Kingston upon Hull

Kingston upon Hull [ˌkɪŋstənəpɒnˈhʌl], of ianfach Hull [hʌl], as en stääd uun't Regiuun Yorkshire and the Humber bi a struum Humber, en city an en unitary authority uun't groofskap East Riding of Yorkshire.

Tekst üüb Öömrang

City of Kingston upon Hull
Koordinaaten 53° 45′ N,  20′ W
City of Kingston upon Hull (Ingelun)
City of Kingston upon Hull (Ingelun)
City of Kingston upon Hull
City of Kingston upon Hull
City of Kingston upon Hull
Iinwenern 260.645 (Stant: 30. Juni 2018[1])
Grate 71,45 km² (27,59)
Postkääntaal(en) HU
Föörwool 01482
Loonsdial Ingelun
Regiuun Yorkshire and the Humber
Shire county East Riding of Yorkshire
Distrikt Kingston upon Hull
Britisk parlament Hull East
Hull North
Hull West and Hessle

Hull hää en graten Nuurdsia huuwen, di iartidjs en madelponkt faan hanel, faskerei, waalfang an industrii wiar.


  1. Mid 2018 Estimates of the population for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

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