Liosta nam beathach
Fìleam Annelida (Lamarck, 1809)[1]
Òrdugh Haplotaxida[1]
- Boiteag
Òrdugh Hirudinea (Lamarck, 1818)
- Deala[2]
Fìleam Arthropoda (Beurla: insects, arachnids, myriapods, crustaceans)
Fo-chlas Acari (Leach, 1817)
- Fìneag
- Gartan
Teaghlach Pholcidae (C. L. Koch, 1851) (Beurla: cellar spider)
- Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin, 1775)) (Beurla: cellar spider, "daddy long-legs spider", "granddaddy long-legs spider", "carpenter spider", "daddy long-legger", "vibrating spider")
Gèineas Loxosceles (Heineken & Lowe, 1832) (recluse spiders, brown spiders, fiddle back spiders, violin spiders, reapers)
- Loxosceles reclusa (Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940)) (Beurla: brown recluse)
Teaghlach Sparassidae (Bertkau, 1872) (Beurla: huntsman spiders, giant crab spiders, wood spiders)
- Heteropoda maxima (Jaeger, 2001)) (Beurla: giant huntsman spider)
Teaghlach Symphytognathidae
- Beurla: Patu digua)
Teaghlach Theraphosidae (Thorell, 1870) (Beurla: tarantulas)
- Theraphosa blondi (Latreille, 1804)) (Beurla: Goliath birdeater)
Teaghlach Theridiidae (Beurla: tangle-web spiders, cobweb spiders, comb-footed spiders)
- Beurla: black widow) (Gèineas Latrodectus)
Òrdugh Coleoptera (Beurla: beetles)
- Beurla: dung beetle) (superfamily Scarabaeoidea)
Òrdugh Diptera (Beurla: true flies)
- Beurla: fly)
Teaghlach Tipulidae (Latreille, 1802) (Beurla: crane flies, "daddy longlegs")
- Tipula paludosa (Meigen, 1830)) (Beurla: European crane fly)
- Tipula oleracea (L., 1758), Tipula pratensis (De Geer, 1776), Tipula submendosa (Tjeder, 1941)) (Beurla: marsh crane fly)
Òrdugh Hemiptera (L., 1758) (Beurla: true bugs)
- Cimex lectularius (L., 1758)[3]) (Beurla: common bed bug)
Teaghlach Apidae[3] (Beurla: bumble bees, euglossines, honey bees, stingless bees)[3]
Seillean, Beach, Beach-eòlais, Cràin-sheillean, Seillean-obrach, Seillean-sgip, Teillean
- Seillean-cuthaige (Bombus (Latreille, 1802)[3] subgenus Psithyrus (Lepeletier, 1833 – invalid)[3]) (Beurla: cuckoo bumblebee)
- Seillean-dubh, Seillean-mór (Gèineas Bombus (Latreille, 1802)[3]) (Beurla: bumblebee)
- Seillean-meala, Seillean-mil (Apis mellifera (L., 1758)[3]) (Beurla: honeybee)
- Seillean-ruadh (Bombus monticola (Smith, 1849)[3]) (Beurla: bilberry bumblebee, mountain bumblebee, Bilberry Humble-bee(sic)[3], Mountain Humble-bee(sic)[3])
Teaghlach Crabronidae (Latreille, 1802)[3] (Beurla: wasps)
- Marbhaiche-sheillean (Philanthus triangulum (Fabricius, 1775)) (Beurla: European beewolf, bee-eating philanthus)
Teaghlach Vespidae (Beurla: wasps)
- Beurla: hornet) (Gèineas Vespa)
- Beurla: yellowjacket) (Gèineasan Vespula neo Dolichovespula)
Òrdugh Lepidoptera
Teaghlach Bombycidae (Latreille, 1802)
- Bombyx mori (L., 1758)) (Beurla: domesticated silkmoth, silkworm)
- Bombyx mandarina (Moore, 1872)) (Beurla: wild silkmoth)
Teaghlach Papilionidae (Latreille, 1802)[1])
- Eàrr-ghòbhlanach (Papilio machaon)
- Eàrr-ghòbhlanach Afragach (Papilio dardanus)
- (Gèineas Eurytides (Hübner, 1821)[1]) (Beurla: kite swallowtail)
- Graphium agamemnon (L., 1758)[1]) (Beurla: Tailed Jay Butterfly)[1]
- Graphium angolanus (Goeze, 1779)[1]) (Afraganais: Angola-witnooientjie)[1] (Beurla: Angola white lady, Angola White-lady Swordtail[1])
- Graphium antheus (Cramer, 1779)[1]) (Afraganais: Jag-swaardstert)[1] (Beurla: large striped swordtail)
- Graphium arycles (Boisduval, 1836)[1]) (Beurla: Spotted Jay Butterfly)[1]
- Graphium bathycles (Zincken, 1831)[1]) (Beurla: veined jay)
- Graphium biokoensis (Gauthier, 1984)[1]) (Beurla: Gauthier's striped swordtail)
- Graphium cloanthus (Westwood, 1841)[1]) (Beurla: Glassy Bluebottle Butterfly)
- Graphium codrus (Cramer, 1777)[1]) (Beurla: eastern olive triangle)
- Graphium doson (Felder & Felder, 1864)[1]) (Beurla: common jay)
- Graphium eurypylus (L., 1758)[1]) (Beurla: Great Jay Butterfly, Pale Green Triangle)[1]
- Graphium latreillianus (Godart, 1819)[1]) (Beurla: coppery swordtail)
- Graphium leonidas (Fabricius, 1793)[1]) (Afraganais: Bont-swaardstert)[1] (Beurla: common graphium, Veined Swordstail[1])
- Graphium macleayanus (Leach, 1814)[1]) (Beurla: Macleay's swallowtail)
- Graphium mandarinus (Oberthür, 1879)[1]) (Beurla: spectacle swordtail)
- Graphium megarus (Westwood, 1841)[1]) (Beurla: Spotted Zebra Butterfly)[1]
- Graphium monticolus (Fruhstorfer, 1896)[1]) (Beurla: Sulawesi blue)
- Graphium sarpedon (L., 1758)[1]) (Beurla: Blue Triangle Butterfly[1])
- Graphium tynderaeus (Fabricius, 1793)[1]) (Beurla: electric green swordtail, Green-spotted Swallowtail[1])
- Graphium weiskei (Ribbe, 1900)[1]) (Beurla: purple-spotted swallowtail)
Òrdugh Mantodea (Burmeister, 1838)) (Beurla: mantises, praying mantises)
(Beurla: flower mantis)
- Gèineas Danuria) (Beurla: giant grass mantis)
- Gèineasan Asiadodis, Choeradodis, Pnigomantis, Rhombodera, Tamolanica) (Beurla: shield mantis)
- Gèineasan Brunneria, Hoplocorypha, Paratoxodera, Popa) (Beurla: stick mantis)
- Gèineasan Paraoxypilus, Tarachodes, Theopompa) (Beurla: bark mantis)
- Acanthops falcata (Stal, 1877)[1]) (Beurla: South American dead leaf mantis, boxer mantis)
- Acanthops falcataria (Goeze, 1778)[1]) (Beurla: South American dead leaf mantis)
- Acanthops parafalcata (Lombardo & Ippolito, 2004)[1]) (Beurla: South American dead leaf mantis)
- Acromantis formosana (Shiraki, 1911)[1]) (Beurla: Taiwan flower mantis)
- Acromantis gestri (Giglio-Tos, 1915)[1]) (Beurla: Sumatran acromantis, Thai boxer mantis, Thailand Boxer Praying Mantis)
- Acromantis japonica (Westwood, 1889)) (Beurla: Japanese boxer mantis)
- Aethalochroa ashmoliana (Westwood, 1841)[1]) (Beurla: Iranian stick mantis)
- Aethalochroa insignis (Wood-Mason, 1878)[1]) (Beurla: Indian stick mantis)
- Ameles spallanzania (Rossi, 1792)[1])) (Beurla: European dwarf mantis)
- Archimantis latistyla (Serville, 1838)[1]) (Beurla: Australian stick mantis, large brown mantis, stick mantis)
- Archimantis monstrosa (Wood-Mason, 1878)[1]) (Beurla: monster mantis)
- Asiadodis squilla (Saussure, 1869)[1]) (Beurla: Asian shield mantis)
- Blepharopsis mendica (Fabricius, 1775)[1]) (Beurla: Devil's Flower Mantis[1], Egyptian flower mantis, thistle mantis, Arab mantis)
- Brunneria borealis (Scudder, 1896)[1]) (Beurla: Brunner's mantis, Brunner's stick mantis)
- Brunneria brasiliensis (Saussure, 1870)[1]) (Beurla: Brazilian stick mantis)
- Brunneria subaptera (Saussure, 1869)[1]) (Beurla: small-winged stick mantis)
- Chloroharpax modesta (Gerstaecker, 1883)[1]) (Beurla: Nigerian flower mantis)
- Choeradodis columbica (Beier, 1931)[1]) (Beurla: Columbian shield mantis)
- Choeradodis rhombicollis (Latreille, 1833)[1]) (Beurla: Peruvian shield mantis)
- Choeradodis rhomboidea (Stoll, 1813)[1]) (Beurla: tropical shield mantis, hood mantis, hooded mantis, leaf mantis)
- Choeradodis stalii (Wood-Mason, 1880)[1]) (Beurla: tropical shield mantis, leaf mantis, hooded mantis)
- Choeradodis strumaria (L., 1758)[1]) (Beurla: leaf mantis)
- Creobroter gemmatus (Saussure, 1869)[1]) (Beurla: Indian flower mantis, jeweled flower mantis)
- Creobroter pictipennis (Wood-Mason, 1878)[1]) (Beurla: Indian flower mantis)
- Deroplatys desiccata (Westwood, 1839)[1]) (Beurla: dead leaf mantis, giant dead leaf mantis, Malaysian dead leaf mantis)
- Deroplatys lobata (Guérin-Méneville, 1838)[1]) (Beurla: dead leaf mantis, Malaysian dead leaf mantis)
- Deroplatys trigonodera (Westwood, 1889)[1]) (Beurla: dead leaf mantis)
- Deroplatys truncata (Guerin-Meneville, 1843)[1]) (Beurla: dead leaf mantis)
- Gongylus gongylodes (L., 1758)[1]) (Beurla: wandering violin mantis, Indian rose mantis, ornate mantis)
- Gyromantis kraussii (Saussure, 1872)[1]) (Beurla: bark mantis, spiny bark mantis)
- Gyromantis occidentalis (Sjöstedt, 1918)[1]) (Beurla: bark mantis, eastern bark mantis)
- Hierodula grandis (Saussure, 1870)[1]) (Beurla: giant Asian mantis, giant Indian mantis)
- Hierodula membranacea (Burmeister, 1838)[1]) (Beurla: giant Asian mantis, Sri Lanka mantis, green mantis)
- Hierodula patellifera (Serville, 1839)[1]) (Beurla: giant Asian mantis
- Hierodula salomonis (Werner, 1930)[1]) (Beurla: jade mantis)
