D Marta Manser (* 1962[1]) isch e Schwyzer Brofässeri fir Verhaltesbiology am Inschtitut fir Evoluzionsbiology un Umwältwisseschaft an dr Uniwersitet Züri.[2]
D Manser isch uf eme Buurehoft in dr Oschtschwyz ufgwagse. No dr Schuel het si Biologylaboranti bi Hoffmann-La Roche gleert. Noch em Abschluss vu Uusbildig het si gmerkt, ass die Arbet lengerfrischtig nyt fir si isch.[3] No ne baar Jihr im Beruef un in ere Freiwilligenarbet het si anne 1988 an dr Uniwersitet Baasel aafange Biology studiere.Im Johr 1992 het si dr Master am Zoologische Inschtitut vu dr Uniwersitet Baasel gmacht. Ab 1994 het si in dr Large Animal Research Group am Zoologische Inschtitut vu dr Uniwersitet Cambridge z Ängland gforscht. Anne 1998 het si bromewiert un derno as Poscht-Dokterandi am Psichologische Inschtitut vu dr University of Pennsylvania z Philadelphia, USA, gschafft. Ab 2002 het si ne SNF-Ferderbrofessur am Zoologische Inschtitut vu dr Uniwersitet Züri ghaa. Vu 2008 bis 2015 isch si usserordeligi Brofässeri fir Verhaltesbiology am Inschtitut fir Evoluzionsbiology un Umwältwisseschaft an dr Uni Züri gsii,[2] syter anne 2015 isch si dert ordeligi Brofässeri.
Si untersuecht mit ire Forschigsgruppe d Kommunikazion un d Kognizion vu soziale Saiger.[4] D Manser isch di wichtigscht Experti fir Ärdmännli in dr Schwyz un untersuecht däre ire Gruppelääbe unter anderem am Standort Irchel vu dr Uniwersitet Züri.[5] Dert haltet si ne Gruppe Ärdmännli, wu si diräkt vor Ort chenne beobachte. Si isch au Forschigslaiteri vum Kalahari Meerkat Project im Kuruman River Reserve im Norde vu Sidafrika.[6] Si het unter anderem entdeckt, ass Ärdmännli fir e jede unterschidlige Fynd en andere Warnruef hän un dodermit gnau wisse, wu e Gfohr här chunnt.[7]
Si isch au im Vorstand vu dr Zoologische Gsellschaft Züri.[8]
- Artikel mit Peer-Review
- Kershenbaum, A, Blumstein, DT, Roch, MA, Akcay, C, Backus, G, Bee, M, Bohn, K, Cao, Y, Carter, G, Cäsar, C, Coen, M, De Ruiter, ST, Doyle, L, Edelman, S, Ferrer-i-Cancho, R, Freeberg, TM, Garland, EC, Gustison, M, Harley, HE, Huetz, C, Hughes, M, Hyland Bruno, J, Ilany, A, Jin, D, Johnson, M, Ju, C, Karnowski, J, Lohr, B, Manser, MB, McCowan, B, Mercado, E, Narins, P, Piel, A, Rice, M, Salmi, R, Sasahara, K, Sayigh,L, Shiu, Y, Taylor, C, Vallejo, EE, Waller, S & Zamora-Gutierrez, V (2016): Acoustic sequences in non-human animals: A tutorial review and prospectus. Biological Reviews. 91, 1: 13–52
- Sartori, C, Manser, MB & Mantovani R (2014): Relationship between number and intensity of fighting: evidence from cow fighting tournaments in Valdostana cattle. In: Italian Journal of Animal Science, 4. online.
- Völlmy, IE, Braga Goncalves, I, Barrette, MF, Monfort, SL & Manser MB (2014): Mean fecal glucocorticoid metabolites correlate with vigilance, whereas immediate cortisol levels better reflect acute anti-predator responses in meerkats. In: Hormones & Behavior, online.
- Bateman, AW, Lewis, MA, Gall, G, Manser, MB & Clutton-Brock, TH (2014): Territoriality and home‐range dynamics in meerkats, Suricata suricatta: a mechanistic modelling approach In: Journal of Animal Ecolgoy, online.
- Collier, K, Bickel, B, van Schaik, C, Manser MB & Townsend, ST (2014): Language evolution: Syntax before phonology. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 281, online.
- Townsend, SW, Charlton, BD & Manser MB (2014): Acoustic cues to identity and predator context in meerkat barks. In: Animal Behaviour, 94, 143–149.
