Kayt | ||||||||||||||
Kayt thie (Felis silvestris catus)
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Rang oaylleeagh | ||||||||||||||
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Ennym daa-ennymagh | ||||||||||||||
Felis catus (Linnaeus, 1758) | ||||||||||||||
Co-cheayllee | ||||||||||||||
Felis catus domestica |
Ta'n kayt, ny yn kayt thieoil, (ASE: [ˈkɑt̪], yl. kiyt, Ladjyn: Felis catus) ny baagh thieoil. T'ee ny sheeintagh beg feill-eeagh. Ta'n cochiangley eddyr kiyt as deiney er ve ayn rish 9 500 blein er y chooid sloo, as she biggin smoo ennoil y teihll t'ayn.[1][2] Kyndagh rish y chochiangley shen, t'ad ry-akin er fud ny cruinney, bunnys. T'ad so-lhoobagh as cragheydagh, as ta reat gientynagh tappee oc; myr shen, t'ad gieyrtys er eggochoryssyn dooghyssagh, as ta kuse dy h-ardjyn cur dooie ruegyssagh orroo.
Ta kiyt hieoil casley rish olteynyn Felis elley. Ta trimmid eddyr 4kg-5kg oc dy cadjin. Ta aalaghtyn ennagh, myr sampleyr, Maine Coon, harrish 11kg ny keayrtyn, as ta kiyt veggey ayn myrgeddin. By 21.297kg ee y chayt strimmey.[3] By 1.36kg ee y chayt aasit sloo as enney oikoil urree..[4] T'ad mysh 23-25km er yrjid, as mysh 46km er lhiurid dy cadjin, as famman mysh 30km oc. Ta kiyt 'irrinagh ny smoo na kiyt woirrinagh.[5]
Ta 7 vertebrae mhuinneelagh ec kiyt (myr sheeintee chadjin elley), 13 vertebrae thoracksagh, 7 vertebrae lumbagh, as 3 vertebrae sacragh myr sheeintee chadjin.[F 1] Ta earroo neuchinjagh dy vertebrae fammanagh 'syn 'amman oc.[F 2][6] Ta ny thooilley vertebrae lumbagh as thoracksagh cur so-lhoobaght chirpey share da'n chayt. Ta 13 asnaghyn, ny geayltyn as y pelvis kianglt roo.[7] Ta ny lurgaghyn toshee kianglt rish y yeaylin liorish croymmag seyr, as ta shen lhiggey daue goll stiagh boayl erbee mooar dy liooar dy lhiggey da'n chione goll ny hrooid.[8]
Ta claigin kayt neuchadjin myr sheeintagh, er coontey ny lig hooilley feer vooar, as y cheeil lajer as currit da obbyr er lheh.[9] Ta ny feeacklyn currit da marroo cragh as skelpey feill. Erreish da goaill y chragh er niart, ta'n chayt cur greim mwannal marrooagh jee liorish y ghaa virrag; t'ad cur ad eddyr daa vertebra as scarrey y coyrt drommey, as ta shen cur neulheiltys jee ny marroo ee.[10] Cosoylit rish kiyt elley, ta birragyn kiyt hieoil scarrit dy keyl, er y fa dy nee caigneyderyn beggey oc y reih chragh oc, as ta vertebrae beggey oc.[10] Ta'n feeackle lieh-chooylloo as kied 'eeackle çheu chooylloo jannoo magh piyr charnassagh ta giarrey feill dys peeshyn beggey 'syn aght cheddin as shuddyryn. Ta shen slane femoil da ee, er y fa nagh nod feeacklyn çheu chooylloo beggey kiyt caigney bee dy mie.[9]
- ↑ Oldest Known Pet Cat? 9500-Year-Old Burial Found on Cyprus (Baarle). National Geographic News (2004-04-08). Feddynit er 2007-03-06.
- ↑ Carlos A. Driscoll; Juliet Clutton-Brock, Andrew C. Kitchener & Stephen J. O'Brien. The Evolution of House Cats (Baarle). Scientific American. Feddynit er 2009-08-29.
- ↑ Cat World (2008). Cat World Records: Heaviest Cat. 2008-07-30 Cat-world.com
- ↑ Cat-world.com.au 2008/29/11
- ↑ Domestic Cat. SeaWorld. Feddynit er 2009-03-04.
- ↑ Warren F. Walker (1982). Study of the Cat with Reference to Human Beings, 4oo aascreeut, Thomson Learning, 11. ISBN 0030579147.
- ↑ Warren F. Walker (1982). Study of the Cat with Reference to Human Beings, 4oo aascreeut, Thomson Learning, 16. ISBN 0030579147.
- ↑ Cat Skeleton. Tashtit veih y bun er 2006-12-06. Feddynit er 2006-12-12.
- 1 2 Linda P. Case (2003). The cat: its behavior, nutrition, & health. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State Press, 35. ISBN 0-8138-0331-4.
- 1 2 Smith, Patricia; Eitan Tchernov (1992). Structure, function and evolution of teeth. Freund Publishing House Ltd., 217. ISBN 9652222704, 9789652222701.
- ↑ Ta 12 vertebra thoracksagh as 5 vertebra lumbagh ec deiney. Ta 5 vertebrae sacragh ec deiney kyndagh rish yn ymmyrkey daa-chassagh oc.
- ↑ Ta 3-5 vertebrae fammanagh ec deiney, er nyn co-lheie dys gimmijey.
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