Tha am broc na shineach dubh, liath agus geal, a tha feòil-itheach. Tha e anns an teaghladh Mustelidae. Is e Meles meles an seòrsa a gheibhear ann an Albainn.
Tha srianan geala air a cheann. Bidh iad a’ dèanamh dachaigh fo thalamh. Theirear “tùitean” neo “srianach” ris cuideachd.
- Teaghladh Mustelidae
- Fo-theaghlach Lutrinae: Dòbhran
- Fo-theaghlach Melinae
- Indonesian or Javan Stink Badger (Teledu), Mydaus javanensis
- Palawan Stink Badger, Mydaus marchei
- Hog Badger, Arctonyx collaris
- Burmese Ferret Badger, Melogale personata
- Oriental Ferret Badger, Melogale orientalis
- Chinese Ferret Badger, Melogale moschata
- Everett's Ferret Badger, Melogale everetti
- Eurasian Badger, Meles meles
- Subfamily Mellivorinae
- Ratel or Honey Badger, Mellivora capensis
- Fo-theaghlach Taxidinae:
- American Badger, Taxidea taxus
- Fo-theaghlach Mustelinae: weasels, martens, polecats is allies
Ceanglaichean a-muigh
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