Peter Capaldi
Peter Dougan Capaldi (Glasgow, 1958ko apirilaren 14a) eskoziar zinema, telebista eta antzerkiko aktore, gidoigile eta zuzendari bat da. Musikaria ere bada. Doctor Who telesailean hamabigarren Doktorea antzezteagatik da ezaguna[1]. 1995ean Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life laburmetraiarengatik Oscar Saria jaso zuen[2].
Peter Capaldi | |
![]() (2015) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | Peter Dougan Capaldi |
Jaiotza | Glasgow, 1958ko apirilaren 14a (65 urte) |
Herrialdea | ![]() ![]() |
Bizilekua | Glasgow Londres Crouch End Muswell Hill (en) ![]() |
Lehen hizkuntza | Ingeles britainiarra |
Familia | |
Ezkontidea(k) | Elaine Collins (en) ![]() |
Familia | ikusi
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Glasgow School of Art (en) ![]() St Constantine's (en) ![]() |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | aktorea, gidoilaria, film-zuzendaria, zinema aktorea, telebista-aktorea, ahots-aktorea, telebista zuzendaria, music artist (en) ![]() ![]() |
Altuera | 1,83 metro |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
Musika instrumentua | ahotsa gitarra sintetizadorea |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Glasgowen jaio zen. Aitaren aldetik italiar jatorrikoa da, amaren aldetik berriz irlandar jatorrikoa[3]. Glasgowko Arte Eskolan egin zituen ikasketak eta ikasle zela The Dreamboys izeneko punk taldeko abeslari eta gitarjolea izan zen[4]. Talde hartako bateriajolea Craig Ferguson komikoa zen[5]. Hiru abestitako EPa atera zuen taldeak 1980an.
1980. hamarkadaren hasieran hainbat filmetan hartu zuen parte, ezagunena Danny Oldsenen Local Hero filma izan zen. Hainbat telesailetan ere aritu zen, esate baterako John and Yoko: A Love Story telesailean The Beatles taldeko George Harrison kidea interpretatuz.
Lehenengo protagonista papera BBC kateko Mr Wakefield's Crusade telesailean izan zuen, 1992an.
2005 eta 2012 artean The Thick of It sitcom-ean Malcolm Tucker izan zen eta orduan bihurtu zen ezagun[6][7].
Doctor Who
1995ean Zortzigarren Doktorea izateko casting-erako gonbidapena jaso zuen baina ez zuen parte hartu. 2008an "The Fires of Pompeii" atalean agertu zen Lobus Caecilius pompeiatarraren paperean[8]. Kasualitatez atal berean Karen Gillanek ere paper txiki bat izan zuen, gerora 11. Doktorearen laguntzailea izango zenak[8]. 2013an Hamabigarren Doktorea bihurtu zen, Eguberrietako "The Time of the Doctor" atal berezian agertuz. Ondoren hiru denboraldi egin zituen Doktorearen rolean, Jenna Coleman aktorea alboan zuela[9]. 2017ko eguberrietako atal berezian Jodie Whittakerri pasa zion lekukoa[10].
Doctor Who telesailaren inguruan sorturiko spin-off, audioliburu eta irratsaiotan ere hartu izan du parte.
Zuzendari, aurkezle eta idazlea
Aktore lanaz gain bestelako funtzioak ere bete izan ditu Peter Capaldik. 1992an Soft Top, Hard Shoulder road-moviea idatzi zuen eta 1995ean Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life laburmetraiarengatik Oscar Saria jaso zuen[2]. 2001ean Strictly Sinatra idatzi eta zuzendu zuen eta 2009an A Portrait of Scotland dokumentala idatzi eta aurkeztu zuen Eskoziako erretratu margolanekin 500 urtetako historia azalduz[11]. 2012an The Cricklewood Greats dokumentala idatzi zuen.
Bizitza pertsonala
1991n Elaine Collins aktore eta telebista ekoizlearekin ezkondu zen Glasgowtik gertu dagoen Strathblanen eta gaur egun Londresko Muswell Hill auzoan bizi dira. Alaba bakarra dute, Cecily izenekoa[12].
Lewis Capaldi musikaria bigarren lehengusua du[13] eta haren bideoklip batean azaldu zen 2019an, "Someone You Loved" izenekoan[14].
Hainbat giza elkarteren aldeko kanpainatan hartu du parte, UNHCR eta Worldwide Cancer Research erakundetan, besteak beste. 2022ko urrian Eskoziaren independentziaren aldekoa dela esan zuen The Daily Telegraph egunkarian egin zioten elkarrizketa batean[15].
