Y cooat duffyl - sorçh dy chooat ta jeant ass cullee olley gharroo.

Ta cooat çheet er garmad liauyr ta ceaut er fir as mraane son çhiass ny fassan. Dy cadjin ta muinneelyn liauyrey ec cooatyn as t'ad foshley ec yn eddin as shickyraghey liorish cooney veih crammanyn, sippyn, dooneyderyn dooan as lhoobey, skorranyn, cryss, ny mestey jeh ny dooneyderyn shen. Ta jesheenyn er cooatyn goaill stiagh coillaryn as yeeallyn geaylin. Ta sorçhyn dy chooatyn goaill stiagh cooatyn fliaghee, cooatyn duffyl, jaggadyn as e lheid. 'Sy ghlare chadjin t'ayn jiu, dy mennick ta deiney mestey jaggadyn as cooatyn, agh she jaggad ayn na cooat eddrym ta sheeyney veih ny geaylinyn dys y vouin choud's ta cooatyn çheet er garmadyn ny s'liurey as ny s'trimmey.

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