'S e leabhar den Bhìoball a tha ann an Iob no Iòb.[1]
William Blake, 'Piantairean Iob'
Tha e a' toirt cunntas air a' fhulangas Iob, fear dìleas, umhal agus diadhach.[2]
Ceanglaichean a-mach
- Iob 1, Am Bìoball Gàidhlig 1992Teamplaid:Fix/category
- “Iòb”. Am Faclair Beag. Air a thogail 11mh dhen t-Sultain 2016.
- Browning, W. R. F. (1997): Oxford Dictionary of the Bible. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-280060-4.
Leabhraichean an t-Seann Thiomnaidh
Genesis | Ecsodus | Lebhiticus | Àireamh | Deuteronomi | Iosua | Britheamhan | Rut | 1 Samuel | 2 Samuel | 1 Rìghrean | 2 Rìghrean | 1 Eachdraidh | 2 Eachdraidh | Esra | Nehemiah | Ester | Iob | Sailm | Gnàth-fhacail | Eclesiastes | Dàn Sholaimh | Isaiah | Ieremiah | Tuireadh | Eseciel | Daniel | Hosea | Ioel | Amos | Obadiah | Ionah | Micah | Nahum | Habacuc | Sephaniah | Hagai | Sechariah | Malachi
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