Richmal Crompton
Richmal Crompton Lamburn (Bury, 1890eko azaroaren 15a - Bromley, 1969ko urtarrilaren 11) ingeles eleberrigilea izan zen. Haur literaturan nabarmendu zen, Just William saila, umorezko ipuinak eta helduentzako eleberriren bat idatzi zituen.
Richmal Crompton | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | Richmal Crompton Lamburn |
Jaiotza | Bury (en) ![]() |
Herrialdea | ![]() ![]() |
Heriotza | Farnborough, 1969ko urtarrilaren 11 (78 urte) |
Familia | |
Anai-arrebak | ikusi
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Royal Holloway, University of London (en) ![]() St Elphin's School (en) ![]() |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | idazlea, eleberrigilea, haur literatura idazlea, umorista eta ipuingilea |
Lan nabarmenak | ikusi
Izengoitia(k) | Richmal Crompton |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Irakasle aritu zen hainbat eskolatan, ez zen ezkondu eta ez zuen seme-alabarik izan. Bere liburuen arrakastari esker, amarekin bizitzeko etxe bat erosi ahal izan zuen, irakaskuntzatik erretiratu ondoren.
Just William istorio labur bildumak
- Just William, 1922
- More William, 1922
- William Again, 1923
- William the Fourth, 1924
- Still William, 1925
- William The Conqueror, 1926
- William the Outlaw, 1927
- William in Trouble, 1927
- William the Good, 1928
- William, 1929
- William the Bad, 1930
- William's Happy Days, 1930
- William's Crowded Hours, 1931
- William the Pirate, 1932
- William the Rebel, 1933
- William the Gangster, 1934
- William the Detective, 1935
- Sweet William, 1936
- William the Showman, 1937
- William the Dictator, 1938
- William and Air Raid Precautions, 1939 (also published as William's Bad Resolution, 1956)
- William and the Evacuees, 1940 (also published as William and the Film Star, 1956)
- William Does His Bit, 1941
- William Carries On, 1942
- William and The Brains Trust, 1945
- Just William's Luck, 1948
- William the Bold, 1950
- William and the Tramp, 1952
- William and the Moon Rocket, 1954
- William and the Artist's Model, 1956
- William and the Space Animal, 1956
- William's Television Show, 1958
- William the Explorer, 1960
- William's Treasure Trove, 1962
- William and the Witch, 1964
- William and the Pop Singers, 1965
- William and the Masked Ranger, 1966
- William the Superman, 1968
- William the Lawless, 1970
Just William antzezlanak
- William and the Artist's Model, 1956
- William the Terrible, BBC Radio Plays volume 1, 2008, published by David Schutte
- William the Lionheart, BBC Radio Plays volume 2, 2008, published by David Schutte
- William the Peacemaker, BBC Radio Plays volume 3, 2009, published by David Schutte
- William the Avenger, BBC Radio Plays volume 4, 2009, published by David Schutte
- William the Smuggler, BBC Radio Plays volume 5, 2010, published by David Schutte
- William's Secret Society, BBC Radio Plays volume 6, 2010, published by David Schutte
William liburuak
- Enter – Patricia, 1927
- Jimmy, 1949
- Jimmy Again, 1951
- Jimmy the Third, a compilation of stories from Jimmy and Jimmy Again, 1965
Beste luburu batzuk
- The Innermost Room, 1923
- The Hidden Light, 1924
- Anne Morrison, 1925
- The Wildings, 1925
- David Wilding, 1926
- The House, 1926 (also published as Dread Dwelling)
- Kathleen and I, and, of Course, Veronica, 1926 (short stories)
- Millicent Dorrington, 1927
- A Monstrous Regiment, 1927 (short stories)
- Leadon Hill, 1927
- The Thorn Bush, 1928
- Roofs Off!, 1928
- The Middle Things, 1928 (short stories)
- Felicity Stands By, 1928 (short stories)
- Sugar and Spice and Other Stories, 1928 (short stories)
- Mist and Other Stories, 1928 (short stories), republished in May 2015 by Sundial Press as "MIST And Other Ghost Stories"
- The Four Graces, 1929
- Abbot's End, 1929
- Ladies First, 1929 (short stories)
- Blue Flames, 1930
- Naomi Godstone, 1930
- The Silver Birch and Other Stories, 1931 (short stories)
- Portrait of a Family, 1931
- The Odyssey of Euphemia Tracy, 1932
- Marriage of Hermione, 1932
- The Holiday, 1933
- Chedsy Place, 1934
- The Old Man's Birthday, 1934
- Quartet, 1935
- Caroline, 1936
- The First Morning, 1936 (short stories)
- There Are Four Seasons, 1937
- Journeying Wave, 1938
- Merlin Bay, 1939
- Steffan Green, 1940
- Narcissa, 1941
- Mrs Frensham Describes a Circle, 1942
- Weatherly Parade, 1944
- Westover, 1946
- The Ridleys, 1947
- Family Roundabout, 1948, republished in 2001 by Persephone Books
- Frost at Morning, 1950
- Linden Rise, 1952
- The Gypsy's Baby, 1954
- Four in Exile, 1954
- Matty and the Dearingroydes, 1956
- Blind Man's Buff, 1957
- Wiseman's Folly, 1959
- The Inheritor, 1960
- ‘’The House in the Wood - and other stories’’, 2022
Beste istorio labur batzuk
- Half-an-Hour. Adelaide Observer, 23 December 1922
Kanpo estekak
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