The Dreamboys
- Dreamboys (1980) EPa - 3 abesti[4]
- Monks Road Social: "If I Could Pray" (2020)
- Peter Capaldi: "St. Christopher (Edit)" (2021)
- Lewis Capaldi: "Someone You Loved" (2019)[14]
Urtea | Filma | Pertsonaia | Oharrak |
1982 | Living Apart Together | Joe | |
1983 | Local Hero | Oldsen | |
1984 | Turtle Diary | Assistant keeper | |
1988 | The Love Child | Dillon | |
1988 | The Lair of the White Worm | Angus Flint | |
1988 | Dangerous Liaisons | Azolan | |
1991 | December Bride | Young Sorleyson | |
1992 | Soft Top Hard Shoulder | Gavin Bellini | |
1994 | Captives | Simon | |
1995 | Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life | Laburmetraia Gidoigilea, zuzendaria | |
1997 | Bean | Gareth | |
1997 | Shooting Fish | Mr. Gilzean | |
1998 | What Rats Won't Do | Tony | |
1999 | The Greatest Store in the World | Mr. Whiskers | |
2001 | Strictly Sinatra | Gidoigilea, zuzendaria | |
2002 | Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War | Derek | |
2002 | Max | David Cohn | |
2002 | Solid Geometry | David Hunter | |
2003 | Shotgun Dave Rides East | Rob | |
2004 | Modigliani | Jean Cocteau | |
2004 | Niceland (Population. 1.000.002) | John | |
2004 | Wild Country | Father Steve | |
2005 | House of 9 | Max Roy | |
2005 | The Best Man | Priest | |
2006 | Pinochet in Suburbia | Andy McEntee | |
2007 | Magicians | Mike Francis | |
2009 | In the Loop | Malcolm Tucker | |
2012 | Big Fat Gypsy Gangster | Peter VanGellis | |
2012 | The Cricklewood Greats | Gidoigilea, zuzendaria | |
2013 | World War Z | MOE doktorea | |
The Fifth Estate | Alan Rusbridger | ||
2014 | Maleficent | King Kinloch | Ezabaturiko eszenak |
'Paddington | Mr. Curry | ||
From the Doctor to My Son Thomas | Hamabigarren Doktorea | Idazlea eta zuzendaria ere bai. Bideo birala | |
2016 | The Complete Walk: Titus Andronicus | Titus Andronicus | Laburmetraia |
2017 | Paddington 2 | Mr. Curry | |
2018 | Christopher Robin | Rabbit | Ahotsa |
2019 | The Personal History of David Copperfield | Mr Micawber | |
2021 | The Suicide Squad | Gaius Grieves / The Thinker | |
Benediction | Siegfried Sassoon |
Urtea | Telesaila/Telefilma | Pertsonaia | Oharrak |
1984 | Crown Court | Eamonn Donnelly | atal bakarra |
1985 | Minder | Ozzy | atal bakarra |
1985 | Travelling Man | atal bakarra | |
1985 | John and Yoko: A Love Story | George Harrison | |
1986 | C.A.T.S. Eyes | Caldicott | atal bakarra |
1989 | Rab C. Nesbitt | Preacher | atal bakarra |
1989 | Shadow of the Noose | Robert Wood | |
1989 | Dramarama | British Ambassador | atal bakarra |
1990 | Ruth Rendell Mysteries | Zeno Vedast | 3 atal |
1991 | Agatha Christie's Poirot | Claude Langton | atal bakarra |
1991 | Selling Hitler | Thomas Walde | |
1991 | Titmuss Regained | Ken Cracken | 3 atal |
1992 | Mr Wakefield's Crusade | Luke Wakefield | |
1992 | Early Travellers in North America | Robert Louis Stevenson | |
1992 | The Secret Agent | Mr. Vladimir | |
1993 | The Comic Strip Presents... | John | atal bakarra |
1993 | Stay Lucky | Robin | atal bakarra |
1993 | Prime Suspect | Vernon "Vera" Reynolds | 3. denboraldia |
1994 | Chandler & Co | Larry Blakeson | |
1994 | The All New Alexei Sayle Show | Doug Hatton | atal bakarra |
1994−1996 | The Vicar of Dibley | Tristan Campbell | 2 atal |
1996 | Delta Wave | Dinsdale Draco | 2 atal |
1996 | Neverwhere | Islington | 4 atal |
1996 | The Crow Road | Rory McHoan | 4 atal |
1997 | The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling | Lord Fellamar | 3 atal |
1999 | Psychos | Mark Collins | atal bakarra |
2001 | High Stakes | Michael Calderwood | atal bakarra |
2003 | In Deep | Jeremy | atal bakarra |
