Ta Crooin Hostyn ny cochorp lomarcan. Ayns reamyn y Cho-unnaneys, as ny mooar-rheynnyn as steatyn oc, ta'n Chrooin cochorpaghey y reiltys er son y leigh, reiragh, slattyssagh, ny briwnagh. Haink rish ee 'sy Reeriaght Unnaneyssit dys eddyraghey y crooin chorpagh as cooid yn ashoon veih yn ard-ree as y chooid echeysyn. Skeayll yn eie da coloinyn Goaldagh, as t'eh ry-akin nish ayns ashoonyn neuchrogheydagh y Cho-unnaneys. Ta scansh eddyr Crooin Hostyn as Cliejeenyn ny Crooiney.
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