Robert Mitchum, berne as Robert Charles Durman Mitchum (Bridgeport (Konnetikut), 6 augustus 1917 - Santa Barbara (Kalifornje), 1 july 1997) wie in bekend Amerikaansk akteur. Hy hie in lange karriêre en spile yn mear as 100 films. In protte dêrfan hearden ta it sjenre fan de film noir. Letter spile Mitchum hieltyd mear yn telefyzjerigen.
Mitchum fertolke faak de held of antyheld yn foaral westerns, oarlochs- en misdiefilms. Ut en troch spile er in minnenien en krekt dy rollen wurde no as syn bêste prestaasjes beskôge. Sa spile er de rol fan godstsjinstwaansinnige searjemoardner yn The Night of the Hunter en fan stalkende psychopaat yn Cape Fear.
Hy wie 57 jier lang, oant syn dea yn 1997, boaske oan Dorothy. Sy stoar 2014 yn de âldens fan 94 jier. Harren soannen Christopher en James Mitchum binne ek akteur.
- Hopalong Cassidy films (1943)
- The Human Comedy (1943)
- Aerial Gunner (1943)
- Border Patrol (1943)
- Follow the Band (1943)
- Leather Burners (1943)
- Colt Comrades (1943)

- We've Never Been Licked (1943)
- Lone Star Trail (1943)
- Beyond the Last Frontier (1943)
- Corvette K-225 (1943)
- Bar 20 (1943)
- Doughboys in Ireland (1943)
- False Colors (1943)
- Minesweeper (1943)
- The Dancing Masters (1943)
- Cry 'Havoc (1943) (uncredited)
- Riders of the Deadline (1943)
- Gung Ho! (1943)
- Johnny Doesn't Live Here Any More (1944)
- Mr. Winkle Goes to War (1944)
- When Strangers Marry (1944)
- Girl Rush (1944)
- Thirty Seconds over Tokyo (1944)
- Nevada (1944)
- The Story of G.I. Joe (1945)
- West of the Pecos (1945)
- Till the End of Time (1946)
- Undercurrent (1946)
- The Locket (1946)
- Pursued (1947)
- Crossfire (1947)
- Desire Me (1947)
- Out of the Past (1947)
- Rachel and the Stranger (1948)
- Blood on the Moon (1948)
- The Red Pony (1949)
- The Big Steal (1949)
- Holiday Affair (1949)
- Where Danger Lives (1950)
- My Forbidden Past (1951)
- His Kind of Woman (1951)
- The Racket (1951)
- Macao (1952)
- One Minute to Zero (1952)
- The Lusty Men (1952)
- Angel Face (1952)
- White Witch Doctor (1953)
- Second Chance (1953)
- She Couldn't Say No (1954)
- River of No Return (1954)
- Track of the Cat (1954)
- Not as a Stranger (1955)
- The Night of the Hunter (1955)
- Man with the Gun (1955)
- Foreign Intrigue (1956)
- Bandido (1956)
- Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)
- Fire Down Below (1957)
- The Enemy Below (1957)
- Thunder Road (1958)
- The Hunters (1958)
- The Angry Hills (1959)
- The Wonderful Country (1959)
- Home from the Hill (1960)
- A Terrible Beauty (1960)
- The Sundowners (1960)
- The Grass Is Greener (1960)
- The Last Time I Saw Archie (1961)
- Cape Fear (1962)
- The Longest Day (1962)
- Two for the Seesaw (1962)
- The List of Adrian Messenger (1963)
- Rampage (1963 film)
- Man in the Middle (1963)
- What a Way to Go! (1964)
- Mister Moses (1965)
- El Dorado (1966)
- The Way West (1967)
- Villa Rides (1968)
- Anzio (1968)
- 5 Card Stud (1968)
- Secret Ceremony (1968)
- Young Billy Young (1969)
- The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969)
- Ryan's Daughter (1970)
- Going Home (1971)
- The Wrath of God (1972)
- The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973)
- The Yakuza (1974)
- Farewell, My Lovely (1975)
- Midway (1976)
- The Last Tycoon (1976)
- The Amsterdam Kill (1977)
- The Big Sleep (1978)
- Matilda (1978)
- Breakthrough (1979)
- Agency (1980)
- Nightkill (1980)
- That Championship Season (1982)
- One Shoe Makes It Murder (1982) (TV)
- The Ambassador (1984)
- A Killer In the Family (1983) (TV)
- The Winds of War TV mini-searje (1983)
- Maria's Lovers (1984)
- Reunion at Fairborough (1985)
- Remembering Marilyn (1987) (dokumintêre)
- War and Remembrance TV mini-searje (1988)
- Mr. North (1988)
- Scrooged (1988)
- Brotherhood of the Rose (1989) TV-film
- John Huston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick (1989) (dokumintêre)
- Midnight Ride (1990)
- Supposedly Dangerous (1990)
- Cape Fear (1991)
- The Seven Deadly Sins (1992)
- Woman of Desire (1993)
- Tombstone (1993) (ferteller)
- Backfire! (1995)
- Dead Man (1995)
- Waiting for Sunset (1995)
- Wild Bill: Hollywood Maverick (1996) (dokumintêre)
Keppelings om utens
- (in) Profyl by Turner Classic Movies
- (in) Robert Mitchum's jiske by Find-A-Grave
- (in) Foto's en literatuer