- Hierodula viridis ¿Sphodromantis viridis?) (Beurla: giant Asian mantis, bush mantis)
- Hymenopus coronatus (Olivier, 1792))[1]) (Beurla: Malaysian orchid mantis[1], orchid mantis, Pink Orchid Mantis)[1]
- Idolomantis diabolica (Saussure, 1869)[1]) (Beurla: giant devil's flower mantis, Devil's Flower Mantis)
- Mantis octospilota (Westwood, 1889)[1]) (Beurla: eight-spotted mantis, blackbarrel mantis)
- Mantis religiosa (L., 1758)[1]) (Beurla: European mantis, praying mantis, Religious Mantis)[1] (Catalanais: Mantis europea, Plegamans, Pregadéu, Revolta-campanes)[1] (Fraingis: Mante religieuse)[1] (Gearmailtis: Europäische Gottesanbeterin, Gottesanbeterin)[1] (Ungairis: Imádkozó sáska)[1]
- Odontomantis planiceps (Haan, 1842)[1]) (Beurla: Asian ant mantis, grass mantis)
- Rivetina baetica (Rambur, 1839)[1]) (Beurla: ground mantis)
- Sphodromantis balachowskyi (La Greca, 1967)[1]) (Beurla: African mantis)
- Sphodromantis centralis (Rehn, 1914)[1]) (Beurla: African mantis, Central African Mantis)
- Sphodromantis lineola (Burmeister, 1838)[1]) (Beurla: African mantis[1], African lined mantis)
- Sphodromantis viridis (Forsskål, 1775)[1]) (Beurla: African mantis, giant African mantis, bush mantis)
- Sphodropoda tristis (Saussure, 1871)[1]) (Beurla: burying mantis)
- Stagmomantis limbata (Hahn, 1835)[1]) (Beurla: bordered mantis, Arizona mantis)
Òrdugh Orthoptera (Beurla: grasshoppers[1], crickets[1], cave crickets, Jerusalem crickets, katydids[1], weta, lubber, Acrida, locusts[1])
(Duitsis: krekels, sprinkhanen, rechtvleugeligen)[1] (Fraingis: criquet-locustes, locustes, orthoptères, sauterelles)[1] (Gearmailtis: Springschrecken)[1] (Portagailis: gafanhoto, grilo)[1] (Ruisis: Прямокрылые)[1] (Suainis: hopprätvingar)[1] (Ungairis: Прямокрилі)[1]
Teaghlach Acrididae (MacLeay, 1819)[1] (Beurla: Short-horned grasshoppers)[1]
(Duitsis: Veldsprinkhanen)[1] (Gearmailtis: Feldheuschrecken)[1] (Suainis: Markgräshoppor)[1]
- Chortoicetes terminifera) (Beurla: Australian plague locust)[1]
- Dociostaurus maroccanus) (Beurla: Moroccan locust)[1] (Fraingis: Criquet marocain, Criquet ravageur, Stauronote)[1]
- Locusta migratoria (L., 1758)[1] (Beurla: migratory locust)[1] (Catalanais: Llagosta migradora)[1] (Fraingis: Criquet migrateur, Criquet voyageur, Criquet cendré, Criquet émigrant, Fraterelle de passage, Locuste, Sauterelle de passage, Oedipode voyageuse, Criquet migrateur africain)[1] (Gearmailtis: Wanderheuschrecke)[1] (Portagailis: Gafanhoto migratório)[1] (Spàinnis: Locusta migratoria)[1]
- Locustana pardalina (Walker, F., 1870)[1]
- Melanoplus spretus) (á bith) (Beurla: Rocky Mountain locust, rocky mountain grasshopper)[1] (Fraingis: criquet des montagnes rocheuses)[1]
- Nomadacris septemfasciata (Serville, 1838)) (Beurla: red locust)[1]
- Schistocerca americana (Drury, 1770)[1]) (Beurla: American Grasshopper[1], American locust)
- Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål, 1775)[1]) (Beurla: desert locust[1]) (Eadailis: Cavalletta del deserto)[1] (Fraingis: Criquet pèlerin)[1] (Gearmailtis: Wüstenheuschrecke)[1]
Teaghlach Caelifera[1] (Beurla: grasshoppers, locusts)[1] (Gearmailtis: Feldheuschrecken)[1]
===== Teaghlach Gryllidae[1] (Beurla: true crickets)[1] (Gearmailtis: Grillen)[1] (Māori: areinga)[1] (Sìnis: 蟋蟀科)[1]
- subfamily Gryllinae[1] (Beurla: field crickets, house crickets)[1]
- subfamily Oecanthinae[1] (Beurla: tree crickets, white tree crickets)[1] (Sìnis: 树蟋科)
- subfamily Podoscirtinae[1] (Beurla: anomalous crickets)
- subfamily Phalangopsinae[1] (Beurla: spider crickets)[1]
- subfamily Trigonidiinae[1] (Beurla: sword-tail crickets, trigs)[1]
===== Teaghlach Gryllotalpidae[1] (Beurla: mole crickets)[1] (Gearmailtis: Maulwurfsgrillen)[1] ===== Teaghlach Mogoplistidae[1] (Beurla: scaly crickets)[1] (Sìnis: 癞蟋科)[1] ===== Teaghlach Myrmecophilidae[1] (Beurla: ant-loving crickets)[1] ===== Teaghlach Prophalangopsidae[1] (Beurla: hump-winged grigs, hump-winged crickets, primitive katydids)[1] (Sìnis: 鸣螽科)[1] ===== Teaghlach Pyrgomorphidae[1] (Beurla: gaudy grasshoppers)[1] ===== Teaghlach Rhaphidophoridae (Beurla: cave crickets, camel crickets, cave wetas)[1] (Māori: tokoriro)[1] (Sìnis: 驼螽科)[1]
===== Teaghlach Schizodactylidae[1] (Beurla: splay-footed crickets, dune crickets)[1]
Teaghlach Stenopelmatidae[1] (Beurla: Jerusalem Crickets)[1]
- Gèineas Stenopelmatus (Burmeister, 1838)) (Beurla: Jerusalem cricket, potato bug, sand crickets)
===== Teaghlach Tettigoniidae[1] (Beurla: bush crickets, katydids, long-horned grasshoppers)[1]
- Anabrus simplex (Haldeman, 1852)[1]) (Beurla: Mormon cricket)[1] (Fraingis: sauterelle mormone)[1] (Gearmailtis: Mormonen-Heuschrecke)[1]
Òrdugh Phthiraptera (Beurla: louse, lice)
- Teaghlaichean Menoponidae, Laemobothriidae, Ricinidae, Philopteridae) (Beurla: bird louse)
- Pediculus humanus humanus) (Beurla: body louse)
- Pediculus humanus capitis) (Beurla: head louse)
- Pthirus pubis) (Beurla: pubic louse, crab louse)
Òrdugh Siphonaptera
- Paraceras melis (Beurla: badger flea)
- Ctenocephalides felis (Beurla: cat flea)
- Tunga penetrans (Beurla: chigoe flea, jigger)
- Ctenocephalides canis (Beurla: dog flea)
- Bradiopsylla echidnae (Beurla: echidna flea)
- Pulex irritans (Beurla: human flea)
- Dasypsyllus gallinulae (Beurla: moorhen flea)
- Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Beurla: northern rat flea)
- Xenopsylla cheopis (Beurla: oriental rat flea)
- Echidnophaga gallinacea (Beurla: sticktight, hen flea)
Clas Malacostraca (Latreille, 1802)
- (Beurla: Crayfish, crawfish, crawdads, freshwater lobsters, mudbugs)
- (Beurla: ghost shrimp)
- (Beurla: hermit crab)
- (Beurla: prawn)
- (Beurla: squat lobster)
Teaghlach Astacidae (Latreille, 1802–1803)
- Astacus astacus (L., 1758)) (Beurla: noble crayfish, European crayfish, broad-fingered crayfish)
- Astacus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823)) (Beurla: Danube crayfish, Galician crayfish, Turkish crayfish, narrow-clawed crayfish)
- Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858)) (Beurla: white-clawed crayfish, Atlantic stream crayfish)
- Austropotamobius torrentium (Schrank, 1803)) (Beurla: stone crayfish)
- Pacifastacus fortis (Faxon, 1914)) (Beurla: Shasta crayfish, placid crayfish)
- Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852)) (Beurla: signal crayfish)
Teaghlach Cancridae (Latreille, 1802) (Beurla: crabs)
- Metacarcinus magister (Dana, 1852)) (Beurla: Dungeness crab)
Teaghlach Hapalogastridae (Brandt, 1850) (king crabs)
- Dermaturus mandtii (Brandt, 1850)) (Beurla: wrinkled crab)
- Oedignathus inermis (Stimpson, 1860)) (Beurla: granular claw crab)
- Placetron wosnessenskii (Schlafeew, 1892)) (Beurla: scaled crab)
Teaghlach Inachidae (MacLeay, 1838) (crabs)
- Stenorhynchus seticornis (Herbst, 1788)) (Beurla: yellowline arrow crab, arrow crab)
Òrdugh Isopoda (Latreille, 1817) (woodlice, sea slaters)
- (Beurla: woodlice, slater)
Teaghlach Armadillidae (Brandt, 1831)[3]
- Reductoniscus costulatus (Kesselyák, 1930))
Teaghlach Armadillidiidae (Brandt, 1833) (Beurla: pill bugs, roly poly)
- Armadillidium album (Dollfus, 1887))
- Armadillidium depressum (Brandt, 1833))
- Armadillidium nasatum (Budde-Lund, 1885))
- Armadillidium pictum (Brandt, 1833))
- Armadillidium pulchellum (Zenker, 1798))
- Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804))
- Eluma caelata (Miers, 1877)
- Eluma purpurascens (Budde-Lund, 1885))[3]
Teaghlach Cylisticidae (Verhoeff, 1949)
- Cylisticus convexus (De Geer, 1778)) (Beurla: curly woodlouse)
Teaghlach Halophilosciidae (Verhoeff, 1908)
- Haplophiloscia couchii (Kinahan, 1858))
- Stenophiloscia glarearum (Verhoeff, 1908))
Teaghlach Ligiidae (Leach, 1814)
- Ligia oceanica (L., 1767)) (Beurla: sea slater)
- Ligidium hypnorum (Cuvier, 1792))
Teaghlach Oniscidae (Latreille, 1802)
- Oniscus asellus (L., 1758)) (Beurla: common shiny woodlouse)
Teaghlach Philosciidae (Kinahan, 1857)
- Burmoniscus meeusei Chaetophiloscia meeusei (Holthuis, 1947))
- Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli, 1763)) (Beurla: common striped woodlouse)
- Setaphora patiencei (Bagnall, 1908))
Teaghlach Porcellionidae (Brandt & Ratzeburg, 1831)
- Acaeroplastes melanurus (Budde-Lund, 1885))
