Michael Smith
B’ e ceimigear à Canada a bha ann am Michael Smith CC, OBC, PhD, LLD (Blackpool 26 an Giblean 1932–Vancouver 4 an Dàmhair 2000). Bhuannaich e an Duais Nobel ann an Ceimigeachd ann an 1993,[1] còmhla ri Kary B. Mullis. Bha e ag obair ann an Oilthigh Columbia Breatannach ann an Canada bho 1956 gum bàs aige ann an 2000.
Michael Smith | |
![]() | |
Beatha | |
Breith |
Blackpool (en) ![]() |
Dùthaich |
![]() |
Bàs | Vancouver, 4 dhen Dàmhair 2000 |
Foghlam | |
Foghlam |
Oilthigh Mhanchester Arnold School (en) ![]() |
Teusas | Studies in the stereochemistry of diols and their derivatives |
Cànain | Beurla |
Dreuchd | |
Dreuchd | ceimigear, bith-cheimigear, neach-teagaisg oilthigh agus eòlaiche-gintinneachd |
Fastaichean | Oilthigh British Columbia |
Duaisean a fhuaras |
Ballrachd |
An Comann Rìoghail Buidheann Eòrpach a' Bhith-eòlais Mhoileciuilich Acadamh Nàiseanta nan Saidheans |
Creideamh | |
Creideamh | neo-dhiadhaireachd |
- Ferrer, J.C., Turano, P., Banci, L., Bertini, I., Morris, I.K., Smith, K.M., Smith, M., Mauk, A.G. (1994). Active site coordination chemistry of the cytochrome c peroxidase Asp235Ala variant: Spectroscopic and functional characterization. Biochem. 33: (25) 7819-7829.
- Guillemette, J.G., Barker, P.D., Eltis, L.D., Lo, T.P., Smith, M., Brayer, G.D., Mauk, A.G. (1994). Analysis of the biomolecular reducation of ferricytochrome c by ferrocytochrome b5 through mutagenesis and molecular modelling. Biochimie 76: 592-604.
- Berghuis, A.M., Guillemette, J.G., Smith, M., and Brayer, G.D. (1994). Mutation of tyrosine-67 to phenylamaine in cytochrome c significantly alters the local heme environment. J. Mol. Biol. 235: 1326-1341.
- Rafferty, S.P., Guillemette, J.G., Smith, M., and Mauk, A.G. (1996). Azide binding and active site dynamics of position-82 variants of ferricytochrome c. Inorg. Chem. Acta.242: 171-177.
- Woods, A.C., Guillemette, J.G., Parraish, J.C., Smith, M., Wallace, C.J.A. (1996). Synergy in Protein Engineering. Mutagenic manipulation of protein structure to simplify semisynthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 271: (50) 32008-32015.
- Hildebrand, D.P., Ferrer, J.C., Tang, H.-L., Smith, M., and Mauk, A.G. (1996). Trans effects on cysteine ligation in the proximal His93Cys variant of horse heart myoglobin. Biocchemistry 34: 11598-11605.
- Hildebrand, D.P., Ferrer, J.C., Tang, H.-L., Luo, Y., Hunter, C.L., Brayer, G.D., Smith, M. and Mauk, A.G. (1996). Efficient coupled oxidation of heme by an active site variant of horse heart myoglobin. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118: (51) 12909-12915.
- Maurus, R., Overall, C.M., Bogumil, R., Luo, Y., Mauk, A.G., Smith, M., and Brayer, G.D. (1997). Thermal stabilization of horse heart myoglobin through modification of a hydrophobic cluster in the proximal heme pocket. Biochem. Acta. 1341: 1-13.
- “The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993”. Nobel Media AB. Air a thogail 26mh dhen Ghiblean 2018.
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