"Arrane Ashoonagh Vannin" Gaelg: O Halloo Nyn Ghooie | |
Çheer | Mannin |
Focklyn | William Henry Gill / John J. Kneen |
Kiaull | William Henry Gill |
Doltit | 2003 |
Va Arrane Ashoonagh Vannin screeuit as cummit liorish William Henry Gill (1839-1923), lesh y çhyndaa Gaelg jeant er liorish John J. Kneen (1873-1939). Hooar yn arrane staydys oikoil ass Tinvaal ec cruinnaght er 22 Jerrey Geuree 2003, as staydys oikoil currit er God Save the King myr Arrane Reeoil Vannin.
O Halloo nyn ghooie, Tra Gorree yn Dane, Ren nyn ayr'yn gimraa, Vec ooasle yn Theill, Deiyr yn sterrym noon as noal, Lhig dorrinyn bra, Nyn ellan fo hee, Lhig dooin boggoil bee, |
Baarle O land of our birth, When Orry, the Dane, Our fathers have told Ye sons of the soil, When fierce tempests smote Let storm-winds rejoice, Our Island, thus blest, Then let us rejoice |