Michael Smith

B’ e ceimigear à Canada a bha ann am Michael Smith CC, OBC, PhD, LLD (Blackpool 26 an Giblean 1932Vancouver 4 an Dàmhair 2000). Bhuannaich e an Duais Nobel ann an Ceimigeachd ann an 1993,[1] còmhla ri Kary B. Mullis. Bha e ag obair ann an Oilthigh Columbia Breatannach ann an Canada bho 1956 gum bàs aige ann an 2000.

Michael Smith
Breith Blackpool (en) Translate, 26 dhen Ghiblean 1932
Dùthaich  Canada
Bàs Vancouver, 4 dhen Dàmhair 2000
Foghlam Oilthigh Mhanchester
Arnold School (en) Translate
Teusas Studies in the stereochemistry of diols and their derivatives
Cànain Beurla
Dreuchd ceimigear, bith-cheimigear, neach-teagaisg oilthigh agus eòlaiche-gintinneachd
Fastaichean Oilthigh British Columbia
Duaisean a fhuaras
Ballrachd An Comann Rìoghail
Buidheann Eòrpach a' Bhith-eòlais Mhoileciuilich
Acadamh Nàiseanta nan Saidheans
Creideamh neo-dhiadhaireachd


  • Ferrer, J.C., Turano, P., Banci, L., Bertini, I., Morris, I.K., Smith, K.M., Smith, M., Mauk, A.G. (1994). Active site coordination chemistry of the cytochrome c peroxidase Asp235Ala variant: Spectroscopic and functional characterization. Biochem. 33: (25) 7819-7829.
  • Guillemette, J.G., Barker, P.D., Eltis, L.D., Lo, T.P., Smith, M., Brayer, G.D., Mauk, A.G. (1994). Analysis of the biomolecular reducation of ferricytochrome c by ferrocytochrome b5 through mutagenesis and molecular modelling. Biochimie 76: 592-604.
  • Berghuis, A.M., Guillemette, J.G., Smith, M., and Brayer, G.D. (1994). Mutation of tyrosine-67 to phenylamaine in cytochrome c significantly alters the local heme environment. J. Mol. Biol. 235: 1326-1341.
  • Rafferty, S.P., Guillemette, J.G., Smith, M., and Mauk, A.G. (1996). Azide binding and active site dynamics of position-82 variants of ferricytochrome c. Inorg. Chem. Acta.242: 171-177.
  • Woods, A.C., Guillemette, J.G., Parraish, J.C., Smith, M., Wallace, C.J.A. (1996). Synergy in Protein Engineering. Mutagenic manipulation of protein structure to simplify semisynthesis. J. Biol. Chem. 271: (50) 32008-32015.
  • Hildebrand, D.P., Ferrer, J.C., Tang, H.-L., Smith, M., and Mauk, A.G. (1996). Trans effects on cysteine ligation in the proximal His93Cys variant of horse heart myoglobin. Biocchemistry 34: 11598-11605.
  • Hildebrand, D.P., Ferrer, J.C., Tang, H.-L., Luo, Y., Hunter, C.L., Brayer, G.D., Smith, M. and Mauk, A.G. (1996). Efficient coupled oxidation of heme by an active site variant of horse heart myoglobin. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118: (51) 12909-12915.
  • Maurus, R., Overall, C.M., Bogumil, R., Luo, Y., Mauk, A.G., Smith, M., and Brayer, G.D. (1997). Thermal stabilization of horse heart myoglobin through modification of a hydrophobic cluster in the proximal heme pocket. Biochem. Acta. 1341: 1-13.


  1. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993”. Nobel Media AB. Air a thogail 26mh dhen Ghiblean 2018.
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