Jan de Haan (Warns, 29 july 1951) is in hjoeddeiske komponist, muzykútjouwer, dirigint en musikus.
Hy spile yn it Nasjonaal Jeugd Fanfareorkest en yn de bekende brassband Pro-Rege út It Hearrenfean fan 1961 oant en mei 1968 tromboane. Syn stúdzjes die hy oan de Muzyk-Pedagogyske Akademy yn Ljouwert yn it fak tromboane fan 1969 o/m 1973. Oanslutend (1974-1976) studearre hy oan it konservatoarium yn Utert by Henk van Lijnschooten HaFa-direksje. Fan 1969 oant 1977 fersoarge hy de koperblazers oplieding oan de muzykskoalle fan it It Hearrenfean.
Dêrnei wurke hy as freelance musikus, dirigint en komponist. Mei de brassband Soli Deo Gloria út Ljouwert krige er nasjonale en ynternasjonale ûnderskiedingen. Hy folge yn jannewaris 1974 Sjoerd Nieuwland op as dirigint fan Soli Deo Gloria. As gastdirigint fan it Radio-Blazersensemble, it NCRV-blazersensemble, NCRV-koperensemble en it Frysk Orkest waard er rûnom frege.
By de NCRV-Radio en telefyzje makke er sûnt 1976 ferskate programma's, as U zij de Glorie, Op zoek naar muziek en de 13-dielige searje De geschiedenis van de brassband. By de Nederlandse Federatie van Christelijke Muziekbonden (NFCM) wie er muzykadviseur en sjuerylid by de hafabra-konserten.
Hy wie dosint direksje oan de Muzyk-Pedagogyske Akademy fan Ljouwert en is eigener fan de ynternasjonaal renommearre muzykútjouwerij "De Haske".
Wurken foar Harmony-orkest
- 1972: Apollo March
- 1978: Chorale Varié
- 1979: Meditation
- 1981: Christmas Fantasy (met koor SATB ad lib.)
- 1981: Fryske Variaties
- 1983: Five Intradas
- 1983: Partita over een thema van Johann Christian Bach
- Thème
- Variation 1
- Variation 2
- Variation 3
- Variation 4
- 1983: Prelude for Passiontide
- 1984: Canticum
- 1985: Pastorale
- 1985: Psaltrada
- 1985: Suite over Valeriusliederen
- 1986: A Christmas Suite
- 1990: Song of Freedom
- 1992: Danses de Fantaisie
- 1993: A Discovery Fantasy
- Introduction
- Bolero
- Rondeau
- Intermezzo
- Finale
- 1993: Inspiration
- 1993: Intermezzo
- 1995: Banja Luka
- 1995: Overture to new Age
- 1996: A Sunrise Impression
- 1996: Spanish Tritych
- Peñon de Ifach
- San Jaime
- Sierra de Bernia
- 1997: Music for a Solemnity A tribute to John Williams
- 1998: Victory
- 2000: Bandtime Starter
- 2000: Beethoven Forever
- 2000: Cyclist in Moscow
- 2001: A Chinese Man in Paris
- 2001: The Music Factory
- 2001: The Syncopated Band Parade
- 2001: March of the Animals
- 2003: Prevision
- 2005: Earthquake
- 2006: Hispaniola
- 2007: Bläserklasse Live
- 2007: Camel Ride
- 2007: Klasse(n) Musikanten
- 2008: Christmas Joy
- 2008: Cityscapes
- 2008: Emerald Jubilee
- 2008: Susato Variations
- 2008: Sweet Sunset
- 2008: Te Deum
- 2009: Consolation
- 2009: Flashback
- 2009: Meine erste Weihnachtskonzert
- 2009: Triumphal Winds
- 2009: Zodiac
- 2010: Geuzen Medal Fanfare
- 2010: Liberty
- 2010: Le Lion de Belfort
- 2010: Pierius Magnus
- 2011: Musica Helvetica
- 2011: Springsong
- 2012: Bläserklasse Globus
- 2012: Klezmeriana
- 2012: Song of David
- 2014: Homage
- 2014: The Torch of Liberty
- 2016: Belvedere
- 2016: Galea et Bellum
- 2016: Purcellian Fantasia (Based on the March from Henry Purcell's "Funeral Music of Queen Mary II")
- 2018: Tribute to a Maestro (Variations on a theme by Jean-Philippe Rameau)
- 2018: Centenary 2019
- Awakening Village
- Bintje Monument
- Journey into the Unknown
- 2019: Center of the Universe
- Reconstruction
- Pastorale
- Excelsior
- 2019: The Temple Musician
- 2019: The Secret of Mercury
- 2019: Duoloque (Flugelhorn and Tenorhorn solo & band
- 2020: A touch of Klez! (Flute or Alto saxophone solo & band)
- 2020: Hermitage (Concertante Variations on an original theme after Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
Wurken foar Fanfareorkest
- 1972: Apollo March
- 1978: Chorale Varié
- 1979: Meditation
- 1981: Christmas Fantasy (met koor SATB ad lib.)
