscagh as Romanagh dys y chummey t'ayn nish. Ta'n bun cheddin ec Faarney, Unjin, Vervine as Yiarn.

Vervine ghooblit ayns Shenn Vaarle Cummaghyn lurg-Varriaghtagh: Wooishlagh as Vervine crossit
Lioar currit magh ayns 1693, as eshyn jannoo ymmyd jeh "u dooblit" myrane lesh wooishlagh jeianagh

Cummey s'leaie wooishlagh, she vervine ghooblit v'ayn, as ish screeut ayns Shenn Vaarle 'sy 7oo eash. Haink yn ennym Baarle, "double U" (Unjin dooblit) jeh. Cha row monney ymmyd jeant jeh; v'ad cliaghtey screeu y sheean /w/ lesh y roon wynn (Ƿ) son y chooid smoo. Lurg y Varriaght Normanagh, v'ad screeu daa vervine ny smoo na wynn, as mysh 1300 va'n lettyr noa jannoo obbyr wynn. Ny keayrtyn, v'ad screeu eh lesh daa vervine nyn lhie harrish y cheilley.

'sy Ghaelg hene, ta'n lettyr çheet jeh'n abbyrlhit Baarleagh liorish obbyr John Phillips, Aspick Sodor as Mannin, as e lheid cairscreeu y yannoo son y Ghaelg ayns ny 1700yn.

Coadyn co-earrooder

Ayns Unicode, ta W mooar ec U+0057 as w beg ec U+0077.[1]

Ayns ASCII, ta W mooar ec 87 as w beg ec 119. Ayns earrooyn jeesoil, shen 01010111 as 01110111.

Ayns EBCDIC, ta W mooar ec 230 as w beg ec 166.

Ayns HTML as XML, ta W mooar ec "W" as w beg ec "w".

Jeeagh er reesht


  1. Javascript Unicode Chart (en). Feddynit er 2009-03-08.
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