Balley Drine
  Balley beg  
Yn bollagh stiagh gys Balley Drine
Yn bollagh stiagh gys Balley Drine
[[File:Isle of Man location map.svg|250px|{{#if:||{{#if:Balley Drine|Balley Drine|Balley Drine er caslys-çheerey]]
Balley Drine
Soiaghey Valley Drine er caslys-çheerey Vannin
Co-ordnaidyn: 54°12′08″N 04°24′48″W / 54.20222°N 4.41333°W / 54.20222; -4.41333
Çheer Mannin
Sheadin Garff
Skeerey Skeerey Lonan

Co-heiyderys y
Chiare as Feed

Cryss hraa GMT (UTC+0)
 - Sourey (TTSL) BST (UTC+1)
Coad postagh IM4
Coad(yn) çhellvane 01624

Ta Balley Drine (Baarle: Baldrine) ny valley beg ayns Mannin er gerrey da Laksaa.

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