Shimmey sorçh dy spoyrt fwirranagh t'er enney myr bluckan coshey as she yn dean oc dean y vrebbal liorish bluckan. T'ad cur yn enmys bluckan coshey, gyn sonreeaght, er y torçh dy vluckan coshey smoo cadjin raad t'eh ymmydit. Ta spoyrtyn enmyssit bluckan coshey goaill stiagh: sockyr; bluckan coshey croe (bluckan coshey Americaanagh ny bluckan coshey Canadagh er lheh); bluckan coshey Austrailagh; ruggyr (ruggyr unnaneys as ruggyr straih); as bluckan coshey Gaelgagh. Ta bun caghlaaee cadjin ec ny sorçhyn shoh as dy mennick t'ad cur reillyn bluckan coshey orroo.
She bun ta'n art shoh. Cur rish, son foays y yannoo da Wikipedia. |
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