Luke Evans (aktorea)

Luke George Evans (Pontypool, Gales, 1979ko apirilaren 15a) galestar aktore bat da.

Luke Evans (aktorea)

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakLuke George Evans
JaiotzaPontypool, 1979ko apirilaren 15a (44 urte)
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
BizilekuaShoreditch (en) Itzuli
HeziketaDrama Centre London (en) Itzuli
London Studio Centre (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakzinema aktorea, antzerki aktorea eta aktorea
Lan nabarmenak
Jasotako sariak
IMDB: nm1812656 Allocine: 407255 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/luke-evans Allmovie: p655574
Facebook: therealLukeEvans Twitter: TheRealLukevans Instagram: thereallukeevans Musicbrainz: 0cd67368-7bbd-4572-b8d8-180455b61088 Songkick: 1936937 Discogs: 5627768 Edit the value on Wikidata



Urtea Filma Pertsonaia Uzendaria Oharrak
2002 Taboo Billy Video
2009 Don't Press Benjamin's Buttons Benjamin's Father Short
2010 Cowards and Monsters Paul Short
Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll Clive Richards Mat Whitecross
Clash of the Titans Apollo Louis Leterrier
Robin Hood Sheriff's Thug Ridley Scott
Tamara Drewe Andy Cobb Stephen Frears
2011 Blitz DI Craig Stokes Elliott Lester
The Three Musketeers Aramis Paul W. S. Anderson
Immortals Zeus Tarsem Singh
Flutter Adrian Giles Borg
2012 Ashes Crewcut Mat Whitecross
The Raven Inspector Emmett Fields James McTeigue
No One Lives Driver Ryuhei Kitamura
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Girion, Lord of Dale Peter Jackson Extended edition only
2013 Fast & Furious 6 Owen Shaw Justin Lin
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Bard
and Girion, Lord of Dale
Peter Jackson
2014 Dracula Untold Vlad III.a Țepeș / Drakula Gary Shore
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Bard Peter Jackson
2015 Furious 7 Owen Shaw James Wan Cameo
High-Rise Richard Wilder Ben Wheatley
2016 Message from the King Dr. Paul Wentworth Fabrice Du Welz
The Girl on the Train Scott Hipwell Tate Taylor
2017 Beauty and the Beast Gaston Bill Condon
The Fate of the Furious Owen Shaw F. Gary Gray Cameo
Professor Marston and the Wonder Women William Moulton Marston Angela Robinson
2018 State Like Sleep Meredith Danluck Post-production
10x10 Lewis Suzi Ewing
Anna Luc Besson Filming


Urtea Telesaila/Telefilma Role Oharrak
2013 The Great Train Robbery Bruce Reynolds Telesail laburra
2017 The Grand Tour Bere burua antzetuz Gonbidatua; 2. denboraldiko 6. atala
2018 The Alienist John Moore Protagonista; 10 atal


Urtea Bideo-jokoa Pertsonaia
2013 Fast & Furious: Showdown Owen Shaw (voice)

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