Abbyrlhit Seeragh
Sorçh Abjad
Çhengaghyn Seerish, Aramaaish, Arabish (Garshuni)
Eash 200 RJC - jiu
Jalloo-screeueyrys Eajiptagh
 Abbyrlhittyn Proto-Sinaitagh
 Abbyrlhit Seeragh
Coryssyn paitçhey Abbyrlhittyn Sogdagh, Nabataeagh, Shorshagh*
* foddee
Ream Unicode U+0700 to U+074F
ISO 15924 Syrc, Syre, Syrj, Syrn
Notey: Bee cowraghyn sheeanagh ASE er y duillag shoh ayns Unicode, foddee.
Notey: Ta cowraghyn er lheh 'syn art shoh. Mannagh vel jargaght jannoo screeu crampit ec y cho-earrooder ayd, foddee dy vaik uss cowraghyn feysht, kishtaghyn ny cowraghyn elley ayns ynnyd ny cowraghyn kiartey.

Yn abbyrlhit Seeragh, shen abjad as ymmyd jeant jeh son dy screeu Seerish, as ny keayrtyn, fir elley. T'eh goll er screeu voish jesh dys toshtal.

Lettyryn yn Abbyrlhit Seeragh

ܐ ܒ ܓ ܕ ܗ ܘ ܙ ܚ ܛ ܝ ܟܟ
ܠ ܡܡ ܢܢ ܣ ܥ ܦ ܨ ܩ ܪ ܫ ܬ
ܡ ܢ
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