The Irish Rover

"The Irish Rover" ("Irlandar Ibiltaria") irlandar folk abesti herrikoia da eta itsasontzi bikan , baino ziurrenik izaterik gabea, baten inguruko nondik-norakoak azaltzen dizkigu. Zoritxarrez amaiera zoritxarrekoa du. Abesti honi buruz hainbat eta hainbat musika taldeek egin dituzte beren bertsioak, zenbaitek beren hitzetako aldaketak ere bai.

The Irish Rover
The Poguesen eta The Dublinersen singlea
Egilea(k)The Pogues eta The Dubliners
Genero artistikoaCeltic rock (en) Itzuli
Honen parte daIf I Should Fall from Grace with God

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The Poguesen eta The Dublinersen kronologia
Haunted (en) Itzuli The Irish Rover

Jatorrizko hitzak

In the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and six,
We set sail from the sweet Cobh of Cork
We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks
For the grand City Hall in New York
'Twas a wonderful craft, she was rigged 'fore and aft
And how the wild winds drove her
She 'stood several blasts, she had twenty-seven masts
And they called her the Irish Rover
There was Barney McGee from the banks of the Lee
There was Hogan from County Tyrone
There was Johnny McGurk who was scared stiff of work
And a man from Westmeath called Malone
There was Slugger O'Toole who was drunk as a rule
And fighting Bill Tracy from Dover
And your man Mick McCann, from the banks of the Bann
Was the skipper on the Irish Rover
We had one million bags of the best Sligo rags
We had two million barrels of stones
We had three million sides of old blind horses' hides
We had four million barrels of bones
We had five million hogs and six million dogs
And seven million barrels of porter
We had eight million bales of old nanny goats' tails
In the hold of the Irish Rover
We had sailed seven years when the measles broke out
And our ship lost her way in the fog
And the whole of the crew was reduced down to two
'Twas meself and the captain's old dog
Then the ship struck a rock; oh Lord what a shock
The bulkhead was turned right over
We turned nine times around - then the poor old dog was drowned
Now I'm the last of the Irish Rover

The Pogues ft. The Dubliners lyrics

On the Fourth of July, eighteen hundred and six
We set sail from the sweet Cobh of Cork
We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks
For the Grand City Hall in New York
'Twas a wonderful craft
She was rigged fore and aft
And oh, how the wild wind drove her
She stood several blasts
She had twenty seven masts
And they called her The Irish Rover
We had one million bags of the best Sligo rags
We had two million barrels of stone
We had three million sides of old blind horses hides
We had four million barrels of bones
We had five million hogs
And six million dogs
Seven million barrels of porter
We had eight million bails of old nanny-goats' tails
In the hold of the Irish Rover
There was awl Mickey Coote
Who played hard on his flute
When the ladies lined up for a set
He was tootin' with skill
For each sparkling quadrille
Though the dancers were fluther'd and bet
With his smart witty talk
He was cock of the walk
And he rolled the dames under and over
They all knew at a glance
When he took up his stance
That he sailed in The Irish Rover
There was Barney McGee
From the banks of the Lee
There was Hogan from County Tyrone
There was Johnny McGurk
Who was scared stiff of work
And a man from Westmeath called Malone
There was Slugger O'Toole
Who was drunk as a rule
And Fighting Bill Treacy from Dover
And your man, Mick MacCann
From the banks of the Bann
Was the skipper of the Irish Rover
For a sailor it's always a bother in life
It's so lonesome by night and day
That he longs for the shore
And a charming young whore
Who will melt all his troubles away
Oh, the noise and the rout
Swillin' poitin and stout
For him soon the torment's over
Of the love of a maid
He is never afraid
An old salt from the Irish Rover
We had sailed seven years
When the measles broke out
And the ship lost its way in the fog
And that whale of a crew
Was reduced down to two
Just myself and the Captain's old dog
Then the ship struck a rock
Oh Lord what a shock
The bulkhead was turned right over
Turned nine times around
And the poor old dog was drowned
I'm the last of The Irish Rover
Gure jaunaren urtean, mila zortzireun eta sei,
Corkeko Cobh goxotik itsasoratu ginen
Adreilu zama batekin nabigatzen genuen
New Yorkeko City Hall handirantz
'Belaontzi bikaina zen, popatik brankara prestuta zegoen
Eta haizeak nola gidatzen zuen
Hainbat masta bazituen, hogeitazazpi masta zituen
Eta Irlandar Ibiltaria deitzen zuten
Leeko baizadietako Barney McGee zegoen
Tyroneko Hogan zegoen
Johnny McGurk zegoen lanerako beti prest
Eta Westmeathko Malone izeneko gizon bat bazen
Slugger O'Toole zegoen beti bezain mozkor
Eta Dovereko Bill Tracy borrokalaria
Eta zure gizona den Mick McCann, Banneko baizadietakoa
Irlandar Ibiltariko kapitaina zena
Sligoko trapu zahar hoberenez beteriko milioi bat poltsa zituen
Harriz beteriko bi milioi kupel genituen
Zaldi zahar itxuen hiru milioi okel zati gordeta genituen
Hezurrez beteriko lau milioi kupel genituen
Bost milioi urde eta sei milioi txakur
Eta zazpi milioi garagardo kupel
Ahuntz zaharren isatsekin eginiriko zortzi milioi bala genituen
Irilandar Ibiltariaren biltegietan
Zazpi urtetan zehar nabigatu genuean elgorria agertu zenean
Eta gure itsasontzia laino artean galdu zen
Eta tripulazio osoa bi kidetara murriztu zen
Neroni eta kapitainaren txakur zaharra
Orduan itsasuntziak haitz bat jo zuen; Ene jainkoa zer bihotzondokoa
Ontzi-kaskoa eskubiruntz eskoratu zen
Bederatzi alditan bira eman genuen - orduantxe txakur gaixoa ito zen
Eta orain Irlandar Ibiltariaren azkena naiz