- Agabiformius lentus (Budde-Lund, 1885))
- Porcellio dilatatus (Brandt, 1833))
- Porcellio laevis (Latreille, 1804))
- Porcellio scaber (Latreille, 1804))
- Porcellio spinicornis (Say, 1818))
- Porcellionides cingendus (Kinahan, 1818))
- Porcellionides pruinosus (Brandt, 1833))
Teaghlach Platyarthridae (Verhoeff, 1949)
- Platyarthrus hoffmannseggi (Brandt, 1833))
- Trichorhina tomentosa (Budde-Lund, 1893))
Teaghlach Styloniscidae (Vandel, 1952)
- Cordioniscus stebbingi (Patience, 1907))
- Styloniscus spinosus (Patience, 1907))
Teaghlach Trachelipodidae (Strouhal, 1953)
- Nagurus cristatus (Dollfus, 1881))
- Nagurus nanus (Budde-Lund, 1908))
- Trachelipus rathkei (Brandt, 1833))
Teaghlach Trichoniscidae (G. O. Sars, 1899)
- Androniscus dentiger (Verhoeff, 1908))
- Buddelundiella cataractae (Verhoeff, 1930))
- Haplophthalmus danicus (Budde-Lund, 1880))
- Haplophthalmus mengei (Zaddach, 1844))
- Metatrichoniscoides celticus (Oliver & Trew, 1981)) Endemic to the British Isles
- Miktoniscus linearis (Patience, 1908))
- Miktoniscus patiencei (Vandel, 1946))
- Oritoniscus flavus (Budde-Lund, 1906))
- Trichoniscoides albidus (Lohmander, 1923))
- Trichoniscus pusillus (Brandt, 1833)) (Beurla: common pygmy woodlouse)
- Trichoniscus pygmaeus (Sars, 1899))
Teaghlach Lithodidae (Samouelle, 1819) (Beurla: king crabs, stone crabs)
- Cryptolithodes sitchensis (Brandt, 1853)) (Beurla: umbrella crab)
- Cryptolithodes typicus (Brandt, 1848)) (Beurla: butterfly crab)
- Lithodes aequispinus (J. E. Benedict, 1895)) (Beurla: golden king crab)
- Lithodes couesi (J. E. Benedict, 1895) (Beurla: scarlet king crab)
- Lithodes maja (L., 1758)) (Beurla: northern king crab), Norway king crab)
- Lithodes santolla (Molina, 1782)) (Beurla: southern king crab)
- Lithodes santolla (Molina, 1782)) (Beurla: Chilean centolla, Chilean king crab)
- Lopholithodes foraminatus (Stimpson, 1859)) (Beurla: brown box crab)
- Lopholithodes mandtii (Brandt, 1848)) (Beurla: Puget Sound king crab)
- Paralithodes californiensis (J. E. Benedict, 1895)) (Beurla: California king crab)
- Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius, 1815)) (Beurla: red king crab, Kamchatka crab)
- Paralithodes platypus (Brandt, 1850)) (Beurla: blue king crab)
- Phyllolithodes papillosus (Brandt, 1848)) (Beurla: flatspine triangle crab, heart crab)
- Rhinolithodes wosnessenskii (Brandt, 1848)) (Beurla: rhinoceros crab)
Teaghlach Nephropidae (Dana, 1852)
- Homarus americanus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837)) (Beurla: Maine lobster, American lobster, true lobster, northern lobster
- Homarus gammarus (L., 1758)) (Beurla: European lobster, common lobster
Teaghlach Penaeidae (Rafinesque, 1815)
- Crangon crangon (L., 1758)) (Beurla: brown shrimp, common shrimp, bay shrimp, sand shrimp, grey shrimp)
- Cryphiops caementarius (Molina, 1762)) (Spàinnis: camarón de río, camarón de río del norte de Chile)
- Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), Cancer chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), Penaeus chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), Penaeus orientalis (Kishinouye, 1917)) (Beurla: Chinese white shrimp, oriental shrimp, fleshy prawn)
- Fenneropenaeus indicus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837), Penaeus indicus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837), Palaemon longicornis (Olivier, 1825)) (Beurla: Indian prawn)
- Litopenaeus setiferus (L., 1767)) (Beurla: Atlantic white shrimp, white shrimp, gray shrimp, lake shrimp, green shrimp, green-tailed shrimp, blue-tailed shrimp, rainbow shrimp, Daytona shrimp, common shrimp, southern shrimp)
- Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931)) (Beurla: whiteleg shrimp, Pacific white shrimp)
- Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man, 1879)) (Beurla: giant river prawn, giant freshwater prawn, Malaysian prawn, freshwater scampi, cherabin)
- Palaemon serratus (Pennant, 1777)) (Beurla: common prawn)
- Pandalus borealis (Krøyer, 1838))
- Penaeus esculentus (Haswell, 1879)) (Beurla: brown tiger prawn, tiger prawn, common tiger prawn)
- Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798)) (Beurla: tiger prawn, giant tiger prawn, Asian tiger shrimp)
- Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862)) (Beurla: Atlantic seabob)
Teaghlach Portunidae (Rafinesque, 1815) (Beurla: swimming crabs)
- Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun, 1896)) (Beurla: blue crab, Atlantic blue crab, Chesapeake blue crab)
- Necora puber (L., 1767)) (Beurla: velvet crab)
- Portunus pelagicus (L., 1758)) (Beurla: flower crab, blue crab, blue swimmer crab, blue manna crab, sand crab)
- Portunus trituberculatus (Miers, 1876)) (Beurla: ''gazami'' crab, Japanese blue crab, horse crab)
Clas Maxillopoda (Beurla: barnacles, copepods, fish lice, etc.)
- Beurla: bay barnacle)
- Beurla: goose barnacle)
- Beurla: ivory barnacle)
- Beurla: whale barnacle)
Fìleam Chordata neo Vertebrata
Òrdugh Anura (Beurla: tailless amphibians, frogs, toads)
- Losgann, Loisgean (Rana temporaria) (Beurla: frog)
- Mial-mhàgag, Losgann dubh (Beurla: toad)
- Beurla: tree frog)
Teaghlach Salamandridae (Beurla: newts, true salamanders)
- Dearg-luachrach (dà-bheathach) (Beurla: newt)
- Beurla: salamander)
- Beurla: sword-tail newt)
Teaghlach Accipitridae
- Iolair (Gèineas Aquila, Harpia, etc.) (Beurla: eagle)
- Iolaire - Aquila chrysaetos -(Beurla: Golden Eagle)
- Iolair-bhreac (Aquila pomarina) (Beurla: lesser spotted eagle)
- Iolair-bhuidhe, Iolair-dhubh (Aquila chrysaetos) (Beurla: golden eagle)
- Iolair-mhaol (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) (Beurla: bald eagle)
- Iolair-mhara (Iolair-bhàn, Iolair-chladaich, Iolair-riabhach) - Haliaeetus albicilla -(Beurla: White-tailed Eagle)
- Speireag - Accipiter nisus -(Beurla: Eurasian Sparrowhawk)
- Glas sheabhag - Accipiter gentilis -(Beurla: Northern Goshawk)
- Accipiter cooperii) (Beurla: Cooper's hawk)
- Accipiter striatus) (Beurla: sharp-shinned hawk)
- Butastur indicus) (Beurla: Grey-faced buzzard)
- Butastur liventer) (Beurla: Rufous-winged buzzard)
- Butastur rufipennis) (Beurla: Grasshopper buzzard)
- Butastur teesa) (Beurla: White-eyed buzzard)
- Buteo albicaudatus) (Beurla: White-tailed hawk)
- Buteo albigula) (Beurla: White-throated hawk)
- Buteo albonotatus) (Beurla: Zone-tailed hawk)
- Buteo archeri) (Beurla: Archer's buzzard)
- Buteo augur) (Beurla: Augur buzzard)
- Buteo auguralis) (Beurla: Red-necked buzzard)
- Buteo brachypterus) (Beurla: Madagascar buzzard)
- Buteo brachyurus) (Beurla: Short-tailed hawk)
- Bleideir, Gearr-chlamhan (Buteo buteo) (Beurla: Common buzzard)
- Buteo galapagoensis) (Beurla: Galápagos hawk)
- Buteo hemilasius) (Beurla: Upland buzzard)
- Buteo jamaicensis) (Beurla: Red-tailed hawk)
- Bleidir molach (Bleideir-molach, Bleideir-tònach, Clamhan-molach, Clamhan-tònach) - Buteo lagopus -(Beurla: Rough-legged Hawk)
- Buteo leucorrhous (Beurla: White-rumped hawk)
- Buteo lineatus) (Beurla: Red-shouldered hawk)
- Buteo magnirostris) (Beurla: Roadside hawk)
- Buteo nitidus) (Beurla: Gray hawk)
- Buteo oreophilus) (Beurla: Mountain buzzard)
- Buteo platypterus) (Beurla: Broad-winged hawk)
- Buteo poecilochrous) (Beurla: Puna hawk)
- Buteo polyosoma) (Beurla: Red-backed hawk)
- Buteo regalis) (Beurla: Ferruginous hawk)
- Buteo ridgwayi) (Beurla: Ridgway's hawk)
- Buteo rufinus) (Beurla: Long-legged buzzard)
- Buteo rufofuscus) (Beurla: Jackal buzzard)
- Buteo solitarius) (Beurla: Hawaiian hawk)
- Buteo swainsoni) (Beurla: Swainson's hawk)
- Buteo ventralis) (Beurla: Rufous-tailed hawk)
- Clamhan loin - Circus aeruginosus -(Beurla: Eurasian Marsh-Harrier)
- Aunt-eun fiorm - Circus cyaneus -(Beurla: Northern Harrier)
- Clamhan-luch- Circus pygargus - Montagu's harrier
- Geranoaetus melanoleucus) (Beurla: Black-chested buzzard-eagle)
- Hamirostra melanosternon) (Beurla: Black-breasted buzzard)
- Henicopernis infuscatus) (Beurla: Black honey buzzard)
- Henicopernis longicauda) (Beurla: Long-tailed honey buzzard)
- Kaupifalco monogrammicus) (Beurla: Lizard buzzard)
- Clamhan gabhlach - Milvus milvus -(Beurla: Red Kite)
