Linja 6 (New Yorkin metro)

Linja 6 on yksi New Yorkin metron linjoista. Samaa reittiä kulkee myös pikalinja <6>. Ne on merkitty vihreällä opasteisiin, karttoihin ja linjaopasteisiin.

Lexington Avenue Local
Pelham Local/Express
Järjestelmä New Yorkin metro
Reitti Pelham Bay Park tai Parkchester (ruuhka-aikoina ja puolenpäivän aikaan)–Brooklyn Bridge
Tekniset tiedot
Asemia 38 (paikallislinja)
29 (pikalinja)
Varikko Westchester
Linjan <6> R142A-metrojuna St. Lawrence Avenuen asemalla


Linja 6

Aseman nimi Vaihtomahdollisuudet
Pelham Bay Park
Buhre Avenue
Middletown Road
Westchester Square – East Tremont Avenue
Zerega Avenue
Castle Hill Avenue
St. Lawrence Avenue
Morrison Avenue – Soundview
Elder Avenue
Whitlock Avenue
Hunts Point Avenue
Longwood Avenue
East 149th Street
East 143th Street – St. Mary’s Street
Cypress Avenue
Brook Avenue
Third Avenue – 138th Street
125th Street4, 5
116th Street4
110th Street4
103rd Street4
96th Street4
86th Street4, 5
77th Street4
68th Street – Hunter College4
59th Street4, 5, F, N, Q, R
51st Street4, E, M
Grand Central – 42nd Street4, 5, 7, <7>, S
33rd Street4
28th Street4
23rd Street4
14th Street – Union Square4, 5, L, N, Q, R
Astor Place4
Bleecker Street4, B, D, F, M
Spring Street4
Canal Street4, J, N, Q, R, Z
Brooklyn Bridge – City Hall4, 5, J, Z

Linja <6>

Aseman nimi Vaihtomahdollisuudet
Pelham Bay Park
Middletown Road
Westchester Square – East Tremont Avenue
Castle Hill Avenue
Hunts Point Avenue
Third Avenue – 138th Street
125th Street4, 5
116th Street4
110th Street4
103rd Street4
96th Street4
86th Street4, 5
77th Street4
68th Street – Hunter College4
59th Street4, 5, F, N, Q, R
51st Street4, E, M
Grand Central – 42nd Street4, 5, 7, <7>, S
33rd Street4
28th Street4
23rd Street4
14th Street – Union Square4, 5, L, N, Q, R
Astor Place4
Bleecker Street4, B, D, F, M
Spring Street4
Canal Street4, J, N, Q, R, Z
Brooklyn Bridge – City Hall4, 5, J, Z
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