
Nottingham as en gratstääd, en city an en unitary authority uun't Regiuun Uast Madlunen mä knaap 340.000 iinwenern. Diar sat uk at ferwaltang faan't groofskap Nottinghamshire, huar det stääd Nottingham sant 1998 oober man muar seremoniel tu hiart.

Tekst üüb Öömrang

City of Nottingham
Nottingham Council House
Nottingham Council House
Nottingham Council House
Koordinaaten 52° 57′ N,  9′ W
City of Nottingham (Ingelun)
City of Nottingham (Ingelun)
City of Nottingham
City of Nottingham
City of Nottingham
Iinwenern 337.098 (Stant: 2020) [1]
Grate 74,61 km² (28,81)
Föörwool 0115
Loonsdial Ingelun
Seremoniel graafskap Nottinghamshire
Unitary authority Nottingham
ONS-Code 00FY
Wääbsteed: Nottingham

Nottingham as bekäänd för det stak am Robin Hood.


  1. Mid 2020 Estimates of the population for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Luke uk diar

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