Carl Borgstrøm

'S e cànanaiche Nirribheach a bha ann an Carl Hjalmar Borgstrøm[1] (Oslo, 12 an Dàmhair 1909 - Kristiania, 1986.[2] Rinn e obair-rannsachaidh air dual-chainntean na Gàidhlig agus dh'fhoillsich e iomadh leabhar is pàipear cudromach, a' gabhail a-steach an fheadhainn a leanas:

  • (1937) The dialect of Barra in the Outer Hebrides Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap 8
  • (1940) A linguistic survey of the Gaelic dialects of Scotland. The dialects of the Outer Hebrides Oslo University Press
  • (1941) A linguistic survey of the Gaelic dialects of Scotland. The dialects of Skye and Ross-shire Oslo University Press
  • (1974) On the influence of Norse on Scottish Gaelic Lochlann 6
Carl Borgstrøm
Breith Oslo, 12 dhen Dùbhlachd 1909
Dùthaich  Nirribhidh
Bàs 14 dhen t-Sultain 1986
Athair Hjalmar Borgstrøm
Màthair Amalie Müller
Dreuchd cànanaiche
Fastaichean Oilthigh Oslo

Bha buaidh mhòr aige air leasachadh is rannsachadh cànanachais san Nirribhidh.[2]


  1. Duilleag air luchd-cànanachais nan cànan Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Duisburg
  2. Store Norske Leksikon
Luchd-cànanachais na Gàidhlig
Tim ArmstrongMichael BauerCarl BorgstrømAnndra Mac a' CheàrnaighRichard CoxHenry DieckhoffNancy Dorian
Seumas GranndNils HolmerWill LambCoinneach MacFhionghuinAlasdair MacGilleBhàinGòrdon MacGilleFhinnein
Magne OftedalRoibeard Ó MaolalaighMáirtín Ó MurchúTomás Ó RathaileElmar TernesRoy Wentworth
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