TEU as en ufkörtang för Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit, an det ment: 'twuntag-fut-standard(ISO)container'. Mä TEU wurd containern tääld. At jaft 1-TEU, 1,5-TEU an 2-TEU container. 2-TEU container wurd uk üs 1-FEU betiakent (Forty-foot Equivalent Unit).
Tekst üüb Öömrang |
Am dat üüb a hialer welt mä containern werket wurd koon, san jo leewen like grat:
TEU | ISO-Container uun fut | Lengde uun meeter | Breetje uun meeter | Hööchde uun meeter | Maksimaal mase uun kg |
1 | 20 | 6,058 | 2,438 | 2,591 | 20320 |
1,5 | 30 | 9,125 | 2,438 | 2,591 | 25400 |
2 | 40 | 12,192 | 2,438 | 2,591 | 30480 |
- Glossary for transport statistics. Third edition. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxemburg 2003, ISBN 92-894-4942-X, S. 85, ec.europa.eu (PDF; 790 kB).
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