- Clamhan riabhach - (Pernis apivorus) (Beurla: European or Eurasian honey buzzard)
- Pernis celebensis) (Beurla: Barred honey buzzard)
- Pernis ptilorhynchus) (Beurla: Crested honey buzzard)
Teaghlach Pandionidae (Beurla: ospreys)
- Iolair-Iasgaich (Iolair-uisge) - Pandion haliaetus -(Beurla: Osprey)
Teaghlach Anatidae (Beurla: ducks, geese, swans)
- Beurla: fowl)
- Beurla: wildfowl)
- Tunnagan Anatidae
- Gèadh Gorm - Anser brachyrhynchus -(Beurla: Pink-footed Goose)
- Gèadh-bhlàr - Anser albifrons -(Beurla: Greater White-fronted Goose)
- Gèadh-Glas - Anser anser -(Beurla: Graylag Goose)
- Gèadh Got - Branta bernicla -(Beurla: Brant)
- Cathan - Branta leucopsis -(Beurla: Barnacle Goose)
- Gèadh Dubh - Branta canadensis -(Beurla: Canada Goose)
- Eala - Cygnus olor -(Beurla: Mute Swan)
- Eala Bhàn (Eala ghlòrach) - Cygnus cygnus -(Beurla: Whooper Swan)
- Cra-Gèadh (Cràdh-ghèadh) - Tadorna tadorna -(Beurla: Common Shelduck)
- Lach Glas, (Lach-ghlas) - Anas strepera -(Beurla: Gadwall)
- Glas-Lach, (Lochlannach) - Anas penelope -(Beurla: Eurasian Wigeon)
- Lach, (Tunnag-fhiadhaich, Lach-riabhach) - Anas platyrhynchos -(Beurla: Mallard)
- Lach a'ghuib Leathainn, (Gob-leathann) - Anas clypeata -(Beurla: Northern Shoveler)
- Lach Stiùireach - Anas acuta -(Beurla: Northern Pintail)
- Lach Crann - Anas querquedula -(Beurla: Garganey)
- Crann-Lach - Anas crecca -(Beurla: Green-winged Teal)
- Lach Mhàsach - Aythya ferina -(Beurla: Common Pochard)
- Lach Thopach, (Lach an sgùmain) - Aythya fuligula -(Beurla: Tufted Duck)
- Lach Mhara - Aythya marila -(Beurla: Greater Scaup)
- Lach Lochlannach, (Lach-mhòr, Gèadh-èidin,Colca) - Somateria mollissima -(Beurla: Common Eider)
- Lach Dhubh - Melanitta fusca -(Beurla: White-winged Scoter)
- Lach Bheag Dhubh, (Tunnag dhubh) - Melanitta nigra -(Beurla: Common Scoter)
- Eun Bhuchainn - Clangula hyemalis -(Beurla: Long-tailed Duck)
- Lach Bhreach, (Lach a' chinn uaine) - Bucephala clangula -(Beurla: Common Goldeneye)
- Sioltaich Breac - Mergellus albellus -(Beurla: Smew)
- Sìolta, (Lach-fhiaclach) - Mergus merganser -(Beurla: Common Merganser)
- Sìolta Dhearg, (Sìoltach) - Mergus serrator -(Beurla: Red-breasted Merganser)
Òrdugh Apodiformes (Beurla: swifts (Apodidae), tree swifts (Hemiprocnidae), hummingbirds (Trochilidae))
Drannd-eun (Beurla: hummingbird)
Teaghlach Apodidae (swifts)
- Ainleag-mhonaidh, Gobhlan-monaidh (Tachymarptis melba neo apus melba) (Beurla: Alpine swift)
- Gobhlan-mór (Apus apus) (Beurla: swift)
Teaghlach Trochilidae (hummingbirds)
- eunan, drannd-eun - hummingbird
Teaghlach Caprimulgidae (Beurla: Nightjars neo "goatsuckers")
- Sgraicheag oidhche - Caprimulgus europaeus -(Beurla: Eurasian Nightjar)
Teaghlach Upupidae (Beurla: hoopoes)
- Calman-cathaiche (Upupa epops) - Hoopoe
Teaghlach Casuariidae (Beurla: cassowaries)
- Casuarius bennetti) (Beurla: Dwarf cassowary)
- Casuarius unappendiculatus) (Beurla: Northern cassowary)
- Casuarius casuarius) (Beurla: Southern cassowary)
Teaghlach Dromaiidae
- emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
Teaghlach Cathartidae
- Beurla: vulture)
- Vultur gryphus (Beurla: Andean condor)
- Coragyps atratus (Beurla: Black vulture)
- Gymnogyps californianus (Beurla: California condor)
- Cathartes melambrotus (Beurla: Greater yellow-headed vulture)
- Sarcoramphus papa (Beurla: King vulture)
- Cathartes burrovianus (Beurla: Lesser yellow-headed vulture)
- Cathartes aura (Beurla: Turkey vulture)
Teaghlach Alcidae (Beurla: auks)
- Fratercula corniculata (Beurla: Horned puffin)
- Fratercula cirrhata (Beurla: Tufted puffin)
- Colcach bheag - Alle alle -(Beurla: Dovekie)
- Eun dubh an sgadain (càlag) - Uria aalge -(Beurla: Common Murre)
- Coltraiche no falc - Alca torda -(Beurla: Razorbill)
- Gearbhul (Colcair) - Pinguinus impennis -(Beurla: Great Auk)
- Gearra breac (casgan-long) - Cepphus grylle -(Beurla: Black Guillemot)
- Buthaid (Fratercula arctica)
Teaghlach Laridae (Beurla: gulls, seagulls)
- Ruideag - Rissa tridactyla -(Beurla: Black-legged Kittiwake)
- Fhaoileag a'chinn Duibh - Chroicocephalus ridibundus -(Beurla: Black-headed Gull)
- Crann fhaoileag - Hydrocoloeus minutus -(Beurla: Little Gull)
- Faoileag - Larus canus -(Beurla: Mew Gull)
- Glas-fhaoileag - Larus argentatus -(Beurla:Herring gull)
- Faoileag liath - Larus glaucoides -(Beurla: Iceland Gull)
- Faoileag bheag, Sgaireag - Larus fuscus -(Beurla: Lesser Black-backed Gull)
- Faoileag mhòr - Larus hyperboreus -(Beurla: Glaucous Gull)
- Farspag - Larus marinus -(Beurla: Great Black-backed Gull)
Teaghlach Scolopacidae (Beurla: Sandpipers, Snipes)
- Luatharan - Actitis hypoleucos -(Beurla: Common Sandpiper)
- Luatharan uaine - Tringa ochropus -(Beurla: Green Sandpiper)
- Gearradh bhreac - Tringa erythropus -(Beurla: Spotted Redshank)
- Deoch bhuidhe - Tringa nebularia -(Beurla: Common Greenshank)
- Luatharan coille - Tringa glareola -(Beurla: Wood Sandpiper)
- Cam-ghlas (maor-cladaich, coisdeargan, casgach, coileach-tràgha) - Tringa totanus -(Beurla: Common Redshank)
- Eun bealltainn - Numenius phaeopus -(Beurla: Whimbrel)
- Guilbinn (guilneach, crotach, crotag, crotach mara) - Numenius arquata -(Beurla: Eurasian Curlew)
- Cearra-ghob - Limosa limosa -(Beurla: Black-tailed Godwit)
- Cearra-ghob mhòr (ruid-ghuilbneach, roid-ghuilbneach ) - Limosa lapponica -(Beurla: Bar-tailed Godwit)
- Gobhlachan (Gràilleag) - Arenaria interpres -(Beurla: Ruddy Turnstone)
- Luatharan gainmhich - Calidris canutus -(Beurla: Red Knot)
- Gibeagan - Calidris pugnax -(Beurla: Ruff)
- Luatharan crom - Calidris ferruginea -(Beurla: Curlew Sandpiper)
- Luatharan glas (gille-feadaig, pollaran, bànag, sgrilleag) - Calidris alba -(Beurla: Sanderling)
- Graillig (Pollaran, Gille-feadaig) - Calidris alpina -(Beurla: Dunlin)
- Luatharan rioghail - Calidris maritima -(Beurla: Purple Sandpiper)
- Gobhrag bheag - Lymnocryptes minimus -(Beurla: Jack Snipe)
- Budagochd - Gallinago gallinago -(Beurla: Common Snipe)
- Coileach coille - Scolopax rusticola -(Beurla: Eurasian Woodcock)
- Deargan allt - Phalaropus lobatus -(Beurla: Red-necked Phalarope)
Teaghlach Charadriidae (Beurla: Plovers)
- Trìlleachan (trìlleachan-glas) - Pluvialis squatarola -(Beurla: Black-bellied Plover)
- Feadag - Pluvialis apricaria -(Beurla: European Golden-Plover)
- Abharcan-Luachrach - Vanellus vanellus -(Beurla: Northern Lapwing)
- Bòthag,(bodhag, bothag, tàrmachan-tuinne) - Charadrius hiaticula -(Beurla: Common Ringed Plover)
- Amadan-mòintich, (feadag-mhonaidh) - Charadrius morinellus -(Beurla: Eurasian Dotterel)
Teaghlach Sternidae (Beurla: terns)
- Steàrnag bheag - Sternula albifrons -(Beurla: Little Tern)
- Steàrnag stiuireach - Sterna dougallii -(Beurla: Roseate Tern)
- Steàrnag - Sterna hirundo -(Beurla: Common Tern)
- Steàrnal - Sterna paradisaea -(Beurla: Arctic Tern)
- Steàrnag mhòr - Thalasseus sandvicensis -(Beurla: Sandwich Tern)
- Stearnal-dubh - Sterna nigra -(Beurla:Black tern)
- Stearnal beag - Sterna minuta -(Beurla:Lesser tern)
Teaghlach Stercorariidae (Beurla: Jaegers)
- Fàsgadair Mòr - Stercorarius skua -(Beurla: Great Skua)
- Fàsgadair Donn - Stercorarius pomarinus -(Beurla: Pomarine Jaeger)
- Fàsgadair - Stercorarius parasiticus -(Beurla: Parasitic Jaeger)
Teaghlach Haematopodidae (Beurla: oystercatchers)
- Gille-brìghde, trìlleachan, drìlleachan oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
Teaghlach Recurvirostridae (Beurla: avocets)
- Ceàrra-ghob gob-ceàrr (Beurla: avocet)
Teaghlach Ciconiidae (Beurla: storks)
- Ciconia ciconia (Beurla: white stork)
Teaghlach Columbidae
- Calman-coilearach (Streptopelia decaocto)
- Calman-coille (Columba palumbus)
- Calman-creige (Columba livia)
- Calman geal-amhach (Columba vitiensis)
- Calman-gorm (Columba oenas)
Teaghlach Alcedinidae (Beurla: river kingfishers)
- mùrlach, bior an iasgair, biorra-crùdein - Alcedo atthis
Teaghlach Coraciidae (Beurla: rollers)
- Cuairsgean - Coracias garrulus -Roller
Teaghlach Cuculidae (Beurla: cuckoos)
- Cuach - Cuculus canorus -(Beurla: Common Cuckoo)
Teaghlach Falconidae
- Seabhag-dhearg-chasach ( Falco vespertinus)
- Clamhan ruadh (Falco tinnunculus)
- Mèimeal (seabhag-bheag ghlas, seabhag-ghorm an fhraoich) - Falco columbarius -(Beurla: Merlin)
