Abigail (yhtye)
Abigail on japanilainen black metal -yhtye, joka on perustettu Tokiossa vuonna 1992. Sillä on tällä hetkellämilloin? levytyssopimus Nuclear War Now! Productions -yhtiön kanssa.

Abigail esiintymässä Quebecissä vuonna 2018
- Yasuyuki Suzuki – laulu, kitara, basso
- Youhei – rummut
- Shinichi Ishikawa – sessiokitaristi
- Jero – sessiokitaristi
- Joel Grind – kitara
- Yasunori – kitara
- Asuka – kitara (2002-2003)
- Intercourse and Lust (1997)
- Forever Street Metal Bitch (2003)
- Fucking louder than hell (2004)
- Ultimate Unholy Death (2005)
- Sweet Baby Metal Slut (2009)
- The Final Damnation (2016)
- The Gig Of Wrath (2003)
- Diabolical Nights of Infernal Desecration (2003)
- Possession Demoniaca (2005)
- Alive... In Italy (2005)
- Alive... In Thailand (2006)
- Alive... In USA (2006)
- Alive... In Singapore (2008)
- Alive... In Tokyo (2008)
- Alive... In Osaka (2009)
- Alive... In Germany (2010)
- Descending from a Blackend Sky (1993)
- Welcome all Hell Fuckers (2001)
- Eastern Force of Evil (2005)
- Confound Eternal (1996)
- Abigail's Tribute To NME (2007)
- Screaming For Grace / Abigail (1995)
- The Bulldozer Armageddon vol. 2 (2001)
- Live Split Picture 10" (2002)
- Sexual Metal Holocaust (2002)
- Kamikaze Splitting Roar (2003)
- Alkoholik Metal Blasphemers (2003)
- Evilized Japan (2004)
- Outbreak of Evil Vol. 2 (2005)
- Hexenkreis / Live in Germany (2004)
- Satan's Revenge Live!!! (2006)
- Tribute to ACID (2006)
- Split (2006)
- A celtic / japanese alliance (2007)
- Apocalyptic Ningtmare Continues (2007)
- Far East Necromancers (2007)
- Street War Metal Kommand (2007)
- Speed Metal Motherfuckers (2007)
- Street Metal Alcoholocaust (2008)
- Holocaustik Metal Sexxxekution Whoreslaughters (2008)
- Apocalyptic Necroholocaust (2008)
- Syphilitic Vaginas / Abigail (2009)
- Raw Black Thrashing Madness (2009)
- Satan Plays Speed Metal (2009)
- Nuke n Puke (Tour 2010 Edition) (2010)
- Russo-Japanese Metal War (2010)
- Farewell to Metal Slut (2010)
- Abigail Loves Ilona, as she is the Very Best (2005)
- The Early Black Years (1992-1995) (2007)
- Demo 1 (1992)
- Blasphemy Night (1993)
- Promotape '95 (1995)
- Spell Of The Pentagram (2004)
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