Oilthigh Mharburg

'S e seann oilthigh Pròstanach anns a' Ghearmailt a th' ann an Oilthigh Mharburg (Ghearmailtis Philipps-Universität Marburg) Chaidh a stèidheachadh ann am Marburg ann an 1527 le Philipp I. der Großmütige.

Oilthigh Mharburg
Facal Suaicheantais Schola Marpurgensis
Stèidhichte 1527
Suidheachadh Marburg, a' Ghearmailt
Oileanaich 26726
Làrach-lìn https://www.uni-marburg.de/de

Daoine cudthromach ann an Oilthigh Mharburg

Ceanglaichean a-muigh


  1. Nobel Prize
  2. Nobel Prize
  3. Nobel Prize
  4. Nobel Prize
  5. Nobel Prize
  6. Nobel Prize
  7. Allen, Wayne F. (1 an t-Iuchar 1982). "Hannah Arendt: existential phenomenology and political freedom". Philosophy & Social Criticism. 9 (2): 170–190. doi:10.1177/019145378200900203. S2CID 145329906.
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