
'S e Shanghai an darna baile as motha a tha ann an Sluagh-Phoblachd na Sìne.

Dùthaich Sluagh-Phoblachd na Sìne
Co-chomharran 31° 14′ 0″ Tuath
121° 28′ 0″ Ear
Feartan fiosaigeach
Farsaingeachd 6,340.5 km²
Àireamh-shluaigh 18,403,769 (2007)
Dlùths 2,902.57/km²
Àireamh fòn +86/21
Duilleag oifigeil

Bailtean Co-cheangailte


  1. Stadt BaselTeamplaid:Fix/category
  2. SisterCities
  3. Comhairle Bhaile Chorcaigh
  4. חֵיפָה
  5. Stadt Hamburg
  6. Annuaire de France
  7. Gemeente Rotterdam
  8. Stadt Salzburg
  9. SisterCities
  10. Porto Câmara Municipal
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