- Gormag (seabhag nan uiseag) - Falco subbuteo -(Beurla: Eurasian Hobby)
- Seabhag (Falco peregrinus)
- Seabhag-mhór (Falco rusticolus)
Teaghlach Phasianidae (Beurla: pheasants, partridges, junglefowl, chickens, Old World quail, peafowl)
- Beurla: fowl)
- Beurla: grouse)
- Cearc-Thomain Dearg-Chasach - Alectoris rufa -(Beurla: Red-legged Partridge)
- Cearc-Thomain (peirlog, peurstag) - Perdix perdix -(Beurla: Gray Partridge)
- Gearradh Gort - Coturnix coturnix -(Beurla: Common Quail)
- Easag - Phasianus colchicus -(Beurla: Ring-necked Pheasant)
- Capall-Coille - Tetrao urogallus -(Beurla: Eurasian Capercaillie)
- Coileach-Dubh - Tetrao tetrix -(Beurla: Black Grouse)
- Cearc-Fhraoich - Lagopus lagopus -(Beurla: Willow Ptarmigan)
- Tàrmachan - Lagopus muta -(Beurla: Rock Ptarmigan)
- Cearc (Gallus gallus domesticus) (Beurla: chicken)
- Coileach Frangach (Beurla: turkey)
- Peucag, coileach-peucaig, cearc-pheucaig (Beurla: peacock, peahen)
Teaghlach Gaviidae (Beurla: loons (North America) neo divers (UK/Ireland))
- learga mhòr, learg - Gavia stellata
- learga dhubh - Gavia arctica
- Bun-Bhuachaille - Gavia immer -(Beurla: Common Loon)
Teaghlach Rallidae (Beurla: rails, cranes)
- Snagan-allt (Rallus aquaticus) (Beurla: water rail)
- Traon - Crex crex -(Beurla: Corn Crake)
- Traon breac - Porzana porzana -(Beurla: Spotted Crake)
- Lach a' bhlàir - Fulica atra -(Beurla: Eurasian Coot)
- Cearc-uisge - Gallinula chloropus Water hen
- Beurla: crane)
- *Corra-mhonaidh(Grus grus) (Beurla: common crane)
- Grus americana) (Beurla: whooping crane)
Teaghlach Alaudidae (Beurla: larks)
Teaghlach Bombycillidae (Beurla: waxwings)
- Canarach dearg (Gocan-cìreanach) - Bombycilla garrulus -(Beurla: Bohemian Waxwing)
Teaghlach Calacariide (Beurla: longspurs, snow buntings)
- Eun-t-sneachdaidh - Plectrophenax nivalis -(Beurla: Snow Bunting)
Teaghlach Cardinalidae (Beurla: cardinals)
- cardinal (bird)
Teaghlach Certhiidae (Beurla: creepers)
- Snàigear - Certhia familiaris -(Beurla: Eurasian Treecreeper)
Teaghlach Cinclidae (Beurla: dippers)
- Ess Feannag (Lon-uisge, gobha-uisge, gobha-dubh nan allt, bogachan, gobhachan, feannag-uisge, bog-an-lochain, gobhachan-dubh, gobhachan-allt, gobhachan-uisge, gobha-dubh) - Cinclus cinclus -(Beurla: White-throated Dipper)
Teaghlach Corvidae
- Cyanocitta cristata) (Beurla: blue jay)
- Feannag, Feannag-dhubh, Garrag, Badh-catha, Macha (Corvus corone) (Beurla: carrion crow)
- Feannag-chorrach, Feannag-ghlas, Garrag-ghlas, Starrag, Badh, Neabhan, Teathra (Corvus cornix) (Beurla: hooded crow)
- Garrach (Corvus corone) (Beurla: young carrion crow)
- Pioghaid, Agaid, Aaid, Piocas (Pica pica) (Beurla: magpie)
- Sgriachag Choille (Sgraicheag, Sgreuchag) - Garrulus glandarius -(Beurla: Eurasian Jay)
- Cathag dhearg chasach (Cathag nan casan dearg, Feannag na casan dearg, Cathag dhearg-chasach, Cnàmhach, Ròcas-dhearg-chasach) - Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax -(Beurla: Red-billed Chough)
- Cadhag (Corvus monedula)
- Creumhach (Ròcas, Ròcaideach, Ròc) - Corvus frugilegus -(Beurla: Rook)
- Biadhtach (Fitheach, Preachan, Cnàimh-fhitheach, Coirbidh, Preachan-cnàimheach, Troghan ) - Corvus corax -(Beurla: Common Raven)
Teaghlach Emberizidae
- Buidheag-bhealaidh (Emberiza citrinella)
- Gealag loin - Emberiza schoeniclus -(Beurla: Reed Bunting)
- Gealag-bhuachair - Emberiza calandra -(Beurla: Corn Bunting)
Teaghlach Fringillidae (Beurla: true finches)
- glaiseanan - fringillidae
- Spinus tristis) (Beurla: American goldfinch)
- Breacan-beithe (Fringilla coelebs)
- Bricein caorainn (lùth-eun, Breacan-caorainn) - Fringilla montifringilla -(Beurla: Brambling)
- Corcan coille - Pyrrhula pyrrhula -(Beurla: Eurasian Bullfinch)
- Glaisean daraich - Chloris chloris -(Beurla: European Greenfinch)
- Cam ghob - Loxia scotica -(Beurla: Scottish Crossbill)
- Deargan seilich - Acanthis flammea -(Beurla: Common Redpoll)
- Gealag bhuidhe - Spinus spinus -(Beurla: Eurasian Siskin)
- Lasair choille (buidheag) - Carduelis carduelis -(Beurla: European Goldfinch)
- Gealan beinne - Carduelis flavirostris -(Beurla: Twite)
- Gealan lìn (gealan, gealbhonn) - Carduelis cannabina -(Beurla: Eurasian Linnet)
- Gobhach (gobach) - Coccothraustes coccothraustes -(Beurla: Hawfinch)
Teaghlach Hirundinidae (Beurla: swallows, martins)
- Gobhlan gainbhich - Riparia riparia -(Beurla: Bank Swallow)
- Gobhlan gaoithe - Hirundo rustica -(Beurla: Barn Swallow)
- Gobhlan taighe - Delichon urbicum -(Beurla: Common House-Martin)
Teaghlach Icteridae (Beurla: New World blackbirds, New World orioles, bobolink, meadowlarks, grackles, cowbirds, oropendolas, caciques)
- Dolichonyx oryzivorus) (Beurla: bobolink)
- Gèineas Sturnella) (Beurla: meadowlark)
Teaghlach Laniidae (Beurla: Shrikes, )
- Feoladair Glas - Lanius excubitor -(Beurla: Northern Shrike)
Teaghlach Motacillidae (Beurla: wagtailss, pipits)
- Breac bain tighearna - Motacilla cinerea -(Beurla: Gray Wagtail)
- Glasian - Anthus pratensis -(Beurla: Meadow Pipit)
- Riabhag - Anthus trivialis -(Beurla: Tree Pipit)
- Gabhagan - Anthus spinoletta -(Beurla: Water Pipit)
- Glasian - Anthus petrosus -(Beurla: Rock Pipit)
Teaghlach Muscicapidae (Beurla: Old World flycatchers)
- Luscinia megarhynchos) (Beurla: nightingale)
- Breacan glas - Muscicapa striata -(Beurla: Spotted Flycatcher)
- Broinn dearg (bru dearg) - Erithacus rubecula -(Beurla: European Robin)
- Breacan sgiobalt - Ficedula hypoleuca -(Beurla: European Pied Flycatcher)
- Ceann dearg - Phoenicurus phoenicurus -(Beurla: Common Redstart)
- Gocan - Saxicola rubetra -(Beurla: Whinchat)
- Clacharan, Cloichearan - Saxicola rubicola -(Beurla: European Stonechat)
- Brù gheal - Oenanthe oenanthe -(Beurla: Northern Wheatear)
Teaghlach Passeridae (Beurla: Od World sparrows)
- gealbhonn-taighe house sparrow (passer domesticus)
- gealbhonn nan craobh tree sparrow (passer montanus)
Teaghlach Regulidae (Beurla: kinglets)
- crìonag bhuidhe goldcrest (Regulus regulus)
- crìonag firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus)
Teaghlach Sittidae (Beurla: Nuthatch)
- Sgoltan - Sitta europaea -European nuthatch
Teaghlach Sturnidae (Beurla: starlings)
- druid, truid, druideag, druid-dhubh, truideag starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Teaghlach Sylviidae (Beurla: Old World warblers)
- Beurla: warbler)
- Ceann dubh (ceap-dubh) - Sylvia atricapilla -(Beurla: Blackcap)
- Ceileiriche gàraidh - Sylvia borin -(Beurla: Garden Warbler)
- Gealan coille beag - Sylvia curruca -(Beurla: Lesser Whitethroat)
- Gealan coille - Sylvia communis -(Beurla: Greater Whitethroat)
Teaghlach Phylloscopidae (Beurla: Old World warblers)
- Beurla: warbler)
- Crionag ghiuthais - Phylloscopus trochilus -(Beurla: Willow Warbler)
- Caifean - Phylloscopus collybita -(Beurla: Common Chiffchaff)
- Ceileiriche coille (conan-coille) - Phylloscopus sibilatrix -(Beurla: Wood Warbler)
- Ceileiriche buidhe - Phylloscopus inornatus -(Beurla: Yellow-browed Warbler)
Teaghlach Locustellidae (Beurla: Old World warblers)
- Beurla: warbler)
- Ceileiriche leumnach (ceileiriche fionnan-feòir) - Locustella naevia -(Beurla: Common Grasshopper-Warbler)
Teaghlach Acrocephalidae (Beurla: Old World warblers)
- Beurla: reed warbler)
- glas-eun sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenabaenus)
- Cuilceag - Acrocephalus scirpaceus -(Beurla: Eurasian Reed-Warbler)
Teaghlach Prunellidae (Beurla: Accentors)
- Gealbhonn nam preas (gealbhonn-gàrraidh) - Prunella modularis -(Beurla: Dunnock)
Teaghlach Troglodytidae (Beurla: wrens)
- Dreathan donn (Beurla: wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Teaghlach Turdidae (Beurla: Thrushes)
- Lon dubh (Turdus merula) (Beurla: blackbird)
- Bru dearg - T. migratorius American robin (Cape Breton)
- Dubh-Chreige - Turdus torquatus -(Beurla: Ring Ouzel)
- Liath Thruisg - Turdus pilaris -(Beurla: Fieldfare)
- Sgiath Dhearg - Turdus iliacus -(Beurla: Redwing)
- Smeòrach (smeòlach, smèarach) - Turdus philomelos -(Beurla: Song Thrush)
- Smeòrach mhòr - Turdus viscivorus -(Beurla: Mistle Thrush)
Teaghlach Paridae (Beurla: tits, chickadees, titmice)
- Cailleachagan? - gocanan? tits?
