Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe (om 1660 hinne - 24 april 1731) wie in Ingelsk skriuwer, sjoernalist, keapman en spion en wurdt wol beskôge as ien fan de grûnlizzers, sa net de grûnlizzer fan de Ingelske roman. Hy is benammen bekend wurden troch syn boek Robinson Crusoe (1719) oer in man dy't oanspield is op in ûnbewenne eilân. Syn hiele oeuvre omfettet mear as 350 titels.


Daniel Defoe waard berne as Daniel Foe, fermoedlik yn Cripplegate yn Londen, mar wis is dat net. Letter heake er sels it eptige de oan syn namme ta. Defoe wie in ferneamd skriuwer fan politike fluchskriften, sjoernalistike artikelen en romans.

Defoe syn âlden wienen ôfkieden Presbyterianen. Hy krige ûnderrjocht yn de ôfskieden akadeemje fan Stoke Newington. Doe't er fan skoalle ôf wie gie er yn saken, mar dêr hie er net folle slach fan dat hy wie nei in oantal jierren bankerot. Yn 1684 boaske er mei Mary Tuffley; sy krigen acht bern.

Fanwege syn pamfletten en politike aktiviteiten waard er yn 1703 fêstset en oan de skandpeal set, mar troch de politikus Robert Harley, 1e Greve fan Oxford en Mortimer (1661-1724), wer frijlitten yn ruil foar tsjinsten as geheim agint.

Daniel Defoe oan de skandpeal
tekening fan James Charles (1862)

Defoe waard ferneamd troch syn boek ‘It libben en de wûnderlike aventoeren fan Robinson Crusoe’ (1719), mar hy skreau ek ‘The Storm’ (1704) oer de ‘Grutte Stoarm’ fan 26-27 novimber 1703 dêr't benammen yn Londen en Bristol in soad skea troch ûntstie en 8000 minsken it libben troch ferlearen. Robinson Crusoe giet oer de aventoeren fan in man dy't stykjen bleaun is op in ûnbewenne eilân.

In stúdzje fan reisboekeskriuwer Tim Severin (july 2002) soe bliken dwaan dat in Ingelske dokter, dy't fanwege rebûlje tsjin kening Jakobus II nei de Kariben ferbanne wie, de skriuwer de nedige ynspiraasje joen hie. It boek hat ommers tal fan bysûnderheden út in yn 1689 ferskynd ferhaal fan dokter Henry Pitman. Ek it idee foar de figuer fan de lânseigen 'Freed' soe dêr't fuortkaam wêze.

Daniel Defoe stoar op 24 april 1731 en kaam te hôf yn Bunhill Fields yn Londen.

Bibliografy (karút)

  • 1697 An Essay Upon Projects
  • 1698 The Poor Man's Plea … for a Reformation of Manners* 1700 The Pacificator (yn dichtfoarm)
  • 1700 The True-born Englishmen; satire
  • 1702 The Mock Mourners; (satire); (in ‘Elegy foar Kening Willem’)
  • 1702 The Shortest Way with Dissenters or: Proposals for the Establishment of the Church
  • 1703 Hymn To The Pillory; (poëzij)
  • 1705 The Consolidator or, Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon
  • 1717 Fair Payment. No Spunge* 1718 A Vindication of the Press; or: the Usefulness of Writing, on Criticism, and the Qualification of Authors; (essay)
  • 1718 Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins. A highlander officer, now in prison at Avignon
  • 1719 The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner…; (Ned. oers.: 1980; Het leven en de wonderlijke avonturen van Robinson Crusoe, uit York, zeeman; oersetting: Cees Buddingh)
  • 1719 The Farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe (ferfolg)
  • 1719 The Dumb Philosopher or: Great Britain's Wonder, containing I. A Faithful and very Surprizing account how Dickory Cronke, a Tinner's Son in the County of Cornwal, was born Dumb, and continued so for 58 Years; and how some Days before he died, he came to his Speech
  • 1720 Serious reflections during the life of Robinson Crusoe with his vision of the Angelick world (essays)
  • 1720 Memoirs of a Cavalier or: A Military Journal of The Wars in Germany, and The Wars in England
  • 1720 The Life, Adventures and Pyracies of the Famous Captain Singleton
  • 1722 The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. Who was Born in Newgate…. Twelve Year a Thief, Eight Year a Transported Felon in Virginia…. Written from her own Memorandums; (Ned. oers.: 1978; Moll Flanders; oerset fan: Max Schuchart)
  • 1722 Religious Courtship. Being Historical Discourses, on the Necessity of Marrying Religious Husbands and Wives only … With an Appendix Of the Necessity of taking none but Religious Servants, and a Proposal for the better managing of Servants
  • 1722 A Journal of the Plague Year, written by a citizen who continued all the while in London
  • 1722 The History and Remarkable Life of the truly Honourable Colonel Jacque, Commonly Call'd Col. Jack* 1724 The Fortunate Mistress: Roxana or: a History of the Life and Vast Variety of Fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau, Afterwards Call'd The Countess de Winselsheim, in Germany. Being the Person known by the Name of the Lady Roxana, in the Time of King Charles II; (Ned. oers.: 1984; Roxana - de gelukkige minnares; oersetting fan Jeanne Polderman)
  • 1724 A Tour Thro' the whole Island of Great Britain, Divided into Circuits or Journies. Giving a Particular and Diverting Account of Whatever is Curious; (boek I, 1724; boek II, 1725; boek III, 1726)
  • 1724 The Great Law Of Subordination Considered or: The Insolence and Unsufferable Behaviour of Servants in England duly enquir'd into… (In Ten Familiar Letters)
  • 1724 The History of the remarkable Life of John Sheppard, Containing A particular Account of his many Robberies and Escapes
  • 1725 Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business, or Private Abuses, Publick Grievances: Exemplified In the Pride, Insolence and Exorbitant Wages of our Women-Servants, Footmen
  • 1725 The Complete English Tradesman; (foar it earst pubisearre yn 1890)
  • 1726 The Political History of the Devil
  • 1727 Secrets of Invisible World Discovered; or, The History And Reality Of Apparitions (essay); (yn 1728 op nij útjûn ûnder: The Secrets of the Invisible World Disclos'd: or An Universal History of Apparitions Sacred and Prophane…)
  • 1728 The Memoirs of an English Officer … By Capt. George Carleton; (yn 1728 ek útjûn as: The Military Memoirs of Captain George Carleton)

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