2003 | Fortysomething | Dr. Ronnie Pilfrey | 5 atal |
2003 | Judge John Deed | Alan Roxborough, MP | atal bakarra |
2004 | Sea of Souls | Gordon Fleming | atal bakarra |
2004 | My Family | Colin Judd | atal bakarra |
2004 | Foyle's War | Raymond Carter | atal bakarra |
2004 | Peep Show | Alistair MacLeish irakaslea | atal bakarra |
2005 | The Afternoon Play | Billy Shannon | atal bakarra |
2005−2012 | The Thick of It | Malcolm Tucker | |
2006 | Donovan | Dr. Angus Baldwin | atal bakarra |
2006 | Midsomer Murders | Lawrence Barker | atal bakarra |
2006 | Haunted Hogmanay | Jeff Wylie | |
2007 | Waking the Dead | Lucien Calvin | atal bakarra |
2007 | Coming Up | Joe | atal bakarra |
2007 | Fallen Angel | Henry Appleton | |
2007−2008 | Skins | Mark Jenkins | 3 atal |
2008 | Doctor Who | Caecilius | The Fires of Pompeii atala |
2008 | Midnight Man | Trevor | |
2008 | Glendogie Bogey | Jeff Wylie | |
2008 | The Devil's Whore | Karlos I.a | |
2009 | Torchwood: Children of Earth | John Frobisher | |
2009 | Getting On | Doktorea | atal bakarra 1. eta 2. denboraldietako zuzendaria |
2009 | A Portrait of Scotland | Ell mateix | Idazlea |
2010 | Ten Minute Tales | The Man | |
2010 | Accused | Frank Ryland | atal bakarra |
2010 | The Nativity | Balthazar | BBC-ren adaptazioa 4 atal |
2010 | Audi iragarkia | Narratzailea | |
2011 | The Penguins of Madagascar | Nigel osaba | atal bakarra |
2011 | The Suspicions of Mr Whicher | Samuel Kent | ITV adaptazioa |
2011 | The Field of Blood | Dr. Pete | BBC adaptazioa |
2011, 2018 | Natural World | Narratzailea | 2 atal |
2012 | The Cricklewood Greats | Ell mateix | Idazlea |
2012 | The Hour | Randall Brown | |
2010 | BBC Two iragarkia | Narratzailea | |
2013 | Inside the Mind of Leonardo | Leonardo da Vinci | Dokumentala |
2013 | Anchor iragarkia | Narratzailea | |
2013−2017 | Doctor Who | Hamabigarren Doktorea | 8., 9. eta 10. denboraldiak |
2014 | The Musketeers | Richelieu kardinala | |
Unlock Art: Exploring the Surreal | Aurkezlea | Laburmetraia | |
Shetland | Eguraldi kazetaria | atal bakarra | |
Doctor Who: The Ultimate Companion | Bere burua | Dokumentala | |
Doctor Who: Earth Conquest – The World Tour | |||
2014–2015 | Doctor Who Extra | ||
2016 | Aliens: The Big Think | Narratzailea | Dokomentala |
Richard E. Grant on Ealing Comedies | Bere burua | ||
Class | Hamabigarren Doktorea | atal bakarra | |
Prison, My Parents and Me | Narratzailea | Dokumentala | |
2018 | Zoe Ball's Hardest Road Home | ||
James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction | Bere burua | ||
The South Bank Show | atal bakarra | ||
Watership Down | Kehaar | Ahotsa | |
2019 | How to See a Black Hole | Narratzailea | Dokumentala |
Martin's Close | Dolben | Laburmetraia | |
2020 | Being Beethoven | Ludwig van Beethoven | Ahotsa |
2022 | Riverwoods – An Untold Story | Narratzailea | Dokumentala |
Big Mouth | Seamus MacGregor | Ahota | |
2022–egun | The Devil's Hour | Gideon Shepherd | |
2024 | Criminal Record | Daniel Hegarty | Ekoizlea ere bada |
TBA | They F**k You Up | – | Zuzendaria |
Urtea | Antzezlana | Pertsonaia | Antzokia |
1974 | An Inspector Calls | Fort Theatre | |
1976 | Whaur's yer Willie Wallace noo? | Strathclyde Theatre Group | |
1983 | John, Paul, George, Ringo and Bert | John Lennon | Young Vic |
Twelfth Night | Fabian | ||
The Duenna | |||
Doom Doom Doom | Royal Court Theatre | ||
Otelo | |||
1984 | Blood Brothers | Eddie | UK tour |
Drakula | Jonathan Harker | Half Moon Theatre | |
1985 | Songs for Stray Cats and Other Living Creatures | Graeme | Paines Plough Theatre |
1986 | All the Fun of the Fair | Half Moon Theatre | |