- cailleachag - chickadee - Poecile atricapillus/carolinensis etc.
- Ceann-dubhag - Parus palustris
- Ceann-dubhag an t-seilich - P. montanus
- Cailleachag chean dubh (Cailleachag a'chinn duibh) - Periparus ater -(Beurla: Coal Tit)
- Gulpag stuic (Cailleach-bheag a'chìrein) - Lophophanes cristatus -(Beurla: Crested Tit)
- Cailleachag Cheann Ghorm (Gocan-gorm) - Cyanistes caeruleus -(Beurla: Eurasian Blue Tit)
Teaghlach Aegithalidae (Beurla: Long-tailed tits)
- Ciochan (Cìochan,Cailleach-bheag an earbaill) - Aegithalos caudatus -(Beurla: Long-tailed Tit)
Teaghlach Podicipedidae (Beurla: Grebes)
- Spàg-ri-tòn, (gobhlan-uisge) - Tachybaptus ruficollis -(Beurla: Little Grebe)
- Gobhlachan mara, (gobhlachan òr-chluasach) - Podiceps auritus -(Beurla: Horned Grebe)
- Gobhlachan ruadh - Podiceps grisegena -(Beurla: Red-necked Grebe)
- Gobhlachan laparan - Podiceps cristatus -(Beurla: Great Crested Grebe)
- Gobhlachan dubh, (gobhlachan na h-amhaiche duibhe) - Podiceps nigricollis -(Beurla: Eared Grebe)
Teaghlach Ardeidae (Beurla: herons, egrets, bitterns)
- Corra-bhàn – generic for white crane/heron/stork-like bird (especially white heron (Ardea alba), white stork (Ciconia ciconia) or crane (Grus grus))
- Ardea alba) (Beurla: great egret)
- Ardea herodias) (Beurla: great blue heron)
- Corra-ghritheach - Ardea cinerea -(Beurla: Gray Heron)
- Corra-ghrian, buathan - -(Beurla: Bittern)
- Corra-ghrian bheag - -(Beurla: Little Bittern)
Teaghlach Pelecanidae (Beurla: pelicans)
- peileagan-bàn white pelican (pelicanus oncrotalus)
Teaghlach Threskiornithidae (Beurla: ibises, spoonbills)
- gob cathainn, gob-leathann (Beurla: spoonbill)
Teaghlach Picidae (Beurla: woodpeckers, piculets, wrynecks, sapsuckers)
- Snagan-daraich beag (Dendrocopos minor) (Beurla: lesser spotted woodpecker)
- Snagan-daraich (Dendrocopos major) (Beurla: great(er) spotted woodpecker)
- Snagarach (Lasair-choille) - Picus viridis -(Beurla: Eurasian Green Woodpecker)
- Geocair, Gille-na-cubhaig - Jynx torquilla - Wryneck
Teaghlach Diomedeidae (Beurla: albatrosses)
- Albatras (Beurla: albatross) (Gèineas Diomedea)
Teaghlach Procellariidae (Beurla: shearwaters)
- Eun crom - Fulmarus glacialis -(Beurla: Northern Fulmar)
- Fachadh dubh - Puffinus griseus -(Beurla: Sooty Shearwater)
- Sgrail Puffinus puffinus - Beurla: Manx Shearwater
Teaghlach Hydrobatidae (Beurla: storm-petrels)
- Assilag - Hydrobates pelagicus -(Beurla: European Storm-Petrel)
- Gobhlan Mara (Gobhlan-gaoithe)[4] - Oceanodroma leucorhoa -(Beurla: Leach's Storm-Petrel)
Teaghlach Psittacidae (Beurla: true parrots)
Teaghlach Sphenisciformes (Beurla: penguins)
- ceann-fionn Adèlie Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)
- ceann-fionn an rìgh king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonica)
- Ceann-fionn iompaire emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)
Teaghlach Strigidae
- Cailleach-oidhche Bodach-oidhche, Comhachag-dhonn, Comhachag-ruadh (''Strix aluco) Beurla: tawny owl)
- Cailleach-oidhche mhòr, Comhachag-mhòr (''Bubo bubo) Beurla: eagle owl)
- Comhachag gheal (Bubo scandiacus)
- Comhachag-adhairceach, Comhachag-adharcaiche (''Asio otus) Beurla: long-eared owl)
- Comhachag-bheag (''Athene noctua) Beurla: little owl)
- Comhachag-chluasach (''Asio flammeus) Beurla: short-eared owl)
- Seabhag-fheasgair, Seabhag-oidhche (''Surnia ulula) Beurla: hawk-owl)
- Sgreuchag-oidhche (''megascops) Beurla: screech owl)
Teaghlach Tytonidae (Beurla: barn-owls)
- Comhachag-bhàn (Tyto alba)
Òrdugh Struthioniformes
- Struth (Struthio camelus)
- Struth Somàilitheach (Struthio molybdophanes)
Teaghlach Phalacrocoracidae
- Sgarbh (learg-uisge) - Phalacrocorax carbo
- Sgarbh an Sgùmain - Phalacrocorax aristotelis
Teaghlach Sulidae
- Sùlaire (Morus bassanus)
Teaghlach Bovidae
- Aepyceros melampus) Beurla: impala)
- Alcelaphus buselaphus) Beurla: Hartebeest)
- Bubalus arnee) Beurla: Wild Asian water buffalo)
- Budorcas taxicolor) Beurla: takin, cattle chamois, gnu goat)
- Connochaetes gnou) Beurla: Black wildebeest)
- Connochaetes taurinus) Beurla: Blue wildebeest)
- Hemitragus, Nilgiritragus, Arabitragus) Beurla: tahr)
- Antalop (Antilopinae) Beurla: antelope)
- Bò Ghàidhealach (Beurla: Highland Cow, Highland Cattle)
- Bò (Bos taurus) Beurla: Cow, Cattle)
- Buabhall Afragach (Syncerus caffer) Beurla: cape buffalo, African buffalo))
- Buabhall (Beurla: buffalo)
- Buabhall (Bison bison) Beurla: American buffalo)
- Buabhall-uisge (Bubalus bubalis) Beurla: water buffalo, domestic Asian water buffalo)
- Caora (Ovis aries) Beurla: sheep)
- Damh-musgach (Ovibos moschatus) Beurla: muskox)
- Earran-gheal (Gazella) Beurla: gazelle)
- Gobhar, Raisean (Capra) Beurla: goat)
- Gobhar-beinne (Oreamnos americanus) Beurla: mountain goat)
- Iac (Bos grunniens, Bos mutus) Beurla: yak)
- Urial (Ovis orientalis vignei) Beurla: Urial)
- Wildebeest (Connochaetes) Beurla: Wildebeest, Gnu)
Teaghlach Camelidae (Beurla: dromedary camel, Bactrian camels, wild or feral camels, llamas, alpacas, vicuñas, guanacos)
- Beurla: camel)
Teaghlach Cervidae Fiadh (Beurla: deer)
- Damh (Beurla: stag, stot, ox)
- Éildeag (Beurla: young hind, roe)
- Eilid (Beurla: hind, roe)
- cervine
- Lon (Alces alces) Beurla: Moose Eurasian elk)
- Ruadh (Cervus elaphus) Beurla: red deer, elk)
- Tast, Carabu, Fiadh-Lochlannach (Rangifer tarandus) Beurla: caribou, reindeer)
Teaghlach Hippopotamidae (Beurla: hippopotamus)
- Each-aibhne (Laideann: Hippopotamus amphibius) Beurla: hippopotamus)
- Meanbh-each-aibhne (Laideann: Choeropsis liberiensis neo Hexaprotodon liberiensis) Beurla: pigmy hippopotamus)
Teaghlach Muc (Suidae) (Beurla: pigs)
(Beurla: porcine
- Beurla: Bornean bearded pig
- Beurla: bushpig
- Beurla: Celebes warty pig
- Beurla: common warthog
- Beurla: desert warthog
- Beurla: giant forest hog
- Beurla: Heude's pig
- Beurla: hog
- Beurla: Java warty pig
- Beurla: North Sulawesi babirusa
- Beurla: Philippine warty pig
- Beurla: pot-bellied pig
- Beurla: pygmy hog
- Beurla: red river hog
- Beurla: Togian babirusa
- Beurla: wild boar
Teaghlach Ailuridae
- Panda ruadh (Ailurus fulgens
Teaghlach Canidae
- Cù (Canis lupus familiaris)
- Canis latrans
- Canis lupus dingo
- Madadh-allaidh (Canis lupus)
- Seacal (Beurla: jackal)
- Sionnach (Vulpes)
Teaghlach Felidae
Teaghlach Mustelidae
- Enhydra lutris Beurla: sea otter
- Gulo gulo Beurla: wolverine
- Ictonyx striatus Beurla: striped polecat
- Lontra felina Beurla: Marine otter
- Martes americana Beurla: American marten
- Martes pennanti Beurla: fisher
- Martes zibellina Beurla: sable
- Mellivora capensis Beurla: honey badger
- Mustela lutreola Beurla: European mink
- Mustela nigripes Beurla: black-footed ferret
- Neovison macrodon Beurla: sea mink (á bith)
- Neovison vison Beurla: American mink
- Pteronura brasiliensis Beurla: giant otter
- Taxidea taxus Beurla: American badger
- Vormela peregusna Beurla: marbled polecat
- balgair-dubh, biast-dubh, cù-donn, dobhar-chù, dobhran, dobhran-donn, madadh-donn, madadh-uisge (Lutra lutra)
- Broc (Meles meles)
- fearaid, feiread, peireid (Mustela putorius furo)
- neas, nios (Mustela nivalis)
- peireid, baineasg, baircean, neas, neas-abhag, taghan, taghan-tartaidh, teine-creasadh (Mustela putorius)
- Radan Armeniach, neas, easag-bhàn, easan gearr-earballach, easan-bàn, carlam, neas nam fuar-thìrean, neas-gheal, neas-bheag (Mustela erminea)
- taghan, madra-croinn, sgionn (Martes martes)
Teaghlach Odobenidae
