Picatrix on nimi, joka kristillisessä Euroopassa annettiin arabiankieliselle teokselle غاية الحكيم Ġāyat al-Ḥakīm eli Viisaitten päämäärä. Teos käännettiin latinaksi 1200-luvulla espanjan kielestä.[1]
Katso myös
- David Pingree, 'Between the Ghāya and Picatrix. I: The Spanish Version', Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, Vol. 44, (1981), pp. 27–56
- Picatrix: Das Ziel des Weisen von Pseudo-Magriti, aus dem Arabischen ins Deutsche übersetzt von Hellmut Ritter und Martin Plessner [Picatrix: The Goal of the Wise Man by Pseudo-Magriti, translated from Arabic into German by Ritter and Plessner]. London: Warburg Institute, 1962 (=Studies of the Warburg Institute 27).
- David Pingree, The Latin Version of the Ghayat al-hakim, Studies of the Warburg Institute (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), University of London (1986), ISBN 0854810692
- review: Brian Vickers, Isis, The History of Science Society, University of Chicago Press (1990).
- review: William R. Newman, The Journal of the American Oriental Society (1993).
- Ouroboros Press has published the first English translation available in two volumes, Ouroborous Press (2002 Vol. 1 ASIN: B0006S6LAO) and (2008 Vol. 2)
- Béatrice Bakhouche (Arkistoitu – Internet Archive), Frédéric Fauquier, Brigitte Pérez-Jean, Picatrix: Un Traite De Magie Medieval, Brepols Pub (2003), 388 p., ISBN 978-2-503-51068-2.
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