Scellyn greiney breck-ghoo brishey magh trooid bodjallyn

She cruinnaghey reayrtagh dy vineenyn bodjal. Foddee dy ghra dy vel ad jeant seose jeh bineenyn beggey d'ushtey ny crystalyn beggey riojit t'er nyn groghey 'syn aeraght çheu heose jeh thalloo ny Cruinney ny jeh thalloo chorpane planaidagh elley. Ta bodjal çheet er cruinnaghey reayrtagh ta çheet ry-cheilley fo ym-hayrn chammah, lheid as stooghyn 'sy spoar as ad enmyssit bodjallyn eddyr-rollageagh as neealyn.

Nar ta bodjal coventyn rish y thalloo t'eh aa-enmyssit myr kay.

She bun ta'n art shoh. Cur rish, son foays y yannoo da Wikipedia.
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