Jimmy Johnstone

'S e cluicheadair buill-choise Albannach a tha ann an Jimmy Johnstone a chluich airson club buill-choise Celtic.

Jimmy Johnstone
Breith Baile Udain, 30 dhen t-Sultain 1944
Dùthaich  Alba
Bàs Baile Udain, 13 dhen Mhàrt 2006
Nàdar a’ bhàis adhbharan nàdarra (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (en) Translate)
Cànain Beurla
Dreuchd cluicheadair ball-coise nan comann
Clubaichean Bliadhnaichean G T
C.B. Celtic1961-197530882
sgioba ball-coise nàiseanta na h-Alba1964-1974234
Lìog ball-coise XI na h-Alba1964-197040
C.B. Sheffield United1975-1977112
[[San Jose Earthquakes (en) Translate]]1975-1975100
C.B. Dhùn Dèagh1977-197730
[[Shelbourne F.C. (en) Translate]]1977-197890
C.B. Chathair Eilginn1978-1979182
Ionad no sònrachas wing half (en) Translate
Cuideam 52 kilogram
Àirde 155 centimetre
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