Cupa na h-Alba (Ball-coise)

An cuach ball-coise as sine ann am bith. 'S e Cupa Chomunn Ball-coise na h-Alba a tha air gu oifigeil.

1874 - 1899

1874 Queen's Park

1875 Queen's Park

1876 Queen's Park

1877 Vale of Leven

1878 Vale of Leven

1879 Vale of Leven

1880 Queen's Park

1881 Queen's Park

1882 Queen's Park

1883 Dùn Bhreatainn

1884 Queen's Park

1885 Renton

1886 Queen's Park

1887 Hibernian

1888 Renton

1889 Third Lanark

1890 Queen's Park

1891 Hearts

1892 Celtic

1893 Queen's Park

1894 Rangers

1895 St Bernards

1896 Mheadhan-Lodiann

1897 Rangers

1898 Rangers

1899 Celtic

Bho thoiseach an fhicheadamh linn gus an Cogadh Mòr

1900 Celtic

1901 Hearts

1902 Hibernian

1903 Rangers

1904 Celtic

1905 Third Lanark

1906 Hearts

1907 Celtic

1908 Celtic

1909 Gun Bhuannachadh

1910 Dùn Deagh

1911 Celtic

1912 Celtic

1913 An Eagalais Bhreac

1914 Celtic

An Cogadh Mòr : Cha robh Co-fharpais ann

Eadar an Dà Chogadh

1920 Cille Mhearnaig

1921 Partick Thistle

1922 Morton

1923 Celtic

1924 Airdrie

1925 Celtic

1926 St Mirren

1927 Celtic

1928 Rangers

1929 Cille Mhearnaig

1930 Rangers

1931 Celtic

1932 Rangers

1933 Celtic

1934 Rangers

1935 Rangers

1936 Rangers

1937 Celtic

1938 East Fife

1939 Ball-coise

An Darna Chogadh Mòr : Cha robh Co-fharpais ann

As deidh a' Chogaidh gu 1959

1947 Obar Dheathain

1948 Rangers

1949 Rangers

1950 Rangers

1951 Celtic

1952 Tobar na Mathar

1953 Rangers

1954 Celtic

1955 Cluaidh

1956 Mheadhan-Lodiann

1957 An Eaglais Bhreac

1958 Cluaidh

1959 St Mirren

1960 - 1979

1960 Rangers

1961 Dùn Phàrlain Athletic

1962 Rangers

1963 Rangers

1964 Rangers

1965 Celtic

1966 Rangers

1967 Celtic

1968 Dùn Phàrlain Athletic

1969 Celtic

1970 Obar Dheathain

1971 Celtic

1972 Celtic

1973 Rangers

1974 Celtic

1975 Celtic

1976 Rangers

1977 Celtic

1978 Rangers

1979 Rangers

1980 - 1999

1980 Celtic

1981 Rangers

1982 Obar Dheathain

1983 Obar Dheathain

1984 Obar Dheathain

1985 Celtic

1986 Obar Dheathain

1987 St Mirren

1988 Celtic

1989 Celtic

1990 Obar Dheathain

1991 Tobar na Mathar

1992 Rangers

1993 Rangers

1994 Dùn Dèagh Aonaichte

1995 Celtic

1996 Rangers

1997 Cille Mhearnaig

1998 Mheadhan-Lodiann

1999 Rangers

2000 gus latha an-diugh

2000 Rangers

2001 Celtic

2002 Rangers

2003 Rangers

2004 Celtic

2005 Rangers

2006 Mheadhan-Lodiann

2007 Celtic

2008 Rangers

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