Wallace Stegner
Wallace Earl Stegner (Lake Mills, Iowa, 1909ko otsailaren 18a – Santa Fe, Mexiko Berria, 1993ko apirilaren 13a) estatubatuar historialari eta idazlea izan zen.
Utah eta Iowako unibertsitateetan ikasi zuen eta Wisconsin, Harvard eta Stanfordeko unibertsitateetako irakaslea izan zen. Ingurumen-aktibista izan zen eta eleberria eta historia idatzi zituen. Bere liburu askotan Amerikako mendebaldea jorratu zuen. 1972an Pulitzer Saria Fikzioan eta 1977an National Book Award irabazi zituen.
- Eleberriak
- Remembering Laughter (1937)
- The Potter's House (1938)
- On a Darkling Plain (1940)
- Fire and Ice (1941)
- The Big Rock Candy Mountain (1943), erdi autobiografikoa
- Second Growth (1947)
- The Preacher and the Slave (1950)
- A Shooting Star (1961)
- All the Little Live Things (1967)
- Joe Hill: A Biographical Novel (1969)
- Angle of Repose (1971) Pulitzer Saria Fikzioan
- The Spectator Bird (1976), National Book Award
- Recapitulation (1979)
- Crossing to Safety (1987)
- Bildumak
- The Women on the Wall (1950)
- The City of the Living: And Other Stories (1957)
- Writer's Art: A Collection of Short Stories (1972)
- One Way to Spell Man: Essays with a Western Bias (1982)
- The American West as Living Space (1987)
- Collected Stories of Wallace Stegner (1990)
- Late Harvest: Rural American Writing (1996), Bobbie Ann Masonekin
- Chapbooks
- Genesis: A Story from Wolf Willow (1994)
- Ez-fikziozkoa
- Clarence Edward Dutton: An Appraisal (1936)
- Mormon Country (1942, American Folkways series)
- One Nation (1945), with the editors of Look magazine
- Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley Powell and the Second Opening of the West (1954)
- Wolf Willow: A History, a Story, and a Memory of the Last Plains Frontier (1962), autobiografia
- Wilderness Letter (1960)
- The Gathering of Zion: The Story of the Mormon Trail (1964)
- Teaching the Short Story (1966)
- The Sound of Mountain Water (1969)
- Discovery! The Search for Arabian Oil (1971)
- The Uneasy Chair: A Biography of Bernard DeVoto (1974)
- Writer in America (1982)
- Conversations with Wallace Stegner on Western History and Literature (1983)
- This Is Dinosaur: Echo Park Country and its Magic Rivers (1985)
- American Places (1985)
- On the Teaching of Creative Writing (1988)
- Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs: Living and Writing in the West (1992), autobiografia
- Istorio laburrak
- "Bugle Song" (1938)
- "Chip Off the Old Block" (1942)
- "Hostage" (1943)
Kanpo estekak
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