Eliza Dushku

Eliza Patricia Dushku (Watertown, Massachusetts, 1980ko abenduaren 30a) aktore estatubatuarra da, Buffy the Vampire Slayer telesailean antzeztu zuen Faith Lanearen paperagatik ezaguna.

Eliza Dushku

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakElizabeth Patricia Dushku
JaiotzaWatertown (Massachusetts), 1980ko abenduaren 30a (43 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
Ezkontidea(k)Peter Palandjian (en) Itzuli  (2018ko abuztuaren 18a -
HeziketaGeorge Washington University (en) Itzuli
Beaver Country Day School (en) Itzuli
Watertown High School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakaktorea, zinema aktorea, telebista-aktorea, ahots-aktorea eta antzerki aktorea

IMDB: nm0244630 Allocine: 70654 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/eliza_dushku Allmovie: p20807 TCM: 54847 TV.com: people/eliza-dushku
Facebook: OfficialElizaDushku Twitter: elizadushku Instagram: elizadushku Musicbrainz: 145b4b95-e0c3-4a5f-93b2-89b12244d579 Edit the value on Wikidata


Urtea Izenburua Pertsonaia Oharrak
1992 That Night Alice Bloom
1993 This Boy's Life Pearl
1994 Fishing with George Piper Reeves Film laburra
1994 True Lies Dana Tasker
1995 Bye Bye Love Emma
1996 Race the Sun Cindy Johnson
2000 Bring It On Missy Pantone
2001 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back Sissy
2001 Soul Survivors Annabel
2002 The New Guy Danielle
2002 City by the Sea Gina
2003 Stan Winston: Monster Mogul Bera Film laburra
2003 Wrong Turn Jessie Burlingame
2003 The Kiss Megan Bideorako
2006 The Last Supper Zerbitzaria Film laburra
2007 On Broadway Lena Wilson
2007 Nobel Son City Hall
2007 Sex and Breakfast Renee
2008 Bottle Shock Joe
2008 The Alphabet Killer Megan Paige
2008 The Coverup Monica Wright
2009 Open Graves Erica
2010 Locked In Renee
2011 Batman: Year One Selina Kyle/Catwoman Ahotsa
2011 DC Showcase: Catwoman Selina Kyle/Catwoman Ahotsa
2012 Noah's Ark: The New Beginning Zalbeth Ahotsa
2012 Dear Albania Eliza Zuzendaria
2013 Jay & Silent Bob's Super Groovy Cartoon Movie Lipstick Lesbian Ahotsa
2014 The Scribbler Silk
2014 Midnight Rider Rita
2015 Eloise Post-production
Urtea Izenburua Pertsonaia Oharrak
1995 Journey Cat Telefilma
1998–2003 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Faith 20 atal
2000–2003 Angel Faith 6 atal
2002 King of the Hill Jordan Hilgren-Bronson Atal 1
2003–2005 Tru Calling Tru Davies 26 atal
2005 That '70s Show Sarah Atal 1
2007 Nurses Eve Morrow Telefilma
2007 Ugly Betty Cameron Ashlock Atal 1
2009–2010 Dollhouse Echo/Caroline Farrell 27 atal
2010 The Big Bang Theory FBI agentea Atal 1
2010 RuPaul's Drag Race Bera Atal 1
2011 Herd Mentality Casey Telfilma
2011 Robotomy Shockzana Atal 1
2011 White Collar Raquel Laroque Atal 1
2011 The Cleveland Show Bera Atal 1
2011 The Guild Bera Atal 1
2011 Torchwood: Web of Lies Holly Mokri 7 atal
2011 The League Kristen Atal 1
2011–2012 Leap Year June Pepper 5 atal
2013–present Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk Ahotsa
2013 The Saint Patricia Holm Telefilma

Kanpo estekak

Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
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