
Ta ard-obbrinys çheet er kiaddey as jannoo troggalyn. Foddee eh çheet er y cheird, ny'n obbyr hene. Ny keayrtyn, ta'n fockle goaill stiagh cooishyn bentyn rish shen, veih eddyr-obbraghey troggal ennagh as y çhymyllaght, dys kiaddey mynphoyntyn y hroggal ny eer cooid hie.

Ta ard-obbrinys goaill stiagh troyn jeshaghteyrys as ellyn. T'eh er ard-obbree feasley feyshtyn fishigagh, agh ta cooishyn aesthetagh bentyn rish yn obbyr myrgeddin.

She bun ta'n art shoh. Cur rish, son foays y yannoo da Wikipedia.
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