She lettyr bun-chooish y duillag shoh. My ta sym ayd ayns keeall elley yn 'ockle shoh, lhaih vervine.
Vervine - Romanagh
Shennaghys as aase
Proto-Semetagh Proto-Semetagh
Feaneeckagh Feaneeckagh
Greagagh Greagagh
Etruscagh Etruscagh


Rhank 'syn abbyrlhit: 22

Kemmig: Vanaadjum (V)
Çhengoaylleeaght: 'syn ASE, corockle /v/ ny [v]                                    

She nah lettyr as feed abbyrlhit ny Gaelgey ee vervine (V, v), rere'n abbyrlhit Romanagh jeianagh.


T'ad gra dy daink vervine jeh screeu caslys 'syn abbyrlhit Proto-Sinaitagh. T'ad cur vâv er y lettyr shoh, as er lhieu dy row eh cowraghey croagane ny bad. Haink y cowrey shoh trooid coryssyn screeu Feaneeckagh, Greagagh, Etruscagh as Romanagh dys y chummey t'ayn nish. Ta'n bun cheddin ec Faarney, Unjin, Wooishlagh as Yiarn.

'sy Ghaelg hene, ta'n lettyr çheet jeh'n abbyrlhit Baarleagh liorish obbyr John Phillips, Aspick Sodor as Mannin, as e lheid cairscreeu y yannoo son y Ghaelg ayns ny 1700yn.

Coadyn co-earrooder

Ayns Unicode, ta V mooar ec U+0056 as v beg ec U+0076.[1]

Ayns ASCII, ta V mooar ec 86 as v beg ec 118. Ayns earrooyn jeesoil, shen 01010110 as 01110110.

Ayns EBCDIC, ta V mooar ec 229 as v beg ec 165.

Ayns HTML as XML, ta V mooar ec "V" as v beg ec "v".

Jeeagh er reesht


  1. Javascript Unicode Chart (en). Feddynit er 2009-03-08.
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