More Best of Leonard Cohen

More Best of Leonard Cohen Leonard Cohenek argitaratutako bere abesti ezagunen bilduma, 1997an. Diskoan beste album desberdinen kantak biltzen ditu: I'm Your Man (1988), The Future (1992), Cohen Live (1994). Horiekin batera bi kanta berri agertzen dira: "Never Any Good" (Los Angelesen 1995an grabatuta) eta "The Great Event". More Best of Leonard Cohen platinozko diskoa izan zen Polonian, 100.000 kopia baino gehiago saldu ondoren.[1]

More Best of Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen taldearen
Argitaratze data1997ko urriaren 7a
Musika motaFolk-rock
Leonard Cohen taldearen kronologia
Cohen live
More Best of Leonard Cohen Field Commander Cohen: Tour of 1979


  1. "Everybody Knows" (I'm Your Man)
  2. "I'm Your Man" (I'm Your Man)
  3. "Take This Waltz" (I'm Your Man)
  4. "Tower of Song" (I'm Your Man)
  5. "Anthem" (The Future)
  6. "Democracy" (The Future)
  7. "The Future" (The Future)
  8. "Closing Time" (The Future)
  9. "Dance Me to the End of Love" (Live in Concert)
  10. "Suzanne" (Live in Concert)
  11. "Hallelujah" (Live in Concert)
  12. "Never Any Good" (Berria)
  13. "The Great Event" (Berria)


  1. .

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