- Each-mara (Odobenus rosmarus)
Teaghlach Otariidae
- Beurla: Antarctic fur seal
- Beurla: Australian fur seal)
- Beurla: Australian sea lion
- Beurla: brown fur seal
- Beurla: California sea lion
- Beurla: Galápagos fur seal
- Beurla: Galápagos sea lion
- Beurla: Guadalupe fur seal
- Beurla: Juan Fernández fur seal
- Beurla: New Zealand fur seal
- Beurla: New Zealand sea lion
- Beurla: northern fur seal
- Beurla: South African fur seal
- Beurla: South American fur seal
- Beurla: South American sea lion
- Beurla: Steller sea lion
- Beurla: Subantarctic fur seal
Teaghlach Phocidae
- Beurla: Baikal seal
- Beurla: bearded seal
- Beurla: Caspian seal
- Beurla: crabeater seal
- Beurla: elephant seal
- Beurla: grey seal
- Beurla: harbor seal
- Beurla: harp seal
- Beurla: Hawaiian monk seal
- Beurla: hooded seal
- Beurla: leopard seal
- Beurla: Mediterranean monk seal
- Beurla: northern elephant seal
- Beurla: ribbon seal
- Beurla: ringed seal
- Beurla: Ross seal
- Beurla: southern elephant seal
- Beurla: spotted seal
- Beurla: Weddell seal
Teaghlach Procyonidae
- Beurla: ring-tailed cat
Teaghlach Ursidae
- Beurla: giant panda
- Beurla: brown bear
- Beurla: black bear
- Beurla: grizzly bear
- Beurla: panda
- Beurla: polar bear
Òrdugh Cingulata (Beurla: armadillos)
- Beurla: Andean hairy armadillo)
- Beurla: big hairy armadillo)
- Beurla: Brazilian three-banded armadillo)
- Beurla: Chacoan naked-tailed armadillo)
- Beurla: giant armadillo)
- Beurla: great long-nosed armadillo)
- Beurla: greater fairy armadillo)
- Beurla: greater naked-tailed armadillo)
- Beurla: hairy long-nosed armadillo)
- Beurla: llanos long-nosed armadillo)
- Beurla: nine-banded armadillo)
- Beurla: northern naked-tailed armadillo)
- Beurla: pichi)
- Beurla: pink fairy armadillo)
- Beurla: screaming hairy armadillo)
- Beurla: seven-banded armadillo)
- Beurla: six-banded armadillo)
- Beurla: southern long-nosed armadillo)
- Beurla: southern naked-tailed armadillo)
- Beurla: southern three-banded armadillo)
- Beurla: Yepes's mulita)
Teaghlach Balaenidae (Beurla: Right whales, bowhead whales)
- Beurla: bowhead whale)
- Beurla: North Atlantic right whale)
- Beurla: North Pacific right whale)
- Beurla: southern right whale)
Teaghlach Balaenopteridae (Beurla: Rorquals)
- Beurla: Antarctic minke whale)
- Beurla: blue whale)
- Beurla: Bryde's whale)
- Beurla: common minke whale)
- Beurla: Eden's whale)
- Beurla: fin whale)
- Beurla: humpback whale)
- Beurla: Omura's whale)
- Beurla: Sei whale)
Teaghlach Delphinidae (Beurla: dolphins)
- Beurla: Arabian common dolphin)
- Beurla: Atlantic humpback dolphin)
- Beurla: Atlantic spotted dolphin)
- Beurla: Atlantic white-sided dolphin)
- Beurla: Australian snubfin dolphin)
- Beurla: Burrunan dolphin)
- Beurla: Chilean dolphin)
- Beurla: Clymene dolphin)
- Beurla: Commerson's dolphin)
- Beurla: common bottlenose dolphin)
- Beurla: costero)
- Beurla: dusky dolphin)
- Beurla: false killer whale)
- Beurla: Fraser's dolphin)
- Beurla: Heaviside's dolphin)
- Beurla: Hector's dolphin)
- Beurla: hourglass dolphin)
- Beurla: Indian humpback dolphin)
- Beurla: Indian Ocean bottlenose dolphin)
- Beurla: Irrawaddy dolphin)
- Madadh-cuain - Orcinus orca (Beurla: killer whale, orca)
- Beurla: long-beaked common dolphin)
- Beurla: long-finned pilot whale)
- Beurla: melon-headed whale)
- Beurla: northern right whale dolphin)
- Beurla: Pacific humpback dolphin)
- Beurla: Pacific white-sided dolphin)
- Beurla: Pantropical spotted dolphin)
- Beurla: Peale's dolphin)
- Beurla: pilot whale)
- Beurla: pygmy killer whale)
- Beurla: Risso's dolphin)
- Beurla: rough-toothed dolphin)
- Beurla: short-beaked common dolphin)
- Beurla: short-finned pilot whale)
- Beurla: southern right whale dolphin)
- Beurla: spinner dolphin)
- Beurla: striped dolphin)
- Beurla: tucuxi)
- Beurla: white-beaked dolphin)
Teaghlach Monodontidae
- Beurla: beluga whale)
- Beurla: narwhal)
Teaghlach Phocoenidae (Beurla: porpoises)
- Beurla: Burmeister's porpoise)
- Beurla: Dall's porpoise)
- Beurla: finless porpoise)
- Beurla: harbour porpoise)
- Beurla: spectacled porpoise)
- Beurla: vaquita)
Teaghlach Kogiidae
- Beurla: pygmy sperm whale)
- Beurla: dwarf sperm whale)
Teaghlach Iniidae (Beurla: river dolphins)
- Beurla: Amazon river dolphin)
- Beurla: Bolivian river dolphin)
- Beurla: Araguaian river dolphin)
Teaghlach Ziphidae (Beurla: beaked whales)
- Beurla: Andrews' beaked whale)
- Beurla: Arnoux's beaked whale)
- Beurla: Blainville's beaked whale)
- Beurla: Cuvier's beaked whale)
- Beurla: Gervais' beaked whale)
- Beurla: ginkgo-toothed beaked whale)
- Beurla: gray's beaked whale)
- Beurla: Hector's beaked whale)
- Beurla: Hubbs' beaked whale)
- Beurla: Indo-Pacific beaked whale)
- Beurla: northern bottlenose whale)
- Beurla: Perrin's beaked whale)
- Beurla: pygmy beaked whale)
- Beurla: Shepherd's beaked whale)
- Beurla: southern bottlenose whale)
- Beurla: Sowerby's beaked whale)
- Beurla: spade-toothed whale)
- Beurla: Stejneger's beaked whale)
- Beurla: strap-toothed whale)
- Beurla: True's beaked whale)
Òrdugh Chiroptera (Beurla: bats)
- Beurla: Antillean ghost-faced bat)
- Beurla: bulldog bats)
- Beurla: bumblebee bat)
- Beurla: disk-winged bats)
- Beurla: false vampires)
- Beurla: fisherman bats)
- Beurla: flying fox)
- Beurla: free-tailed bats)
- Beurla: fruit bat)
- Beurla: funnel-eared bats)
- Beurla: ghost-faced bat)
- Beurla: giant ghost-faced bat)
- Beurla: hollow-faced)
- Beurla: horseshoe bats)
- Beurla: Kitti's hog-nosed bat)
- Beurla: leaf-nosed bats)
- Beurla: megabats)
- Beurla: microbats)
- Beurla: mouse-tailed bats)
- Beurla: old world leaf-nosed bats)
- Beurla: pallid bat)
- Beurla: sac-winged)
- Beurla: sheath-tailed bats)
- Beurla: slit-faced bats)
- Beurla: smoky bats)
- Beurla: sucker-footed bats)
- Beurla: vampire bat)
- Beurla: Van Gelder's bat)
- Beurla: vesper bats)
Teaghlach Equidae (Beurla: horses)
(Beurla: equine)
- Beurla: African wild ass)
- Beurla: ass)
- Beurla: Atlas wild ass)
- Beurla: Burchell's zebra)
- Beurla: Cape mountain zebra)
- Beurla: Chapman's zebra)
- Beurla: Crawshay's zebra)
- Beurla: donkey)
- Beurla: eastern kiang)
- Beurla: Grant's zebra)
- Beurla: Hartmann's mountain zebra)
- Beurla: hinny)
- Beurla: horse)
- Beurla: Indian wild ass)
- Beurla: Maneless zebra)
- Beurla: Mongolian wild ass)
- Beurla: mountain zebra)
- Beurla: mule)
- Beurla: northern kiang)
- Beurla: Nubian wild ass)
- Beurla: onager)
- Beurla: Persian onager)
- Beurla: plains zebra)
- Beurla: pony)
- Beurla: Przewalski's Horse)
- Beurla: Quagga)
- Beurla: Selous' zebra)
- Beurla: Somali wild ass)
- Beurla: southern kiang)
- Beurla: Syrian wild ass)
- Beurla: tarpan)
- Beurla: Turkmenian kulan)
- Beurla: western kiang)
- Beurla: wild horse)
- Beurla: zebra)
- Beurla: zonkey, zedonk)
- Beurla: zorse)
Òrdugh Prìomhaid (Beurla: primates)
- Beurla: baboon)
- Beurla: chimpanzee)
- Beurla: gibbon)
- Beurla: gorilla)
- Beurla: human)
- Beurla: lemur)
- Beurla: marmoset)
- Beurla: monkey)
- Beurla: orangutan)
- Beurla: spider monkey)
Òrdugh Rodentia
- Beurla: chinchilla)
- Beurla: chipmunk)
- Beurla: dormouse)
- Beurla: gerbil)
- Beurla: gopher)
- Beurla: guinea pig)
- Beurla: hamster)
- Beurla: kangaroo mouse)
- Beurla: kangaroo rat)
- Beurla: lemming)
- Beurla: marmot)
- Beurla: mouse)
- Beurla: porcupine)
- Beurla: prairie dog)
- Beurla: rat)
- Beurla: squirrel)
- Beurla: vole)
Teaghlach Talpidae (Beurla: moles, etc.)
