American Chemical Society
American Chemical Society (ACS) edo American Society of Chemistry egoitza AEB-etan duen elkarte zientifiko bat da. Kimikaren alorreko ikerketak bultzatzen ditu eta 1876an sortua izan zen New Yorkeko unibertsitatean. Gaur egun, 160,000 bat kide ditu, guztiak Kimika, ingeniaritza kimikoa eta lotutako arloetako gradu akademikoekin.
ACS irabazi nahirik gabeko elkartea da eta urtean bi konbentzio nazional ospatzen ditu, kimikaren alor osoa betez. Horrez gain, dozenaka kongresu txikiago antolatzen ditu, gai zehatzagoetakoak. Bere argitalpen sailak alor akademikoko hainbat aldizkari editatzen ditu, hauen artean Journal of the American Chemical Society. Diru sarrera nagusia Chemical Abstracts Service du (edozein aldizkaritan argitaratutako kimikari buruzko artikulu zientifikoen laburpenari loturiko zerbitzua) eta honen argitalpenak. Chemical & Engineering News da gaur egun American Chemical Society-ren astekaria, bere kide guztiei bidalia. Kide hauek 189 gune geografikotan antolatzen dira eta 33 zati teknikotan.
Aldizkariak eta aldizkako argitalpenak
- Accounts of Chemical Research
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- ACS Chemical Biology
- ACS Nano
- ACS Chemical Neuroscience
- Analytical Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- Bioconjugate Chemistry
- Biomacromolecules
- Chemical & Engineering News
- Chemical Research in Toxicology
- Chemical Reviews
- Chemistry of Materials
- Crystal Growth & Design
- Energy & Fuels
- Environmental Science & Technology
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
- Journal of Chemical Education (Division of Chemical Education)
- Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (lehen "Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences" deitua.)
- Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
- Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
- Journal of Natural Products— Am. Soc. of Pharmacognosy-rekin batera argitaratua
- Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Journal of Physical Chemistry C
- Journal of Proteome Research
- Langmuir
- Macromolecules Journal
- Molecular Pharmaceutics
- Nano Letters
- Organic Letters
- Organic Process Research & Development
- Organometallics
American Chemical Society-ren Lehendakariak
- 2011 Nancy B. Jackson
- 2010 Joseph Francisco
- 2009 Thomas H. Lane
- 2008 Bruce Bursten
- 2007 Catherine T. (Katie) Hunt
- 2006 Elizabeth Ann Nalley
- 2005 William F. Carroll, Jr.
- 2004 Charles P. Casey
- 2003 Elsa Reichmanis
- 2002 Eli M. Pearce
- 2001 Attila E. Pavlath
- 2000 Daryle H. Busch
- 1999 Edel Wasserman
- 1998 Paul H. L. Walter
- 1997 Paul S. Anderson
- 1996 Ronald Breslow
- 1995 Brian M. Rushton
- 1994 Ned D. Heindel
- 1993 Helen M. Free
- 1992 Ernest L. Eliel
- 1991 S. Allen Heininger
- 1990 Paul G. Gassman
- 1989 Clayton F. Callis
- 1988 Gordon L. Nelson
- 1987 Mary L. Good
- 1986 George C. Pimentel
- 1985 Ellis K. Fields
- 1984 Warren D. Niederhauser
- 1983 Fred Basolo
- 1982 Robert W. Parry
- 1981 Albert C. Zettlemoyer
- 1980 James D. D`Ianni
- 1979 Gardner W. Stacy
- 1978 Anna J. Harrison
- 1977 Henry A. Hill
- 1976 Glenn T. Seaborg
- 1975 William J. Bailey
- 1974 Bernard S. Friedman
- 1973 Alan C. Nixon
- 1972 Max Tishler
- 1971 Melvin Calvin
- 1970 Byron Riegel
- 1969 Wallace R. Brode
- 1968 Robert W. Cairns
- 1967 Charles G. Overberger
- 1966 William J. Sparks
- 1965 Charles C. Price
- 1964 Maurice H. Arveson
- 1963 Henry Eyring
- 1962 Karl Folkers
- 1961 Arthur C. Cope
- 1960 Albert L. Elder
- 1959 John C. Bailar, Jr.
- 1958 Clifford F. Rassweiler
- 1957 Roger J. Williams
- 1956 John C. Warner
- 1955 Joel H. Hildebrand
- 1954 Harry L. Fisher
- 1953 Farrington Daniels
- 1952 Edgar C. Britton
- 1951 N. Howell Funnan
- 1950 Ernest H. Volwiler
- 1949 Linus Pauling
- 1948 Charles A. Thomas
- 1947 W. Albert Noyes, Jr.
- 1946 Bradley Dewey
- 1945 Carl S. Marvel
- 1944 Thomas Midgley, Jr.
- 1943 Per K. Frolich
- 1942 Harry N. Holmes
- 1941 William Lloyd Evans
- 1940 Samuel C. Lind
- 1939 Charles A. Kraus
- 1938 Frank C. Whitmore
- 1937 Edward R. Weidlein
- 1936 Edward Bartow
- 1935 Roger Adams
- 1934 Charles L. Reese
- 1933 Arthur B. Lamb
- 1932 L. V. Redman
- 1931 Moses Gomberg
- 1930 William McPherson
- 1929 Irving Langmuir
- 1928 Samuel W. Parr
- 1927 George D. Rosengarten
- 1926 James F. Norris
- 1925 James F. Norris
- 1924 Leo H. Baekeland
- 1923 Edward C. Franklin
- 1922 Edgar Fahs Smith
- 1921 Edgar Fahs Smith
- 1920 William A. Noyes
- 1919 William H. Nichols
- 1918 William H. Nichols
- 1917 Julius Stieglitz
- 1916 Charles H. Herty
- 1915 Charles H. Herty
- 1914 Theodore W. Richards
- 1913 Arthur D. Little
- 1912 Arthur D. Little
- 1911 Alexander Smith
- 1910 Wilder D. Bancroft
- 1909 Willis R. Whitney
- 1908 Marston T. Bogert
- 1907 Marston T. Bogert
- 1906 William F. Hillebrand
- 1905 Francis P. Venable
- 1904 Arthur A. Noyes
- 1903 John H. Long
- 1902 Ira Remsen
- 1901 Frank W. Clarke
- 1900 William McMurtrie
- 1899 Edward W. Morley
- 1898 Charles E. Munroe
- 1897 Charles B. Dudley
- 1896 Charles Benjamin Dudley
- 1895 Edgar Fahs Smith
- 1894 Harvey W. Wiley
- 1893 Harvey W. Wiley
- 1892 George C. Caldwell
- 1891 George F. Barker
- 1890 Henry B. Nason
- 1889 Charles F. Chandler
- 1888 T. Sterry Hunt
- 1887 Charles A. Goessmann
- 1886 Albert B. Prescott
- 1885 James C. Booth
- 1884 James C. Booth
- 1883 James C. Booth
- 1882 John W. Mallet
- 1881 Charles F. Chandler
- 1880 Frederick A. Genth
- 1879 T. Sterry Hunt
- 1878 Samuel W. Johnson
- 1877 J. Lawrence Smith
- 1876 John W. Draper