- Manser MB, Jansen, DAWAM, Hollén, LI, Graw, B, Bousquet CA & le Roux A (2014): Vocal complexity in meerkats and other mongooses. In: Advances in the Study of Animal Behavior, 46, 281–310.
- Karp, D, Manser MB, Wiley, EM & Townsend, SW (2014): Nonlinearities in meerkat alarm calls prevent receivers from habituating. In: Ethology, 120, 189–196. 2013
- Jansen, DAWAM, Cant MA & Manser MB (2013) xxxTesting for vocal individual discrimination in adult banded mongooses. In: Journal of Zoology, London, 291, 171–177.
- Manser MB (2013): Semantic communication in vervet monkeys and other animals. In: Animal Behaviour, 86, 491–496.
- Reber S, Townsend SW & Manser MB (2013): Social monitoring via close calls in meerkat. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 280, 20131013. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1013
- Santema P, Bennett N, Manser MB & Clutton-Brock TH (2013): Effects of cortisol administration on cooperative behavior in meerkat helpers. In: Behavioral Ecology, 24, 1122–1127.
- Leclaire S, Nielsen JF, Thavarajah NK, Manser MB & Clutton-Brock TH (2013): Odour-based kin discrimination in the cooperatively breeding meerkat. In: Biology Letters, 9, 20121054. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2012.1054
- Townsend SW & Manser MB (2013): Functionally referential communication in mammals: the past, present and the future. In: Ethology, 119, 1–11.
- Zöttl M, Lienert R, Clutton-Brock T, Millesi E & Manser MB (2013): The effects of recruitment to direct predator cues on predator responses in meerkats. In: Behavioral Ecology, 24, 198–204. 2012
- Jansen, DAWAM, Cant MA & Manser MB (2012): Segmental concatenation of individual signatures and context cues in banded mongoose (Mungos mungo) close calls. In: BMC Biology, 10: 97.
- Townsend SW, Rasmussen M, Clutton-Brock TH & Manser MB (2012): Flexible alarm calling in meerkats: the role of the social environment and predation urgency. In: Behavioral Ecology, 23, 1360–1364.
- Furrer RM, Kunc HJP & Manser MB (2012): Variable initiators of group departure in a cooperative breeder: the influence of sex, age, state and foraging sucess. In: Animal Behaviour. 84, 205–212.
- Townsend SW, Allen C & Manser MB (2012): A simple test of vocal individual recognition in wild meerkats. In: Biology Letters, 8, 179–182. 2011
- Bousquet CAH, Sumpter DJT & Manser MB (2011): Moving calls: a vocal mechanism underlying quorum decisions in cohesive groups. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 278, 1482–1488.
- Bousquet CAH & Manser MB (2011): Resolution of experimentally induced symmetrical conflicts of interest in meerkats. In: Animal Behaviour. 81, 1101–1107.
- Furrer RD, Kyabulima S, Willems EP, Cant MA & Manser MB (2011): Location and group size influence decisions in simulated Inter-group encounters in banded mongooses. In: Behavioral Ecology, 22, 493500.
- Jordan NR, Manser MB, Mwanguhya F, Kyabulima S, Rüdi P & Cant MA (2011): Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 1. Sex-specific scents and overmarking. In: Animal Behaviour, 81, 31–42.
- Townsend SW, Zöttl M & Manser MB (2011): All clear? Meerkats attend to contextual information in close calls to coordinate vigilance. In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65, 1927–1934.
- Townsend SW & Manser MB (2011): The function of non-linear phenomena in meerkat alarm calls In: . Biology Letters, 7, 47–49. 2010
- Townsend SW, Hollén LI & Manser MB (2010): Meerkat close calls encode group significant signatures, but fail to discriminate. In: Animal Behaviour, 80, 133–138. 2009
- Furrer R & Manser MB (2009): The evolution of urgency-based and functionally referential alarm calls in ground-dwelling species. In: American Naturalist, 173, 400–410.
- Furrer R & Manser MB (2009): Banded mongoose recruitment calls convey information about risk and not stimuli type. In: Animal Behaviour, 78, 195–201.
- Le Roux A, Cherry M, Gygax L & Manser MB (2009): Vigilance behaviour and fitness consequences between a solitary and a group foraging mammal. In: Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 63, 1097–1107.
- Le Roux A, Cherry M & Manser MB (2009): The vocal repertoire in a solitary foraging carnivore reflects facultative sociality. In: Naturwissenschaften, 96, 575–584.