1987 | Cabaret Downstairs | Mr. Meekie | Traverse Theatre |
1988 | The Tom and Sammy Jo Show | Tom | Tron Theatre |
1989 | Valued Friends | Howard | Hampstead Theatre |
Treats | Patrick | ||
1993 | Murder Is Easy | Luke Fitzwilliam | Duke of York's Theatre |
1998 | The Judas Kiss | Robbie Ross | Almeida Theatre |
Playhouse Theatre | |||
Broadhurst Theatre | |||
2001 | Feelgood | Paul | Garrick Theatre |
2007 | Absurdia | Various characters | Donmar Warehouse |
2011–2012 | The Ladykillers | Professor Marcus | Liverpool Playhouse |
Gielgud Theatre | |||
2021 | Constellations | Roland | Donmar Warehouse |
Urtea | Izenburua | Pertsonaia | Katea |
1995 | If You're So Clever, Why Aren't You Rich | David | BBC Radio 4] |
Medical Detectives | Dr. Peter Allen | BBC Radio 4 | |
1996 | Emotion Pictures | Wim Wenders | BBC Radio 3 |
Crime and Punishment | Reader | BBC Radio Scotland | |
1998 | The Afternoon Play: The Road Back | Gordon Cruikshank | BBC Radio 4 |
Christmas Panto | Louise | BBC Radio 4 | |
2000 | Fantastic Tales | Reader | BBC Radio 4 |
2002–2005 | Our Brave Boys | Officer Grieves | BBC Radio 4 |
2005–2006 | Baggage | Alistair | BBC Radio 4 |
2005 | A Certain Age | Andy | BBC Radio 4 |
2007 | The Making of Modern Medicine | Reader | BBC Radio 4 |
The First King of Mars | Reader | BBC Radio 4 | |
2008 | Dr. No | The Armourer | BBC Radio 4 |
The Further Adventures of the First King of Mars | Reader | BBC Radio 4 | |
2009 | The Heart of Saturday Night | Reader | BBC Radio 4 |
2009–2010 | The News at Bedtime | Jim Tweedledee | BBC Radio 4 |
2019 | Alexei Sayle's The Absence of Normal | Iosif Stalin | BBC Radio 4 |
2020 | Beethoven Can Hear You | Ludwig van Beethoven | BBC Radio 3 |
- (Ingelesez) «Twelfth Doctor» Tardis (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) Bond, Tom. (2019-02-25). «The Film That Won Peter Capaldi an Oscar» Den of Geek (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) «Thick & Spin» The Herald 2008-04-05 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) «The Dreamboys» Discogs (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) Jeffries, Stuart. (2006-08-30). «No more Mr Nice Guy» The Guardian ISSN 0261-3077. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) «Peter Capaldi: 'People ask me to tell them to #@*! off'» The Independent 2011-04-08 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) «Hail the office anti-hero» Evening Standard 2012-04-12 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) Elvy, Craig. (2019-09-17). «Doctor Who: Why Peter Capaldi Played Two Different Characters» ScreenRant (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- Press, Europa. (2014-07-11). «Primera imagen de Peter Capaldi y Jenna Coleman en la 8ª temporada de Doctor Who» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) «Peter Capaldi confirms he's leaving Doctor Who at the end of series 10» Radio Times (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- Raffan, Sandy. (2009-09-07). A Portrait of Scotland. BBC Scotland (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) McLean, Marc. (2013-08-06). «Doctor Who star Peter Capaldi : My wife has been the foundation for my career» Daily Record (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) McMonagle, Mickey. (2018-02-23). «Lewis Capaldi meets long-lost relative at London gig as Doctor Who appears» Daily Record (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved. (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).
- (Ingelesez) «Peter Capaldi: 'I would vote Yes at the next independence referendum'» The National 2022-10-28 (Noiz kontsultatua: 2023-10-23).