William Dieterle
William Dieterle edo Wilhelm Dieterle (Ludwigshafen, 1893ko uztailaren 15a - Ottobrunn, 1972ko abenduaren 9a) alemaniar-estatubatuar aktore eta zinema zuzendaria izan zen.
William Dieterle | |
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Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Ludwigshafen, 1893ko uztailaren 15a |
Herrialdea | ![]() ![]() |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Heriotza | Ottobrunn, 1972ko abenduaren 9a (79 urte) |
Familia | |
Ezkontidea(k) | Charlotte Hagenbruch (en) ![]() |
Hezkuntza | |
Hizkuntzak | alemana ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | film-zuzendaria, zinema ekoizlea, gidoilaria, zinema aktorea, antzerki aktorea eta arte bildumagilea |
Lantokia(k) | Alemania |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
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1921ean Alemanian hasi zen zinema-aktore lanetan, eta 1923an lehen aldiz zuzendu zuen film bat. 1927an enpresa ekoizle bat sortu zuen emaztearekin batera. 1930ean Ameriketako Estatu Batuetara emigratu zuten eta Hollywooden lan egin zuen. 1937an estatubatuar herritartasuna jaso zuen. 1950eko hamarkadan lan egiteari utzi zion McCarthyismorako susmagarria zelako, baina ez zuten inoiz kondenatu. Gero Alemaniara itzuli zen.
Filmografia hautatua
- The Masked Ones (1920)
- The Vulture Wally (1921)
- The Conspiracy in Genoa (1921)
- Marie Antoinette, the Love of a King (1922)
- Lucrezia Borgia (1922)
- Miss Julie (1922)
- Women's Sacrifice (1922)
- La Boheme (1923)
- Man by the Wayside (1923)
- The Pagoda (1923)
- The Second Shot (1923)
- The Green Manuela (1923)
- Mother and Child (1924)
- Waxworks (1924)
- Modern Marriages (1924)
- Carlos and Elisabeth (1924)
- Cock of the Roost (1925)
- The Woman from Berlin (1925)
- In the Valleys of the Southern Rhine (1925)
- Lightning (1925)
- The Flower Girl of Potsdam Square (1925)
- Sword and Shield (1926)
- The Bohemian Dancer (1926)
- The Pink Diamond (1926)
- Torments of the Night (1926)
- The Priest from Kirchfeld (1926)
- The Schimeck Family (1926)
- Hell of Love (1926)
- The Circus of Life (1926)
- The Hunter of Fall (1926)
- The Fallen (1926)
- The Mill at Sanssouci (1926)
- Circle of Lovers (1927)
- The Weavers (1927)
- Homesick (1927)
- Excluded from the Public (1927)
- At the Edge of the World (1927)
- Behind the Altar (1927)
- The Gypsy Baron (1927)
- The Saint and Her Fool (1928)
- Sex in Chains (1928)
- Violantha (1928)
- Thieves (1928)
- Knights of the Night (1928)
- Durchs Brandenburger Tor. Solang noch Untern Linden (1929)
- Ich lebe für Dich (1929)
- Rustle of Spring (1929)
- Das Schweigen im Walde (1929)
- Ludwig II, King of Bavaria (1929)
- The Dance Goes On (1930)
- Moby Dick (German-language version, 1930)
- The Last Flight (1931)
- Kismet
- The Mask Falls (1931)
- The Sacred Flame (1931)
- One Hour of Happiness (1931)
- Her Majesty, Love (1931)
- Man Wanted (1932)
- Jewel Robbery (1932)
- The Crash (1932)
- Six Hours to Live (1932)
- Scarlet Dawn (1932)
- Lawyer Man (1933)
- Grand Slam (1933)
- Adorable (1933)
- The Devil's in Love (1933)
- Female (1933)
- From Headquarters (1933)
- Fog Over Frisco (1934)
- Fashions of 1934 (1934)
- Madame Du Barry (1934)
- Dr. Monica (1934)
- The Firebird (1934)
- The Secret Bride (1934)
- A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935)
- Dr. Socrates (1935)
- The Story of Louis Pasteur (1935)
- The White Angel (1936)
- Satan Met a Lady (1936)
- The Great O'Malley (1937)
- The Prince and the Pauper (1937)
- Another Dawn (1937)
- The Life of Emile Zola (1937)
- Blockade (1938)
- Juarez (1939)
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939)
- Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940)
- A Dispatch from Reuter's (1940)
- The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941)
- Syncopation (1942)
- Tennessee Johnson (1943)
- Kismet (1944)
- I'll Be Seeing You (1945)
- Love Letters (1945)
- This Love of Ours (1945)
- The Searching Wind (1946)
- Duel in the Sun (1946)
- Portrait of Jennie (1948)
- The Accused (1949)
- Rope of Sand (1949)
- Paid in Full (1950)
- Vulcano (1950)
- September Affair (1950)
- Dark City (1950)
- Peking Express (1951)
- Red Mountain (1951)
- Boots Malone (1952)
- The Turning Point (1952)
- Salome (1953)
- Elephant Walk (1954)
- Magic Fire (1955)
- Screen Directors Playhouse: One Against Many (TB, 1956)
- Omar Khayyam (1957)
- Dubrowsky (1959)
- Mistress of the World (1960)
- Ich fand Julia Harrington (TB, 1960)
- Carnival Confession (1960)
- Die große Reise (TB, 1961)
- Gabriel Schillings Flucht (TB, 1962)
- Das Vergnügen, anständig zu sein (TB, 1962)
- Antigone (TB, 1962)
- The Confession (1964)
- Samba (TB, 1966)
Kanpo estekak
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