- Madden JR, Kunc HJ, English S, Manser MB & Clutton-Brock TH (2009): Do meerkat (Suricata suricatta) pups exhibit strategic begging behaviour and so exploit adults that feed at relatively high Publications list 3 Marta Manser rates? In: Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology, 63, 1259–1268.
- Madden JR, Kunc HJ, English S, Manser MB & Clutton-Brock TH (2009): Calling in the gap: Competition or cooperation in littermates begging behaviour. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 276, 1255-1261. 2008
- Hollén L, Clutton-Brock TH & Manser MB (2008): Factors affecting the development of alarm-call production, usage and responses in meerkats (Suricata suricatta). In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62, 821–829.
- Le Roux A, Cherry M & Manser MB (2008): Audience effect on alarm calling in the facultatively social yellow mongoose. In: Animal Behaviour, 75, 943–949.
- Le Roux A, Cherry M & Manser MB (2008): Social and ecological factors affecting scent marking in yellow mongooses. In: Journal of Zoology, 275, 33–40.
- Manser MB, Madden JR, Kunc HJ, English S & Clutton-Brock T (2008): Signals of need in a cooperatively breeding mammal with mobile offspring. In: Animal Behaviour, 76, 1805–1813.
- Muller C & Manser MB (2008): The information banded mongooses extract from heterospecific alarms. In: Animal Behaviour, 75, 897–904.
- Muller C & Manser MB (2008): Mutual recognition of pups and providers in the cooperatively breeding banded mongoose. In: Animal Behaviour, 75, 1683–1692.
- Muller C & Manser MB (2008): Scent-marking and intrasexual competition in a cooperative carnivore with low reproductive skew. In: Ethology, 114, 174–1185. 2007
- Graw B & Manser MB (2007): The function of mobbing in cooperative meerkats. In: Animal Behaviour, 74, 507–517.
- Hollén L, & Manser MB (2007): Motivation before meaning: motivational information encoded in meerkat alarm calls develop earlier than referential information. In: American Naturalist, 73, 613–622.
- Hollén L & Manser MB (2007): Persistence of alarm-call behaviour in the absence of predators: a comparison between wild and captive-born meerkats (Suricata suricatta). In: Ethology, 113, 1038–1047.
- Jordan NR, Cherry MI & Manser MB (2007): The spatial and temporal distribution of meerkat latrines reflects intruder diversity and suggests a role of mate defence. In: Animal Behaviour, 73, 613–622.
- Kunc HJ, Madden J & Manser MB (2007): Begging signals in a mobile feeding system: The evolution of different call types. In: American Naturalist, 170, 61–624.
- Muller C, & Manser MB (2007): Nasty neighbours, rather then 'dear enemies' in a social carnivore. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 274, 959–965.
- Schibler F & Manser MB (2007): The irrelevance of individual discrimination in meerkat alarm calls. In: Animal Behaviour, 74, 1259–1268. 2006
- Carlson AA, Manser MB, Young AJ, Russell AF, Jordan NR, McNeilly AS & Clutton-Brock TH (2006): Cortisol level are positively associated with pup-feeding rates in male meerkats. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 273, 571–577.
- Clutton-Brock TH, Hodge S, Spong G, Russell AF, Jordan NR, Bennett NC & Manser MB (2006): Intrasexual competiton in cooperative mammals. In: Nature, 444, 1065–1068.
- Hollén L & Manser MB (2006): The ontogeny of alarm call responses in meerkat pups: the role of age, sex and nearby conspecifics. In: Animal Behaviour, 72, 1345–1353. 2000–2005
- Hollén L & Manser MB (2005): Studying alarm call communication in meerkats. In: Cognition, Brain, Behavior, IX, 525–538. Publications list 4 Marta Manser
- Manser MB & Bell MB (2004): The spatial representation of shelter locations in meerkats. In: Animal Behaviour, 68, 151–157.
- Manser MB & Fletcher LB (2004): Vocalize to localize – a test on functionally referential alarm calls. In: Interactions Studies, 5, 325–342.
- Manser MB, Seyfarth RM & Cheney DL (2002): Suricate alarm calls signal predator class and urgency. In: Trends of Cognitive Science, 6, 55–57.
- Clutton-Brock TH, Brotherton PNM, O’Riain MJ, Gaynor D, Kansky R, Manser MB, Sharpe L, McIlrath GM (2001): Cooperation, control, and concession in meerkat groups. In: Science, 291, 5503, 478–481.
- Manser MB (2001): The acoustic structure of suricate alarm calls varies with predator type and the level of urgency. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 268, 2315–2324.
