Against the Grain

Against the Grain Bad Religionen 5. diska da eta 1990. urtean kaleratu zuten Epitaph zigiluarekin.

Against the Grain
Bad Religion taldearen Punk Rock, Hardcore
Argitaratze data1990eko Azaroaren 23a
Grabazioa1990eko Maiatza
DiskoetxeaEpitaph Records
EkoizpenaBrett Gurewitz

Abestien Zerrenda

  1. Modern Man
  2. Turn on the Light
  3. Get Off
  4. Blenderhead
  5. The Positive Aspect of Negative Thinking
  6. Anesthesia
  7. Flat Earth Society
  8. Faith Alone
  9. Entropy
  10. Against the Grain
  11. Operation Rescue
  12. God Song
  13. 21st Century Digital Boy
  14. Misery and Famine
  15. Unacceptable
  16. Quality or Quantity
  17. Walk Away

Kanpo estekak

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