- 1981: Fryske Variaties
- 1983: Five Intradas
- 1983: Partita over een thema van Johann Christian Bach
- Thème
- Variation 1
- Variation 2
- Variation 3
- Variation 4
- 1983: Prelude for Passiontide
- 1984: Canticum
- 1985: Pastorale
- 1985: Psaltrada
- 1985: Sequensen
- 1985: Suite over Valeriusliederen
- 1986: A Christmas Suite
- 1986: Contrasten
- 1990: Song of Freedom
- 1993: A Discovery Fantasy
- Introduction
- Bolero
- Rondeau
- Intermezzo
- Finale
- 1993: Inspiration
- 1993: Intermezzo
- 1994: Harmony Festival
- 1995: Banja Luka
- 1995: Overture to new Age
- 1996: A Sunrise Impression
- 1996: Spanish Tritych
- Peñon de Ifach
- San Jaime
- Sierra de Bernia
- 1997: Music for a Solemnity A tribute to John Williams
- 1997: The Land of Wind and Water
- 1998: Victory
- 2000: Bandtime Starter
- 2003: Prevision
- 2005: Earthquake
- 2006: Hispaniola
- 2007: Camel Ride
- 2008: Christmas Joy
- 2008: Cityscapes
- 2008: Emerald Jubilee
- 2008: Susato Variations
- 2008: Sweet Sunset
- 2009: Consolation
- 2009: Flashback
- 2009: Zodiac
- 2010: Geuzen Medal Fanfare
- 2010: Pierius Magnus
- 2011: Musica Helvetica
- 2011: Spectrum of the Sky
- 2011: Springsong
- 2012: De Ruigewaard
- 2012: Klezmeriana
- 2012: Song of David
- 2014: Homage
- 2014: The Torch of Liberty
- 2015: Collage voor fanfareorkest
- 2016: Belvedere
- 2016: Galea et Bellum
- 2016: Purcellian Fantasia (Based on the March from Henry Purcell's "Funeral Music of Queen Mary II")
- 2018: Centenary 2019
- Awakening Village
- Bintje Monument
- Journey into the Unknown
- 2019: Center of the Universe
- Reconstruction
- Pastorale
- Excelsior
- 2019: Van Toeten & Blazen (Een introductie van het Fanfareorkest)
- 2019: The Temple Musician
- 2019: Paradise Cave (Symphonic Poem for Fanfare Orchestra)
- 2019: Overture for ZINN
- 2019: Paradise Cave (Symphonic Poem for Fanfare Orchestra)
- 2020: A touch of Klez! (Alto saxophone solo & band)
- 2020: Hermitage (Concertante Variations on an original theme after Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
- 2020: Dialoque (Paraphrase on Psalm 98 and The Earle of Oxford's Marche)
Wurken foar Brassband
- 1972: Apollo March
- 1978: Chorale Varié
- 1979: Meditation
- 1981: Christmas Fantasy
- 1981: Fryske Variaties
- 1983: Five Intradas
- 1983: Partita
- 1983: Prelude for Passiontide
- 1984: Canticum
- 1985: Pastorale
- 1985: Psaltrada
- 1985: Suite over Valeriusliederen
- 1986: A Christmas Suite
- 1986: Contrasten
- 1987: Oxford Intrada
- 1990: Song of Freedom
- 1990: Variations on a Chord
- 1993: Inspiration
- 1994: Harmony Festival
- 1996: A Sunrise Impression
- 2003: Prevision
- 2005: Earthquake
- 2006: Hispaniola
- 2007: Camel Ride
- 2008: Christmas Joy
- 2008: Cityscapes
- 2008: Emerald Jubilee
- 2008: Susato Variations
- 2008: Sweet Sunset
- 2009: Consolation
- 2009: Flashback
- 2009: Triumphal Brass
- 2010: Alhambra
- 2011: Musica Helvetica
- 2011: Spring Song
- 2012: Introduction and Variations on Dies Irae
- 2013: Metamorphosis
- 2014: Chorale Variations
- 2014: Terra Incognita
- 2016: Apollo Overture
- 2016: Belvedere
- 2016: Purcellian Fantasia (Based on the March from Henry Purcell's "Funeral Music of Queen Mary II")
- 2018: The Patriots (Symphonic Fantasia)
- 2019: The Baltic Way
- 2019: Duoloque (Flugelhorn and Tenorhorn solo & brass band)
- 2019: Redbad (A Symphonic Portrait)
- 2020: Hermitage (Concertante Variations on an original theme after Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
- 2020: Sint Pitersdei
- 2020: In loving Memory
- 2020: Pale Blue Dot
- 1994: Heechste ûnderskieding (gouden spjelde mei ynleine smaragd) fan de Nederlânske Federaasje fan Kristlike Muzykbûnen.
- 2006: De kultuerpriis "De Gratama" fan de gemeente Smellingerlân
- 2012: Buma Brass Award