- Manser MB, Bell MB & Fletcher LB (2001): The information that receivers extract from alarm calls in suricates. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 268, 2485–2491.
- Clutton-Brock TH, Brotherton PNM, O’Riain MJ, Griffin AS, Gaynor D, Sharpe L, Kansky R, Manser MB, McIlrath GM (2000): Individual contributions to babysitting in a cooperative mongoose, Suricata suricatta. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 267, 1440, 301–305.
- Manser MB & Avey G (2000): The effect of pup vocalisations on food allocation in a cooperative mammal, Suricata suricatta. In: Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 48, 429–437. 1995–1999
- Clutton-Brock TH, O’Riain MJ, Brotherton PNM, Gaynor D, Kansky R, Griffin AS & Manser M (1999): Selfish Sentinels in Cooperative Mammals. In: Science, 284, 5420, 1577–1724.
- Clutton-Brock TH, Gaynor D, McIlrath GM, Maccoll ADC, Kansky R, Chadwick P, Manser M, Skinner JD, Brotherton PNM (1999): Predation, group size and mortality in a cooperative mongoose, Suricata suricatta. In: Journal of Animal Ecology, 68, 672–683.
- Manser MB (1999): Response of foraging group members to sentinel calls in suricates, Suricata suricatta. In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 266, 1013–1019.
- Clutton-Brock TH, Gaynor D, Kansky R, MacColl ADC, MacIlrath GM, Chadwick P, Brotherton PNM, O’Riain J, Manser M & Skinner JD, (1998): Costs of cooperative behaviour in suricates (Suricata suricatta). In: Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B, 265, 185–190.
- Brotherton PNM & Manser MB (1996): Female dispersion and Monogamy in the dikdik (Madoqua kirkii). In: Animal Behaviour, 54, 1413–1424.
- Manser MB & Brotherton PNM (1995): Environmental constraints on the foraging behaviour of a dwarf antelope (Madoqua kirkii). In: Oecologia, 102, 404–412.
- Buechkapitel
- Clutton-Brock T & Manser MB (2015). Cooperative breeding in Kalahari meerkats. In: Cooperative Breeding, edited by W. König, Cambridge University Press
- Fichtel C & Manser MB (2011): Vocal communication in social groups. In: Animal Behaviour: Evolution & Mechanisms edited by P. Kappeler, Springer, Heidelberg
- Manser MB (2010): The generation of functionally referential and motivational vocal signals in mammals. In: Handbook of Mammalian Vocalizations edited by S. M. Brudzynski, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
- Manser MB (2009): What do functionally alarm calls refer to? In: Cognitive Ecology edited by R. Dukas & J. Ratcliffe, The University of Chicago Press.
- Marta Manser uf dr Websyte vu dr Uniwersitet Züri
- «Man muss den Weg zu den richtigen Orten und Leuten finden.» Iber d Manser bi dr Women in Science Kampagne vu dr Uniwersitet Züri
- Kalahari Meerkat Project
- Ein neues Heim für Erdmännchen – Zürcher Zoo bietet Raum für Forschungsarbeiten uf YouTube. 8. April 2011.
- Bellende Warnrufe. In: Tages-Anzeiger. 5. Oktober 2015.
- «Reporter»: Martas Welt – Über die Erdmännchenforscherin Marta Manser. In: SRF Reporter. 11. Oktober 2015.
- Erdmännchen können vertrauen. In: Schweizer Bauer. 24. August 2018
- Hélène Arnet: Diese Frau hat die SOS-Rufe der Erdmännchen entschlüsselt. In: Tages-Anzeiger. 25. Merz 2021.
- ↑ Der Ruf der Erdmännchen. In: NZZ. 25. Februar 2013
- 1 2 Marta Manser. Abgruefen am 26. November 2020 (änglisch).
- ↑ «Man muss den Weg zu den richtigen Orten und Leuten finden.» Abgruefen am 26. November 2020.
- ↑ Kommunikation und Kognition bei sozialen Säugetieren. Abgruefen am 26. November 2020.
- ↑ Einstein – Erdmännchen-Forschung an der Uni Zürich – Play SRF. Abgruefen am 26. November 2020.
- ↑ Kalahari Meerkat Project. Abgruefen am 26. November 2020 (amerikanischs Änglisch).
- ↑ Kalahari-Erdmännchen in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur, 23. Februar 2020, abgruefen am 26. November 2020 (Schwiizer Hochtüütsch).
- ↑ Home – Zoologische Gesellschaft Zürich. Abgruefen am 26. November 2020.
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