- Beurla: star-nosed mole)
Teaghlach Solenodontidae (Beurla: rare primitive soricomorphs)
- Beurla: Cuban solenodon)
- Beurla: Hispaniolan solenodon, Dominican solenodon, agouta)
Teaghlach Corytophanidae (Beurla: casquehead lizards, helmeted lizards)
- Beurla: common basilisk)
Teaghlach Varanidae (Beurla: monitor lizards)
- Beurla: komodo dragon)
Òrdugh Acipenseriformes (Beurla: sturgeons, paddlefish)
- Beurla: beluga, European sturgeon)
Òrdugh Cypriniformes (Beurla: carps, minnows, loaches, etc)
- Beurla: Caspian kutum)
Teaghlach Poeciliidae (Beurla: tooth-carps)
- Beurla: Cape whitefish, Berg-breede River whitefish)
- Beurla: Chiapas swordtail)
- Beurla: green swordtail)
- Beurla: guppy)
- Beurla: marbled swordtail)
- Beurla: yellow swordtail)
Teaghlach Balitoridae (Beurla: hillstream loaches, river loaches)
- Beurla: waterfall climbing cave fish, cave angel fish)
Òrdugh Gadiformes (Beurla: cods)
- Beurla: haddock)
Teaghlach Lophiidae (Beurla: Goosefish, monkfish)
- Beurla: American angler)
- Beurla: angler)
- Beurla: blackbellied angler)
- Beurla: blackfin goosefish)
- Beurla: devil anglerfish)
- Beurla: monkfish, fishing-frogs, frog-fish, sea-devils)
- Beurla: shortspine African angler)
- Beurla: yellow goosefish)
Teaghlach Bramidae (Beurla: pomfrets)
- Beurla: angelfish)
- Beurla: Atlantic pomfret)
- Beurla: Ray's bream)
Teaghlach Cichlidae (Beurla: cichlids)
- Beurla: angelfish)
Teaghlach Ephippidae (Beurla: spadefish)
- Beurla: Atlantic spadefish, angelfish, white angelfish, threetailed porgy, ocean cobbler, moonfish)
- Beurla: Pacific spadefish)
- Beurla: West African spadefish)
Teaghlach Istiophoridae (Beurla: marlins)
- Beurla: sailfish)
Teaghlach Malacanthidae (Beurla: tilefish)
- Beurla: ocean whitefish)
Teaghlach Pomacentridae (Beurla: damselfish, clownfish)
- Beurla: angelfish)
- Beurla: gray angelfish)
- Beurla: ornate angelfish)
- Beurla: queen angelfish)
- Beurla: royal angelfish)
Teaghlach Sparidae (Beurla: sea breams, porgies)
- Beurla: White steenbras)
Teaghlach Sphyraenidae (Beurla: barracudas)
- Beurla: Australian barracuda)
- Beurla: barracuda)
- Beurla: bigeye barracuda)
- Beurla: blackfin barracuda)
- Beurla: great barracuda)
- Beurla: Guachanche barracuda)
- Beurla: Guinean barracuda)
- Beurla: Mexican barracuda)
- Beurla: northern sennet)
- Beurla: obtuse barracuda)
- Beurla: pacific barracuda)
- Beurla: pelican barracuda)
- Beurla: pickhandle barracuda)
- Beurla: sharpfin barracuda)
- Beurla: southern sennet)
- Beurla: yellowstripe barracuda)
- Beurla: yellowtail barracuda)
Òrdugh Pleuronectiformes (Beurla: flatfish)
- Beurla: brill)
- Beurla: dab)
- Beurla: flounder)
- Beurla: halibut)
- Beurla: megrim)
- Beurla: plaice)
- Beurla: sanddab)
- Beurla: sole)
- Beurla: tonguefish)
- Beurla: turbot)
Òrdugh Salmoniformes (Beurla: salmon, trout)
- Beurla: whitefish)
Clas Chondrichthyes (Beurla: cartilaginous fish)
- Beurla: shark)
Teaghlach Carcharhinidae (Beurla: requiem sharks)
- Beurla: Australian ghostshark, elephant shark, whitefish, plownose chimaera, elephant fish)
- Beurla: tiger shark)
Teaghlach Pristidae (Beurla: sawfish, carpenter sharks)
- Beurla: sawfish)
Teaghlach Lamnidae (Beurla: mackerel sharks, white sharks)
- Beurla: great white shark)
Teaghlach Rhinobatidae (Beurla: guitarfish)
- Beurla: ringstreaked guitarfish)
Teaghlach Squatinidae (Beurla: angel sharks)
- Beurla: African angelshark)
- Beurla: angelshark)
- Beurla: angular angelshark)
- Beurla: argentine angelshark)
- Beurla: Chilean angelshark)
- Beurla: clouded angelshark)
- Beurla: eastern angelshark)
- Beurla: gulf angelshark)
- Beurla: hidden angelshark)
- Beurla: Indonesian angelshark)
- Beurla: Japanese angelshark)
- Beurla: Mexican angelshark)
- Beurla: monkfish)
- Beurla: ocellated angelshark)
- Beurla: ornate angelshark)
- Beurla: pacific angelshark)
- Beurla: Philippines angelshark)
- Beurla: sand devil)
- Beurla: sawback angelshark)
- Beurla: smoothback angelshark)
- Beurla: Taiwan angelshark)
- Beurla: western angelshark)
Clas Sarcopterygii (Beurla: lobe-finned fish)
- Beurla: lungfish)
Infraclass Pocanach
Fìleam Cnidaria (Hatschek, 1888)
- muir-tèachd, sgeith-ròin, sgeoldair, muirteachd, sgiodair (Beurla: Jellyfish)[2]
Clas Anthozoa (Ehrenberg, 1834) (Beurla: sea anemones, corals)
- Beurla: coral)
Òrdugh Carybdeida (Gegenbaur, 1857) (Beurla: box jellyfish)
- Beurla: Irukandji jellyfish)
- Alatina alata (Reynaud, 1830), Carybdea alata (Gershwin, 2005))
- Carukia barnesi (Southcott, 1967))
- Malo kingi (Gershwin, 2007))
- Malo maximus (Gershwin, 2005))
Fìleam Echinodermata
- Conan mara (Clas Echinoidea)
- Crosgag-bhrisg (Clas Ophuiroidea)
- Crosgag-iteach (Clas Crinoidea)
- Crosgag-thràghad (Clas Asteroidea)
- Cularan-mara (Clas Holothuroidea)
- Dolar-gainmhich (Clas Clypeasteroida)
Fìleam Mollusca
Clas Bivalvia
- Beurla: clam)
- Beurla: cockle)
- Beurla: geoduck)
- Feusgan
- Beurla: oyster)
- Beurla: scallop)
Clas Cephalopoda
- Beurla: cephalopod)
- Beurla: bobtail squid)
- Beurla: cuttlefish)
- Beurla: giant squid)
- Beurla: nautilus)
- Beurla: northern pygmy squid)
- Beurla: octopus)
- Beurla: ram's horn squid)
- Beurla: southern pygmy squid)
- Beurla: squid)
- Beurla: two-toned pygmy squid)
Clas Gastropoda
- Beurla: bubble snail)
- Beurla: headshield slug)
- Beurla: nudibranch)
- Beurla: solar-powered sea slug)
- Beurla: sap-sucking sea slug)
- Beurla: sea angel)
- Beurla: sea butterfly)
- Beurla: sea hare)
- Beurla: sea slug)
- Beurla: slug)
- Beurla: snail)
Clas Monoplacophora (Beurla: Tryblidiida)
Clas Polyplacophora (Beurla: chitons)
- Beurla: Chiton)
Fìleam Nematoda (Beurla: nematodes neo roundworms)
- Beurla: roundworm)
Teaghlach Ancylostomatidae (Beurla: parasitic hookworms)
- Beurla: hookworm)
Fìleam Platyhelminthes (Beurla: flatworms)
Clas Cestoda (Beurla: parasitic flatworms)
- Beurla: tapeworm)
- “Encyclopedia of Life”. Air a thogail 31mh dhen Dùbhlachd 2014.
- Bauer, Mìcheal. "Am Faclair Beag"
- “Integrated Taxonomic Information System on-line database”. Air a thogail 31mh dhen Dùbhlachd 2014.
- transactions
- Dwelly, Edward (1911): Faclair Gàidhlig gu Beurla le Dealbhan/The Illustrated Gaelic - English Dictionary (10mh Clò-bhualadh). Dùn Èideann: Birlinn Limited. ISBN 1-874744-04-1.