
Bratislava (aw Ungarisch: Pozsony, aw Tjüsch: Pressburg unti Preßburg) as en stää önj e Regjoon Bratislava önj as jü hoodstää foon jü Slowakäi. Deer booge 432.864 manschne (2018)[1]. Dåt gebiit foon Bratislava as 367,58 km². Jü inboogertächte as 1.167 manschne pro km². Jü pustliidjtål as 8XX XXX, di forwoolnumer as 421-2 än dåt kfz-kåntiiken as BA.

Täkst aw mooringer frasch

Foone foon Bratislava.
Woopen foon Bratislava.



  1. Slovakia: Regions and Major Cities,
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