The Pogues eta The Dubliners taldeen bertsioa

Uztaileko laugarrenean, mila zortzireun eta seian
Corkeko Cobh gosotik itsasoratu ginen
Adreilu zama batekin nabigatzen genuen
New Yorkeko Grand City Hallerantz
'Belaontzi bikaina zen
Popatik brankara prestatuta zegoen
Eta ene, haizeak nola gidatzen zuen
Hainbat masta bazituen
Hogeitazazpi masta zituen
Eta Irlandar Ibiltaria deitzen zuten
Sligoko trapu zahar hoberenez beteriko milioi bat poltsa genituen
Harriz beteriko bi milioi kupel genituen
Zaldi zahar itxuen hiru milioi okel zati genituen
Hezurrez beteriko lau milioi kupel genituen
Bost milioi urde genituen
Eta sei milioi txakur
Zazpi milioi garagardo kupel
Ahuntz zaharren isatzez eginiriko zortzi milioi makiltxo genituen
Irlandar Ibiltariaren biltegietan
Mickey Coote zaharra zegoen
Bere txistua gogoki joz
Neskak txanda eske lerrokatzen zirenean
Maila handiz jotzen zuen
Koadrila alai bakoitzeko
Dantzariak nahas-mahasean eta apustuak egiten ari ziren bitartean
Bere hitz jario bixiarekin
Leku hartako oilar harroskoa zen
Eta Andereak alde batetara eta bestera txanda aldatzen zituen
Begirada batekin bazekien
Bere jarrera noiz egokitu
Horrek Irlandar Ibiltarian nabigatzen zuen
Barney McGee zegoen
Leeko baizadietakoa
Tyrone Konderriko Hogan zegoen
Johnny McGurk zegoen
Lanerako beti prest
Eta Westmeatheko Malone izenekoa
Slugger O'Toole zegoen
Beti bezain mozkor
Eta Dovereko Bill Treacy Borrokalaria
Eta zure gizona, Mick MacCann
Banneko baizadietakoa
Irlandar Ibiltariaren kapitaina zen
Itsasgizon batentzat bizian beti bada eragozpenen bat
Gau eta egunez hain bakarrik dago
Lur ertz bat irrikatzen duela
Eta emagaldu gazte xarmangarri bat
Bere arazo guztiak desagertuarazi ditzan
Ene, soinua eta galera
Poitin (irlandar pattarra) zikina eta garagardoa
Beregain berehala datorren sufrimenduarentzat
Neska gazte baten maitasunari
Ez dio behin ere beldurrik
Irlandar Ibiltariko piper eta gatza
Zazpi urtez nabigatu genuen
Elgorria agertu zen arte
Eta ontziak bere bidea laino artean galdu zuen
Eta bale horrek tripulazioa
Bira murriztu zuen
Neroni eta Kapitainaren txakur zaharra hain justu
Orduan ontziak haitz bat jo zuen
Ene jainkoa zer bihotzondokoa
Ontzi-kaskoa eskubiruntz eskoratu zen
Bederatzi alditan bira eman genuen
Eta txakur zahar gaixoa bertan ito zen
Ni naiz Irlandar Ibiltariko azkena

Azken aurreko bertsoa "nahiko" lizuna edo desegokia denez ohiko musika bildumetatik hat utzi ohi da.


Kanpo estekak

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